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As part of building a European Health Union, as well as in response to the Covid 19 pandemic, the European Commission proposed in November 2020 to reinforce the European Medicines Agency's role in crisis preparedness and the management of medicines and medical devices. The proposed regulation seeks to better anticipate possible shortages and to ensure timely development of high-quality medicinal solutions, to allow the EU to react to health crises more quickly, efficiently, and in a coordinated manner ...

What if we could renew all our cells?

Kort overzicht 20-11-2020

Regenerative medicine (RM) is an interdisciplinary field that applies engineering and life science techniques to restore tissues and organs damaged by age, disease or trauma, as well as those with congenital defects. Promising data supports the future capability of using RM across a wide array of organ systems and contexts, including surface wounds, cardiovascular diseases and traumas and treatments for certain types of cancer.

The current drug development paradigm is too drug-centred and does not sufficiently take into account the patients that will receive the new therapy. This has led to the emergence of a research gap between the pre-approval development of medicines and their post-approval use in real-world conditions. In this study, semi-structured interviews were performed with experts in drug development process. It offer an overview concerning the concept of treatment optimisation and potential policy options.

The research is the key to the fight against Antimicrobial Resistance, but funding against the AMR in Europe is not acceptable because of the magnitude of the heath problem. In this context, in Andalusia (Spain), the PIRASOA Programme has been successfully implemented and developed, integrated into the daily clinical practice. The preliminary outcomes show a reduction of antimicrobial consumption and antimicrobial resistance and an improvement of antimicrobial prescription profile and. However, it ...

Farmaceutische producten en medische hulpmiddelen

Infopagina's over de EU 01-11-2017

Geneesmiddelen (farmaceutische producten) en medische hulpmiddelen zijn producten die aan de voorschriften van de interne markt zijn onderworpen en dus is de EU bevoegd om er een vergunning voor af te geven, ze te beoordelen en er toezicht op uit te oefenen. Om de volksgezondheid te beschermen moet er voor nieuwe geneesmiddelen voor menselijk gebruik, alvorens zij in de handel worden gebracht, volgens een gecentraliseerde procedure door het Europees Geneesmiddelenbureau (EMA) en/of op gedecentraliseerde ...

Improving the EU's response to the rapid spread of new psychoactive substances has become urgent, and consequently Parliament is due to vote on a 'drugs package' during the October II plenary session. The package makes additions to the directive setting common minimum rules on criminal acts and penalties in the field of illicit drug trafficking, as well as corresponding amendments to the founding regulation of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).

Beschermingsmaatregelen voor de consument

Infopagina's over de EU 01-06-2017

De Europese beschermingsmaatregelen voor de consument zijn gericht op het beschermen van de gezondheid, de veiligheid en de economische en juridische belangen van de Europese consumenten, ongeacht waar in de Europese Unie zij wonen, reizen of winkelen. De EU-voorschriften regelen zowel fysieke transacties als de e-handel, en bevatten niet alleen algemeen toepasselijke regels, maar ook bepalingen voor specifieke producten zoals geneesmiddelen, genetisch gemodificeerde organismen, tabak, cosmetica, ...

Justice programme (2014-2020)

Briefing 15-02-2017

The Justice programme aims at contributing to the development of the European area of justice based on mutual recognition of judicial decisions from the Member States and mutual trust between their national judiciaries. It promotes in particular judicial cooperation, judicial training, as well as effective access to justice in Europe, including rights of crime victims. The programme has been established by Regulation No 1382/2013 for the 2014-2020 period. All Member States except the United Kingdom ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, provides an overview of the drug policies in international fora, at EU level, in seven Member States and in three non-EU countries. The study highlights the very different approaches taken and their varying level of effectiveness.

Almost two thirds of EU citizens would like to see more EU engagement in the areas of health and social security. The EU's main role in these policies is to support and complement the activities of Member States, and it can encourage cooperation and best practice. EU health policy aims to foster good health, protect citizens from health threats and support dynamic health systems. Social policy promotes social cohesion equality as well as solidarity through adequate, accessible and financially sustainable ...