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Resultaat 10 van 44 resultaten

Welke regels gelden er voor de Europese verkiezingen van 2024? Aangezien de regels per lidstaat verschillen, biedt deze infografiek een overzicht van een aantal belangrijke bepalingen voor de komende Europese verkiezingen van juni 2024. Op de eerste pagina krijgt u informatie over de verkiezingsdatum in elke lidstaat, en over de kiesstelsels, het aantal te kiezen leden en de minimumleeftijd waarop u zich kandidaat kunt stellen in elk land. Bovendien vindt u daar beknopte regels over hoe u buiten ...

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool thanks to technological advances, access to large amounts of data, machine learning and increased computing power. The release of ChatGPT at the end of 2022 was a new breakthrough in AI. It demonstrated the vast range of possibilities involved in adapting general-purpose AI to a wide array of tasks and in getting generative AI to generate synthetic content based on prompts entered by the user. In a just a few years' time, a very large share ...

In the European Union, provisions concerning prisoners' right to vote vary from one Member State to another. While a significant number of EU Member States place no restrictions at all on prisoners voting, many Member States deprive inmates of the right to vote, depending on the type of offence committed and/or the length of their sentence. A small number of Member States deprive inmates of the right to vote permanently, even after they have served their sentences. In those cases where inmates do ...

On 8 November 2022, the US will hold mid-term elections. All 435 seats of the House (of Representatives) and 35 of the 100 Senate seats are on the ballot. The mid-terms will not only shape the power distribution of the 118th US Congress (2023-2024) and the chances of legislation being passed in a highly polarised Congress but also provide insights into which direction the US may take in the 2024 presidential race. In mid-term elections, US voters typically set an end to a 'unified' government where ...

The Congress is the legislative branch of the US system of government. It is divided into two chambers: the House of Representatives (lower chamber) and the Senate (upper chamber). The formal powers of Congress are set out in Article 1 of the US Constitution, and include making laws, collecting revenue, borrowing and spending money, declaring war, making treaties with foreign nations, and overseeing the executive branch. Elections to the US Congress occur in November every second year, with the Congress ...

On 17-19 September, Russia will hold elections at local, regional and national level, most importantly to the State Duma, the lower house of the Federal Assembly. Four hundred and fifty deputies will be elected for a five-year term. Ever since 2003, the State Duma has been dominated by the pro-Putin United Russia party, which currently holds a three-quarters supermajority. With the ruling party clearly in charge, the parliament serves as little more than a rubber stamp for Kremlin and government ...

The President and Vice-President of the United States of America are not elected directly by US voters, but rather by the Electoral College, a representative body composed of 538 electors chosen by voters in parallel contests in each of the 50 US states and the District of Columbia. This body emerged during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 as a compromise designed to ensure the continuing pre-eminence of the states in the US federal system, as well as to temper what were seen then as potentially ...

In August 2020, the two major political parties in the United States (US), the Democrats and the Republicans, formally nominated their respective candidates for the 59th US presidential election, which takes place on Tuesday, 3 November 2020. An initially crowded field of contenders in the Democratic primaries developed into a two-horse race between former US Vice-President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders, with Biden declared the Democratic nominee on 18 August. He will now contest the presidential ...

Deze briefing, die door de Onderzoeksdienst van het Europees Parlement is gepubliceerd, is bedoeld om belangrijke wetenswaardigheden te verstrekken over het Europees Parlement, zowel over de zittingsperiode 2014-2019 die nu ten einde loopt, als over de zeven voorgaande zittingsperiodes sinds in juni 1979 rechtstreekse verkiezingen werden ingevoerd.

Het Europees Parlement: verkiezingsprocedures

Infopagina's over de EU 01-10-2017

De wijze waarop het Europees Parlement wordt verkozen, is zowel het resultaat van Europese wetgeving, waarin regels voor alle lidstaten worden vastgelegd, als van specifieke nationale bepalingen, die van lidstaat tot lidstaat verschillen. In de gemeenschappelijke regels is het beginsel van evenredige vertegenwoordiging vastgelegd en wordt bepaald welke functies onverenigbaar zijn met het lidmaatschap van het Europees Parlement. Voor heel wat andere belangrijke aangelegenheden, zoals het kiesstelsel ...