
Uw resultaten

Resultaat 10 van 39 resultaten

During May, the European Parliament is expected to vote in plenary on granting discharge for the 2021 financial year to the different EU institutions, bodies and agencies. First on the agenda for the debate and vote on the 2021 discharge is the report covering the European Commission. The Commission manages more than 95 % of the EU budget. For the first time, the discharge will apply to the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Separate discharge is granted to the Commission concerning seven executive ...

During its May I plenary session, the European Parliament is due to vote on whether to grant discharge for the 2020 financial year to the EU's various institutions and bodies. First in line is the report on the European Commission and six executive agencies, responsible for the bulk of EU budget spending. Separate discharge is granted for management of the European development funds (EDFs). Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) recommends that Parliament grant the Commission and all ...

This briefing presents detail on the current Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027 that marks a turning point, in that it brings together all the EU’s different funds for development cooperation in a single instrument, in order to ensure consistency between different fields of external action.

Africa, a continent of strategic importance for the EU, has been in the spotlight of EU attention in recent years for a variety of reasons. In 2020, the Cotonou Agreement, which had governed EU-sub-Saharan Africa relations since 2000, was set to expire. The European Commission and EU High Representative adopted a joint communication in 2020, charting the way towards a new strategy for Africa. However, the sixth EU African Union Summit, planned for the end of 2020, was postponed due to the global ...

The proposed regulation establishing the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument comes under Heading 6, 'Neighbourhood and the World', of the new multiannual financial framework (MFF), which sets out the main priorities for the European Union's external action from 2021 to 2027. The proposed instrument, which has a budget of €70.8 billion in 2018 prices, brings together ten separate instruments and funds that existed under the 2014-2020 MFF, as well as the European Development ...

During the April plenary session, the European Parliament is expected to decide on granting discharge for the 2019 financial year to the different institutions and bodies of the European Union (EU). The first item on the agenda of the debate and vote on discharge 2019 is the report covering the European Commission (including six executive agencies) which is in charge of the management of the biggest share of the EU budget. Separate discharge is granted to the Commission concerning the management ...

During the March II plenary session, the European Parliament is expected to decide whether to grant discharge for the 2017 financial year to the different institutions and bodies of the European Union (EU). The debate will start with the report covering the European Commission (plus six executive agencies), which manages the biggest share of the EU general budget. Separate discharge is granted to the Commission concerning the management of the European Development Funds (EDFs), because the EDFs are ...

Senegal is one of the most politically stable countries in Africa. Free and fair presidential elections in March 2012, for which the EU deployed an Election Expert Mission (EEM), brought Macky Sall to the presidency. The regular organisation of legislative elections, political pluralism, a free press, and a vibrant civil society are all proof of Senegal's democratic culture. Senegal has a long tradition of migration to the EU and other African countries, and today 5 % of its population live abroad ...

Humanitaire hulp

Infopagina's over de EU 01-09-2017

Humanitaire hulp is een specifiek gebied van het externe optreden van de EU, waarbij wordt ingespeeld op behoeften die ontstaan bij door de mens veroorzaakte rampen en natuurrampen. Het directoraat-generaal Europese Civiele Bescherming en Humanitaire Hulp (ECHO) van de Commissie financiert hulpacties en coördineert het beleid en de activiteiten van de lidstaten. Het Parlement en de Raad van de EU dragen als medewetgevers bij aan de invulling van het EU-beleid inzake humanitaire hulp en nemen deel ...


Infopagina's over de EU 01-09-2017

De betrekkingen tussen de EU en Afrika worden geregeld door de Overeenkomst van Cotonou en de gezamenlijke strategie Afrika-EU, die allebei een politieke, economische en ontwikkelingsdimensie hebben. De EU werkt actief aan de bevordering van vrede en veiligheid in Afrika en voert verschillende politieke dialogen met de Afrikaanse Unie (AU), onder andere over democratie en mensenrechten. Migratie heeft zich ontwikkeld tot een kernelement van de betrekkingen tussen de EU en Afrika. Het Europees Ontwikkelingsfonds ...