
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 9 minn 9 riżultati

This introductory briefing paper introduce five key messages on how the Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps (ESC) and Creative Europe (CE) programmes (and the proposals for successor programmes) address environmental challenges.

EU-Africa academic cooperation

Briefing 12-12-2019

EU-Africa academic cooperation is one of the priority of the strategic partnership between both regions. It allows the mobility of students, researchers and academic staff as well as the cooperation between academic institutions from both regions. The cooperation is supported, not least with the EU funds, through the Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programmes as well as through the Inter-Africa Mobility Scheme. With the new financial perspective and the new ‘post-Cotonou’ agreement, still in negotiations ...

Politika lingwistika

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-09-2017

Bħala parti mill-isforzi tagħha biex tippromwovi l-mobilità u l-fehim interkulturali, l-UE għażlet it-tagħlim tal-lingwi bħala prijorità importanti u tiffinanzja għadd ta' programmi u proġetti f'dan il-qasam. Fil-fehma tal-UE, il-multilingwiżmu huwa element importanti tal-kompetittività Ewropea. Għalhekk, wieħed mill-objettivi tal-politika lingwistika tal-UE huwa li kull ċittadin Ewropew għandu jkollu ħakma tajba ta' żewġ lingwi oħra flimkien mal-lingwa materna tiegħu.


Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-02-2017

Iż-żgħażagħ jikkostitwixxu qasam tal-politika nazzjonali. Għalhekk, l-armonizzazzjoni tal-leġiżlazzjoni tal-Istati Membri hija eskluża. Fil-livell Ewropew, il-politika taż-żgħażagħ hija deċiża skont il-proċedura leġiżlattiva ordinarja. Il-qasam taż-żgħażagħ tal-programm Erasmus+ jinkoraġġixxi l-iskambji ta' żgħażagħ fi ħdan l-UE kif ukoll ma' pajjiżi terzi.

The six Western Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia – are united by the common goal of joining the EU. However, they still face divisions, both infrastructural and political, and are confronted, among other things, by a dire economic situation and bilateral disputes and instability. In 2014, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker announced a five-year halt on enlargement. This distancing of the membership ...

At a time of rising concerns in Europe over radicalisation and violent extremism, the role that education and intercultural dialogue can play in promoting respect for diversity, pluralism and human rights is increasingly under the spotlight.

Il-programm Erasmus għal Kulħadd (2014-2020) propost jimmira li jlaqqa’ flimkien firxa wiesgħa ta’ attivitajiet tal-UE fl-edukazzjoni għolja, tal-iskola, vokazzjonali u tal-adulti, fil-politika taż-żgħażagħ u fl-isports fil-livelli lokali. Din in-nota informattiva tippreżenta u tanalizza l-istruttura tal-kuntest, tal-arkitettura, tal-kontenut u tal-ġestjoni proposta. Ukoll, tagħmel għaxar rakkomandazzjonijiet sabiex tiżgura li l-programm propost mhux biss ifittex li jissimplifika l-effiċjenza tal-ġestjoni ...

Whilst commonly understood, "youth" is a difficult concept to define from a policy-making perspective. Nevertheless in the eyes of national governments and European leaders, youth policy has grown increasingly important in recent years.

In the EU Member States there are more than 50 million young people aged between 15 and 25. It is the Member States which are main responsible for the area of youth. However, since its creation the European Community has supported the national measures, in particular by establishing different action programmes, such as the Youth for Europe Programme (1988), the European Voluntary Service for Young People (1996) and the current Youth Programme (2000). The European Community would like to further ...