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The consensus among most historians of European integration and political scientists is that Jacques Delors, who served as President of the European Commission from 1985 to 1995, was the most successful holder of that post to date. His agenda and accomplishments include the EU single market, the Single European Act, Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the rapid integration of the former German Democratic Republic into the European Community. His combination of coherent agenda-setting and strong ...

When Walter Hallstein became the first President of the European Economic Community Commission, in 1958, a long career already lay behind him: legal scholar, university professor, research manager, diplomat and German government representative at the conferences drafting the founding treaties of the European Coal and Steel Community and then the European Economic Community. The federalist ideas he developed and the emphasis he placed on supranational institutions remain among his most important legacies ...

This study describes both the European framework and national provisions on electoral procedures in the Member States of the European Union, including recent developments such as the creation of European political parties and foundations and the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. For all Member States the most important legal provisions, the electoral system and some outcomes of past elections -such as gender distribution of MEPs and participation of citizens from other Member States -are presented ...

This comparative review examines the procedure and outcome of the European Parliament's Written Declarations, pursuant to Rule 123 of its Rules of Procedure. Moreover, it inspects the provisions of other national and international parliaments with a view to identify similar procedures and their particularities. Some tentative conclusions are drawn with respect to a possible update of Parliament's rules.

This comparative note looks at the legal provisions ruling the amendment of the founding documents of federal states and international organisations and compares them to Art. 48 of the Treaty on European Union. The European Union is the only political organisation requiring a double unanimous decision, firstly when signing a revising treaty and, secondly, when ratifying it in the Member States. The new rules proposed for the entry into force of the European Stability Mechanism treaty indicate that ...

This paper provides an update and extension of a 2007 overview of national provisions for parliamentary committees of inquiry. It concentrates on the legal framework in which these committees operate and the limits and responsibilities under which they carry out their investigations.

The inclusion of the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) in the Lisbon Treaty is a recognition of earlier developments in many parts of the democratic world. The implementation of its practical parameters will be a crucial element for the acceptance of the ECI by EU citizens and will send an important message to other regions and countries. The purpose of this study is to provide background information on the present situation in the Member States of the EU, and on the European level, as far as the ...

Zgodnie z oczekiwaniami, wyrok niemieckiego Federalnego Trybunału Konstytucyjnego w sprawie ratyfikacji Traktatu z Lizbony, wywołał ożywioną debatę zarówno w środowisku akademickim jak i w szerszym gronie. Niniejsza publikacja skupia się na akademickich interpretacjach tego wyroku, a w szczególności na jego trzech aspektach: demokracji na poziomie europejskim, konstytucyjnej tożsamości państw członkowskich oraz politycznej suwerenności. Ostatnie inicjatywy Parlamentu Europejskiego oraz mechanizmy ...

Ce document présente la situation actuelle du financement des partis politiques au niveau européen ainsi que les règles prévues dans les statuts de ces partis pour l'adhésion de membres individuels. Quelques recommandations pour une future révision du règlement concernant les partis européens sont également inclues.

This study describes both the European framework and national provisions on electoral procedures in the Member States of the European Union, including recent developments such as the creation of European Political Parties and the reform of the Electoral Act of 1976. For each country the most important legal provisions, the electoral system and some outcomes of past elections - such as participation of citizens from other Member States - are presented. The document also provides information sources ...