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How the EU Treaties are modified

Briefing 30-08-2022

With the Conference on the Future of Europe now at an end, a new phase has started: that of following up on the more than 320 recommendations it produced. This process is however a complicated one. Legally, ways to implement the Conference's recommendations may require changes to the European Union (EU) Treaties, which is a complex and challenging process. Politically, debating how to implement reforms and deciding to what extent to modify the EU legal system may require intense negotiations. The ...

This document presents the proposed amendments to the Treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). The note outlines the relevant changes and provides a comparison between the current ESM Treaty and the proposed amended one. This note will be updated in light of relevant developments and it complements two separate EGOV briefings: The European Stability Mechanism: Main Features, Instruments and Accountability and the ESM Pandemic Crisis Support.

How EU Treaties are changed

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 20-09-2019

The EU's founding Treaties have been revised by the Member States in numerous rounds of reforms. Such Treaty revision is a way to ensure that EU primary law evolves, adapts, and responds to new developments and changing needs. The last comprehensive Treaty reform dates back to the Lisbon Treaty, which entered into force on 1 December 2009. While another comprehensive Treaty change is not yet on the agenda, the recent debates on the 'Future of Europe' triggered a number of reform proposals, some of ...

As the only European Union institution elected directly, the European Parliament is at the heart of representative democracy, the foundation upon which the EU is built. Since its creation, the Parliament’s powers have evolved significantly, transforming it into a full-fledged legislative body and forum of discussion and engagement, whose influence is felt in virtually all areas of EU activity. This paper provides an overview of the European Parliament's main powers, demonstrating how they interact ...

This in-depth analysis, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, recalls the earlier debates linking the enlargement of the Union with the need to adapt its constitutional framework, and discusses whether further constitutional reforms, involving Treaty change or not, are necessary when a further enlargement of the Union will take place in the near future. It focuses on three ...

Mapping the 'Future of the EU' debate

Mad-Daqqa t’Għajn 20-06-2017

Although calls for reform of the EU have increased in recent years, in particular as a consequence of the various challenges the EU has faced, the UK's vote in June 2016 on its EU membership has accelerated this process. In this context, the main EU institutions have all contributed to the debate, while individual Member States or groups of Member States have also brought forward initiatives. The main positions are outlined in this 'at a glance' note.

It-Trattat ta' Lisbona

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-06-2017

Din l-iskeda informattiva tippreżenta l-isfond u d-dispożizzjonijiet essenzjali tat-Trattat ta' Lisbona. L-objettiv huwa li jingħata kuntest storiku b'rabta mal-evoluzzjoni ta' dan l-aħħar test fundamentali tal-UE mit-testi l-oħrajn li ġew qablu. Id-dispożizzjonijiet speċifiċi (bir-referenzi għall-artikoli) u l-effetti tagħhom fuq il-politiki tal-Unjoni Ewropea huma spjegati f'iktar dettall fl-iskedi informattivi li jittrattaw il-politiki u l-kwistjonijiet partikolari.

L-iżviluppi li saru sal-Att Uniku Ewropew

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-04-2017

L-iżviluppi ewlenin tal-ewwel Trattati huma relatati mal-ħolqien tar-riżorsi proprji tal-Komunità, mar-rinfurzar tas-setgħat baġitarji tal-Parlament, mal-elezzjoni permezz ta' votazzjoni universali diretta u mal-istabbiliment tas-Sistema Monetarja Ewropea. Id-dħul fis-seħħ tal-Att Uniku Ewropew fl-1986, li biddel b'mod sostanzjali t-Trattat ta' Ruma, saħħaħ l-integrazzjoni permezz tal-ħolqien ta' suq intern kbir.

Il-proċeduri intergovernattivi tat-teħid ta' deċiżonijiet

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-04-2017

Fil-Politika Estera u ta' Sigurtà Komuni kif ukoll f'diversi oqsma oħra, bħall-kooperazzjoni msaħħa, ċerti ħatriet u r-reviżjoni tat-Trattati, il-proċedura tat-teħid ta' deċiżjonijiet hija differenti minn dik imħaddma fil-proċedura leġiżlattiva ordinarja. Il-fattur dominanti f'dawn l-oqsma huwa komponent aktar qawwi ta' kooperazzjoni intergovernattiva. L-isfida tal-kriżi tad-dejn pubbliku wasslet biex dawn il-mekkaniżmi tat-teħid ta' deċiżjonijiet jintużaw aktar, partikolarment fil-qafas tal-governanza ...

Citizens’ expectations of the European Union vary widely across policy areas. A Eurobarometer survey – Europeans in 2016: Perceptions and expectations, fight against terrorism and radicalisation – seeks to identify those areas in which EU citizens want to see the Union doing more. Having identified areas in which there is a gap between the EU’s current action and citizens’ expectations of the Union, the next step is to look at the potential – within the constraints of the EU legal foundations – for ...