
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 6 minn 6 riżultati

The EU celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties a year ago by pledging to enhance the EU’s role as a global player, in line with the 2016 Global Strategy. This was intended to develop the EU’s role in security and defence matters, starting with increasing support for the European defence industry and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as a whole, as well as reinforcing existing or developing new partnerships and pushing for further global engagement in support of the UN system ...

L-akkwakultura Ewropea

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-09-2017

L-akkwakultura Ewropea qiegħda tistaġna b'kuntrast maż-żieda fir-rati tal-produzzjoni tal-akkwakultura fuq livell dinji. Il-Kummissjoni ppubblikat żewġ komunikazzjonijiet bi strateġiji għall-iżvilupp tal-akkwakultura Ewropea, waħda fl-2002 u oħra fl-2009, biex tipprova tnaqqas din it-tendenza. L-istrateġija tal-2002 naqset milli żżid il-produzzjoni Ewropea, filwaqt li l-kriżi ekonomika globali laqtet is-suq u l-industrija tal-akkwakultura. Dan wassal għall-pubblikazzjoni tat-tielet komunikazzjoni ...

L-għajnuna strutturali għas-sajd

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-09-2017

Il-politika Ewropea tas-sajd, li fil-bidu kienet iffinanzjata mill-Istrument Finanzjarju għall-Gwida tas-Sajd (SFGS), ġiet iffinanzjata mill-Fond Ewropew għas-Sajd (FES) għall-perjodu 2007-2013, u fil-preżent hija ffinanzjata mill-Fond Ewropew għall-Affarijiet Marittimi u s-Sajd (FEMS) il-ġdid, b'valur ta' EUR 6.4 biljun, għall-perjodu 2014-2020. Il-FEMS jgħin lis-sajjieda fit-tranżizzjoni lejn sajd sostenibbli, jappoġġja l-komunitajiet kostali fid-diversifikazzjoni tal-ekonomiji tagħhom u jiffinanzja ...

Over the past decade, the global car industry has undergone a gradual but significant shift in sales and production numbers from developed into developing markets. This shift has plunged many European car manufacturers into a particularly difficult structural crisis as they have had to grapple with falling domestic sales and growing overcapacity issues. The economic importance of Europe’s car sector underscores the potential damage that this crisis may inflict on many EU member states. Increasing ...

EU industry: boosting growth and jobs

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 15-11-2012

Since 2008, output and employment in European industry have declined. To stimulate recovery, the European Commission (EC) has proposed a series of measures focused on improving industrial competitiveness and investment in innovation. Budgetary constraints, slow implementation and complex regulation pose challenges to the success of these initiatives.

Compilation of briefing papers assessing the impacts of the financial and economic crisis on the automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries in the EU.