
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 5 minn 5 riżultati

This study analyses the policy developments since the Commission’s 2011 agenda for the modernisation of Europe’s higher education systems and assess the developments against the aims of the agenda. Second, it summarises most important achievements, shortcomings and challenges, to assess the effectiveness of the policy measures taken to reach the objectives set out in the 2011 agenda. Third, it assesses the renewed EU agenda in the light of these achievements, shortcomings and challenges and its renewed ...

Dan l-istudju janalizza l-użu attwali ta’ Riżorsi Edukattivi Miftuħa fledukazzjoni tal-adulti, jevalwa l-potenzjal tagħhom u jagħmel rakkomandazzjonijiet għal interventi ta’ politika, fil-qies tal-oqfsa ta’ politika tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea. Jinkorpora riċerka ġdida dwar aktar minn 12-il Stat Membru, jibni fuq sinteżi tar-riċerka eżistenti minn firxa ta’ proġetti fosthom POERUP (Policies for OER Uptake ) u fuq studju tal- 2014-15 dwar Riżorsi Edukattivi Miftuħa Konġunti għaċ-Ċentru Konġunt ta’ Riċerka ...

The digital revolution is transforming our work, our organisations and our routines. It is transforming the way children and young people play, access information, communicate with each other and learn. But, so far, this revolution has not transformed most schools or most teaching and learning process in classrooms. There is no doubt that education has an important role to play in increasing the European competitiveness and reducing unemployment, but what can policy makers do to take full advantage ...

Educational technology encompasses a wide array of technologies and methodologies that are shaped by stakeholders’ behaviours and affected by contextual factors that, if adequately mixed, can contribute to students and teachers better achieving their goals. Such a wide and complex task cannot be addressed by a simple and single intervention. Comprehensive on-going policies are required, covering technology, methodology, economic and regulatory aspects; in addition,  such policies are dependent on ...

Digital opportunities for education in the EU

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 31-03-2014

The world of education is currently undergoing massive transformation as a result of the digital revolution. In the European Union (EU), children become active online from the age of 7, and 76% of EU households have access to broadband Internet. However, research shows that early use of digital technologies is not necessarily linked to good digital competencies. As jobs are becoming more 'knowledge and digital skills-intensive', continued investment in upgrading education and training systems will ...