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Resultaat 10 van 56 resultaten

Sixty years ago, on 5 February 1963, the European Court of Justice handed down the first in a series of landmark judgments that laid the constitutional foundations of the EU legal order. The seminal case of Van Gend & Loos offered the Court an opportunity to proclaim the doctrine of the direct effect of EU law within the legal orders of the Member States. In practice, this means that individuals may claim rights directly under EU law and enforce those rights before national courts. The Van Gend & ...

Voor de uitvoering van het nationale herstel- en veerkrachtplan zal Nederland 4 707,6 miljoen EUR aan subsidies ontvangen in het kader van de herstel- en veerkrachtfaciliteit (RRF), het EU-instrument om de sociaal-economische gevolgen van de COVID 19-pandemie aan te pakken. Deze subsidies zullen de totale kosten van het plan, die op 4 708,3 miljoen EUR worden geraamd, bijna volledig dekken. Tot dusver heeft Nederland geen leningen aangevraagd. Het plan is relatief klein vergeleken met de plannen ...

At national level, the Dutch supreme audit institution, the Netherlands Court of Audit (Algemene Rekenkamer), is headed by three board members, who are appointed for life. However, board members can either end their term on their own initiative. They have to retire when they reach the age of 70. The Dutch Supreme Court (Hoge Raad) can also decide to end their mandate following misconduct, based on the compatibility law.

The Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee decided to send a delegation to The Hague on 23-25 May 2022 to find out what is being done to prevent and combat human trafficking. This Briefing written by the Policy Department C describes the actions undertaken by the National Government, the Judiciary, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European agencies and the United Nations. It provides also experts' opinions.

This study is the third in a series of three, commissioned for a PECH Committee Workshop. It reviews the potential impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) on the fishing opportunities aspects for the EU fishing industry in 2021 and 2025. An EU-wide assessment is complemented with two case studies on the Netherlands and France. In 2021, the adjustments of fishing opportunities for biological reasons for certain stocks had more impacts than the quota transfers foreseen by the EU-UK ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, provides an overview of women on board policies in the EU Member States. analyses, in more detail, policies and practices as well as their impact on women’s board presentation in Spain, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Germany. The study concludes by recommending a timely adoption of the adoption of the proposed Directive COM(2012) 614 final ...

De lidstaten zijn op grond van de bindende klimaat- en energiewetgeving van de EU verplicht nationale energie- en klimaatplannen (NECP’s) voor de periode 2021-2030 vast te stellen. In oktober 2020 heeft de Europese Commissie voor elk NECP een beoordeling gepubliceerd. Nederland heeft zijn NECP in november 2019 ingediend. Een groot deel van de Nederlanders (73 %) vindt dat de verantwoordelijkheid voor het aanpakken van het klimaatprobleem bij nationale regeringen hoort te liggen. Nederland veroorzaakt ...

Model estimates of NPLs of a large sample of banks in the euro area suggest that macro-economic factors drive NPLs. This implies that the NPL-ratio may not increase in a similar fashion as after the global financial crisis. However, the low fit of the model shows that idiosyncratic factors play a major role in explaining NPLs. This is illustrated in a case study for the Netherlands which suggests that deferred tax payments may lead to increasing NPLs. This paper was prepared by the Economic Governance ...

The study provides an overview of general impacts of the development of offshore wind farms and other marine renewables on the European fishing sector. It further highlights pathways for possible co-existence solutions of both sectors, a description of best practice examples and lessons learnt, the identification of research gaps and last but not least the presentation of policy recommendations.

On the back of a number of high profile cases and alleged cases of money laundering, this briefing presents current initiatives and actions aiming at reinforcing the anti-money laundering supervisory and regulatory framework in the EU. This briefing first outlines (1) the EU supervisory architecture and the respective roles of European and national authorities in applying anti-money laundering legislation that have been further specified in the 5th AML Directive and (2) ways that have been proposed ...