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This briefing provides a summary of all scrutiny activities of the European Parliament related to euro area monetary policy in the period between December 2023 and February 2024. For a recap of the key monetary policy developments and decisions taken by the European Central Bank in that period, please refer to our briefing published ahead of the 15 February Monetary Dialogue. We publish these documents regularly ahead and after each Monetary Dialogue with the European Central Bank.

This briefing provides a summary of the recent economic developments in the EU Member States and gives an overview of relevant economic projections forecasted by major international and EU institutions. Annex 1 includes latest GDP data and forecasts for all EU Member States and Annex 2 the latest inflation data and developments.

This briefing paper was prepared ahead of the Monetary Dialogue between the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) and the European Central Bank (ECB) President on Thursday, 15 February. It provides a summary of key monetary policy developments and decisions taken by the ECB’s Governing Council. This is the last Monetary Dialogue of the 9th legislative term.

Nadzór makroekonomiczny

Noty tematyczne o UE 30-01-2024

W minionym dziesięcioleciu w UE doszło do znacznych zakłóceń równowagi makroekonomicznej (które spowodowały nasilenie negatywnych skutków kryzysu finansowego trwającego od 2008 r.) oraz do poważnego zróżnicowania konkurencyjności (co uniemożliwiło skuteczne stosowanie wspólnych środków polityki pieniężnej). W 2011 r. UE ustanowiła procedurę dotyczącą zakłóceń równowagi makroekonomicznej (Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure) – procedurę nadzorczo–wykonawczą, która ma na celu ułatwianie wczesnego identyfikowania ...

Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium and Minister of Finance is participating in the ECON Committee in his capacity of President of the ECOFIN Council during the Belgian Presidency (January - June 2024). In accordance with the Treaty of the Union, “Member States shall regard their economic policies as a matter of common concern and shall coordinate them within the Council”. This document provides an overview of the Belgian Presidency priorities in ECON matters, including the Council ...

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni have been invited to an Economic Dialogue on the fiscal part of the 2024 European Semester autumn package adopted by the Commission in November 2023. The fiscal elements of the package include the Commission Opinions on the euro area 2024 Draft Budgetary Plans, the fiscal policy recommendation for the euro area and some elements of the 2024 Alert Mechanism Report. In 2024, the general escape clause of the Stability and Growth Pact will ...

This briefing provides a summary of all scrutiny activities of the European Parliament related to euro area monetary policy in the period between September 2023 and November 2023. For a recap of the key monetary policy developments and decisions taken by the European Central Bank in that period, please refer to our briefing published ahead of the 27 November Monetary Dialogue. We publish these documents regularly ahead and after each Monetary Dialogue with the European Central Bank.

Pomoc finansowa dla państw członkowskich UE

Noty tematyczne o UE 05-12-2023

Europejskie mechanizmy pomocy finansowej mają na celu utrzymanie stabilności finansowej UE i strefy euro, ponieważ trudności finansowe w jednym państwie członkowskim mogą mieć poważne skutki dla stabilności makrofinansowej w innych państwach członkowskich. Pomoc finansowa jest powiązana z warunkowością makroekonomiczną (jest to pożyczka, a nie transfer środków pieniężnych) w celu zadbania o to, by państwa członkowskie otrzymujące taką pomoc wprowadziły niezbędne reformy fiskalne, gospodarcze, strukturalne ...

Europejska polityka pieniężna

Noty tematyczne o UE 05-12-2023

Europejski System Banków Centralnych (ESBC) obejmuje Europejski Bank Centralny (EBC) i krajowe banki centralne wszystkich państw członkowskich UE. Podstawowym celem ESBC jest utrzymanie stabilności cen. Aby osiągnąć ten cel, Rada Prezesów EBC opiera swoje decyzje na zintegrowanych ramach analitycznych oraz wdraża zarówno standardowe, jak i niestandardowe środki polityki pieniężnej.

This briefing paper was prepared ahead of the Monetary Dialogue between the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) and the European Central Bank (ECB) President on Monday, 27 November. It provides a summary of key monetary policy developments and decisions taken by the ECB’s Governing Council.