
Uw resultaten

Resultaat 4 van 4 resultaten

This Study has been commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee. It provides a situational analysis of the gender gap in EU and Member States public sector, administration and sphere and identifies promising policy measures for reducing it.

The importance of the European PES Network has been growing since its establishment in 2014. Its to the design of relevant European policy initiatives has been most notable regarding the European Pillar of Social Rights, the integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market and the reinforced Youth Guarantee. Substantial changes in the world of work are impacting public employment services. Their future work will be informed by two strategic policy priorities set by the European Commission ...

This paper explores the risk of precarious work in privatised utilities, based on data analysis and literature review. It examines the history of privatisation of utilities in the EU including programme countries and the impact that this has had on levels of employment. Moreover, it presents a range of measures to cushion adverse effects. This document was prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.

Vrij verkeer van werknemers

Infopagina's over de EU 01-06-2017

Een van de vier vrijheden die EU-burgers genieten, is het vrij verkeer van werknemers. Dit omvat het reis- en verblijfsrecht van werknemers, het inreis- en verblijfsrecht van familieleden en het recht om in een andere EU-lidstaat te werken en op gelijke voet met de onderdanen van die lidstaat te worden behandeld. In een aantal landen gelden beperkingen voor burgers uit nieuwe lidstaten. De regels betreffende de toegang tot sociale uitkeringen wordt momenteel in de eerste plaats bepaald door de jurisprudentie ...