
Meklēšanas rezultāti

Tiek rādīts Nr. 10 no 30 rezultāti

This At a glance note summaries the study on Training and social security schemes for fishers. The study presents the current state of play of the mutual recognition of certificates of competency of EU fishers and the functioning of the social security schemes that cover them. Based on the analysis of these topics, the study discusses the impact of the current situation on the mobility of fishers, on the fishing sector’s working risks and security and ultimately on the attractiveness of the fishing ...

Legal migration policy and law

Pētījums 01-09-2021

This European added value assessment (EAVA) has been written with the aim of providing support to the ongoing work on a European Parliament legislative-initiative report on legal migration policy and law (2020/2255(INI)). The assessment reviews the key issues concerning legal migration in the status quo (with a focus on labour migration) and discusses the reasons why the EU should take action. It then explores a selection of possible EU actions, that include recognising migrants' qualifications, ...

The regulations on admission to the occupation of road transport operator and on access to the international road transport market have been contributing to the functioning of EU road transport and fairer competition between resident and non-resident hauliers since December 2011. Despite the improvements they have brought to the sector, persistent shortcomings such as diverging national application of the rules and uneven enforcement called for a revision of both acts. On 31 May 2017, as part of ...

The Bologna Declaration marked the launch of the Bologna Process, which led to the formation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in 2010. The process now brings together 48 European countries in a common effort to achieve compatible and comparable higher education systems. Participants face the challenge of making different systems more easily recognisable whilst respecting academic freedom and autonomy, as well as cultural and linguistic diversity.

This study analyses the impact on labour mobility and employment of the 2013 revision of the Professional Qualifications Directive (DIR 2005/36) and related EU initiatives. It analyses trends in mobility and recognition, focussing on the health sector and four country case studies- Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Romania. It reports findings from consultations with stakeholders at EU and national level and highlights best practice. This document was provided by Policy Department A at the request ...

The United Kingdom (UK) will leave the European Union next 29 March 2019. The potential impact of the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union on the recognition of qualifications depends on the nature of the qualifications as different regulatory regimes apply to academic as against professional qualifications. In the case of academic qualifications, this issue falls within national competence, although supporting policies have been implemented at European level. Brexit should not have substantial ...

Diplomu savstarpēja atzīšana

FACT_SHEET 01-11-2017

Brīvība veikt uzņēmējdarbību un brīvība sniegt pakalpojumus ir viens no vienotā tirgus stūrakmeņiem, kas nodrošina uzņēmumu un speciālistu mobilitāti Savienībā. Lai šīs brīvības varētu īstenot, ir nepieciešama valstu izsniegto diplomu un kvalifikāciju vispārēja atzīšana. Jau pieņemti dažādi pasākumi to saskaņošanai un savstarpējai atzīšanai un turpinās darbs pie papildu likumdošanas pasākumiem šajā jomā.

This document was prepared by Policy Department A: Economic and Scientific Policy, at the request of the Committee for the Internal Market and Consumer Affairs. After setting out the background of recent EU initiatives in the realm of services, in particular professional services, it explains in considerable detail the new Restrictiveness Indicator for Professional Services developed by the European Commission, followed by a careful assessment based on seven queries. It shows that, technically, this ...

Augstākā izglītība

FACT_SHEET 01-09-2017

Saskaņā ar subsidiaritātes principu katra dalībvalsts par savu augstākās izglītības politiku lemj atsevišķi. Tādēļ ES loma ir saistīta galvenokārt ar atbalstu un koordinēšanu. Galvenie Savienības rīcības mērķi augstākās izglītības jomā cita starpā ir šādi: atbalstīt studentu un personāla mobilitāti, veicināt diplomu un studiju posmu savstarpēju atzīšanu, sekmēt augstākās izglītības iestāžu sadarbību un veicināt tālmācības (augstskolu līmenī) attīstību.

On 11 May 2017, the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament authorised its Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) to draw up a report on the implementation of Directive 2005/36/EC regarding regulation and the need for reform in professional services. The timetable envisaged for the preparation of this report was then adapted to the one for the report on the legislative proposal for a proportionality test before adoption of new regulation of professions, also being ...