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Resultaat 10 van 118 resultaten

Road transport is a major contributor to climate change. CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) have grown steadily, and account for over a quarter of road transport CO2 emissions. On 14 February 2023, the European Commission tabled a legislative proposal to revise Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 setting CO2 emission standards for new HDVs in the EU. The proposed revision would expand the scope of the regulation to include urban buses, coaches, trailers and additional types of lorries. The average ...

Covering some 52 000 large agro-industrial installations EU-wide, the Industrial Emissions Directive is the main EU instrument regulating industrial pollutant emissions. The proposal for a revision, tabled in April 2022, seeks to bring it into line with the EU's zero pollution ambition, energy, climate and circular economy policy goals under the European Green Deal. The main changes include expanding its scope, strengthening permit requirements, and adding measures to foster innovation. Stakeholders ...

EU lawmakers signed a regulation on ensuring a level playing field for sustainable air transport, otherwise referred to as the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation, on 18 October 2023. It was published in the Official Journal on 31 October 2023 and will apply from 1 January 2024. However, Articles 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 will apply from 1 January 2025. The new regulation is a part of a legislative package to make the EU's climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse ...

Air pollution is the single largest environmental health risk in the EU and causes significant damage to ecosystems. As part of the European Green Deal's zero pollution ambition, on 26 October 2022 the Commission tabled a proposal for a revision of the Ambient Air Quality Directives. The proposed directive would set air quality standards for 2030 that are more closely aligned with the Word Health Organization's recommendations, as updated in 2021. It would also include a mechanism for the standards ...

Towards cleaner air for Europe

Kort overzicht 06-09-2023

During its September session, Parliament will vote on the report adopted by its Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) on a proposal to revise EU air quality legislation. The report as voted would form Parliament's position for negotiations with the Council, which has still to agree on its general approach.

The briefing provides an overview of the key positions taken ahead of MEPC 80 with a focus on both the setting of ambitious GHG targets under the revision to the IMO GHG Strategy and the further discussion of the basket of mid- to long-term measures needed to deliver this enhanced level of ambition.

The IA is underpinned by solid internal and external expertise and based on integrated modelling coherent with the interlinked European Green Deal and the REPowerEU initiatives. It is transparent on methods, builds on specifically updated assumptions and addresses potential uncertainties with two sensitivity analyses. Despite slight weaknesses in the definition of the problems and objectives, the intervention logic of the initiative is clear. The IA's annexes contain a lot of relevant information ...

The European Commission has proposed a regulation on methane emissions reduction in the energy sector. The proposal aims to address emissions from the oil, gas and coal sectors through measuring, reporting and verification requirements, and through setting stricter rules on leak detection and repair, as well as limiting venting and flaring. The European Parliament's Committees on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) and on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) adopted a joint report ...

The Commission mobilised considerable time and resources to prepare this initiative, in an extensive 'back to back' (ex post evaluation and ex ante impact assessment) process that started in 2018 with the set-up of the Advisory Group on Vehicle Emission Standards. The IA draws on numerous external studies, stakeholder consultations, relevant data sources and approved modelling tools (SYBIL and COPERT). In spite of some weaknesses in the definition of the problems and objectives, the intervention ...

Revision of the Ozone Regulation

Kort overzicht 27-03-2023

The Ozone Regulation, in force since January 2010, is the main legal instrument governing ozone-depleting substances (ODS). In April 2022, the European Commission proposed a new regulation on ODS aimed at increasing the efficiency of the existing measures and rules, and ensuring more comprehensive monitoring, while also making administrative simplifications and saving costs. The European Parliament is expected to vote on the proposal during the March II 2023 plenary session, and thereby set its position ...