Think Tank

Think Tank

Think Tank

De documenten die bijdragen aan de vormgeving van nieuwe EU-wetgeving

Laatste gepubliceerde documenten

Gepubliceerd op 18-04-2024

The supplementary protection certificate (SPC) is a specific intellectual property right that extends the basic patent's market exclusivity for plant protection products. The unitary patent became operational in the EU on 1 June 2023, unifying patent protection in all participating Member States. Despite this significant change, SPCs, which are inseparable from patent protection, remain regulated at national level. This fragmented regulatory approach has proven ineffective, leading to excessive administrative ...

Climate change, a global phenomenon, affects every aspect of our lives, including cultural heritage in both its forms – tangible and intangible. Extreme weather conditions expose these important elements of our cultural identity to serious threats. These threats must be addressed to protect valuable sites and preserve them for future generations. Research on climate change is not a novelty, but climate change as it relates to cultural heritage is a relatively new area of exploration and policy. The ...

Gepubliceerd op 17-04-2024

Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA) was set up on 10 March 2022. Chaired by MEP Jeroen LENAERS, PEGA Committee investigated infringements and maladministration in application of EU law in relation to the use of Pegasus and equivalent spyware surveillance software. Spyware and other hacking techniques are critical threats to privacy, data protection and democracy in the EU. They serve oppressive agendas against journalists, political activists ...

A key function of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is to serve for its members as a forum for the negotiation of global trade rules. However, since the WTO's foundation in 1995, WTO members have largely failed to meet their self-defined negotiating objectives as set out in the comprehensive 2001 Doha Development Agenda (DDA). By the time of the 2024 Abu Dhabi Ministerial Conference, WTO members had settled on merely two multilateral agreements in almost 30 years: a 2013 agreement on trade facilitation ...

Toekomstige activiteiten

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Workshops EPRS

What is the EU doing for 'Climate Refugees'?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Joanna Apap, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Workshops EPRS

What is the EU doing to safeguard the mental health of its citizens?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Virginia Mahieu, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

EPRS Policy Talks 2023-2024
Workshops EPRS

What is the EU doing on EU climate action?

You are invited to come in the EP new Info Hub - left to the European Parliament' main entrance (Esplanade Solidarność in Brussels) - to have a conversation with Henrique Andre Morgado Simoes, policy expert in the European Parliament Research Service, to learn more on what is the EU doing on this subject.

Please just drop in! No registration is required.

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