
Meklēšanas rezultāti

Tiek rādīts Nr. 10 no 15 rezultāti


FACT_SHEET 30-01-2024

Sports ir joma, kurā ES pilnvaras ir salīdzinoši jaunas, proti, tās iegūtas tikai līdz ar Lisabonas līguma stāšanos spēkā 2009. gada decembrī. ES atbild par pierādījumos balstītas politikas izstrādi, sadarbības sekmēšanu un vadības iniciatīvu virzīšanu nolūkā atbalstīt fiziskās aktivitātes un sportu visā Eiropā. Programmas Erasmus+ (2014–2020) ietvaros pirmo reizi tika izveidota īpaša budžeta pozīcija, no kuras atbalstīt projektus un tīklojuma struktūras sporta jomā.


FACT_SHEET 16-01-2024

Eiropas Savienības darbības kultūras jomā papildina dalībvalstu kultūras politiku dažādās jomās, piemēram, attiecībā uz Eiropas kultūras mantojuma aizsardzību, dažādu valstu kultūras iestāžu sadarbību un radošo darbinieku mobilitātes sekmēšanu. Uz kultūras nozari attiecas arī tie Līgumu noteikumi, kas nav tieši saistīti ar kultūras jomu.

Audiovizuālā un mediju politika

FACT_SHEET 07-12-2023

Audiovizuālo politiku Eiropas Savienībā nosaka Līguma par Eiropas Savienības darbību (LESD) 167. un 173. pants. Šīs jomas nozīmīgākais tiesību akts ir Audiovizuālo mediju pakalpojumu direktīva, kas tika pārskatīta 2018. gadā. Galvenais ES instruments, ar kuru palīdzēt nozares (īpaši filmu nozares) attīstībai, ir programmas “Radošā Eiropa” sadaļa MEDIA. Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību hartā noteikts, ka tiek ievērota plašsaziņas līdzekļu brīvība un plurālisms.

Komunikācijas politika

FACT_SHEET 16-11-2023

Juridiskais pamats nepieciešamībai pēc efektīvas komunikācijas atrodams Eiropas Savienības Pamattiesību hartā (Harta), kas nodrošina visiem pilsoņiem tiesības būt informētiem par ES jautājumiem. ES iestādes ir izstrādājušas vairākus rīkus un pakalpojumus, lai uzturētu komunikāciju ar sabiedrību un to informētu. Eiropas pilsoņu iniciatīva kopš tās oficiālas uzsākšanas 2012. gadā ļauj pilsoņiem tiešāk iesaistīties jaunu tiesību aktu veidošanā un ES jautājumos.

The Commissioner-designate, Iliana Ivanova, appeared before the European Parliament on 5 September 2023 to answer questions put by MEPs from the Committees on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and on Culture and Education (CULT). During the hearing, she made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to her portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to her by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, including: • Education ...

This At a glance note summarises the study on The European Schools system: State of Play, Challenges and Perspectives. The study examines the progress that the European Schools System has made during the past decade and overviews its state of affairs as of 2022. The educational dimension of the study focuses on questions related to teaching and learning, while the operational one concentrates on the administrative and managerial sides of the system. The study pinpoints the key challenges that the ...

The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission have committed to listen to Europeans and to follow up, within their sphere of competences, on the recommendations made. In this framework, four European Citizens’ Panels have been organized to allow citizens to jointly think about the future they want for the European Union • Panel 1 - "Stronger economy, social justice, jobs, education, culture, sport, digital transformation" • Panel 2 - "EU democracy, values, rights, rule of law ...

As part of the Conference on the Future of Europe, 800 citizens debated their ideas for the European Union in four thematic panels. The citizens involved in Panel 4 considered the possibilities for two related themes: the EU in the world and migration. This publication presents their recommendations, as well as a selection of related European Parliament resolutions and EU legislation, funding programmes and other activities. These background elements are not exhaustive, but have been selected to ...

Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU has been entitled to support, coordinate or complement Member States’ activities in sport. European sports policies of the past decade are characterised by numerous activities and by on-going differentiation. Against this backdrop, the study presents policy options in four key areas: the first covers the need for stronger coordination; the second aims at the setting of thematic priorities; the third addresses the reinforcement of the role of ...

Cultural and creative sectors (CCS) have been hit hard by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study analyses the so far effects of the crisis on the CCS, as well as the policy responses that are formulated to support the sectors. Based on the analysis, policy recommendations are formulated to further improve the resilience of the CCS in Europe in the medium and longer term.