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Over time, EU food markets have evolved significantly, driven by innovation and changes in consumer demand and expectations. Taking this shift into account, on 21 April 2023 the European Commission proposed to update some of the rules governing a set of directives on food products – the 'breakfast' directives. Changes include introducing stricter origin labelling for honey, increasing the fruit content in jams, reducing sugar in fruit juice and clearing the way for the production of lactose-free ...

W marcu Parlament ma głosować nad sprawozdaniem przyjętym przez Komisję Ochrony Środowiska Naturalnego, Zdrowia Publicznego i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności (ENVI) w sprawie wniosku dotyczącego ukierunkowanego przeglądu unijnych przepisów dotyczących odpadów, aby przyspieszyć walkę z marnotrawieniem żywności i zaangażować producentów wyrobów włókienniczych w przeciwdziałanie marnowaniu używanej odzieży i obuwia.

Nearly 400 million children around the world are projected to live with obesity by 2035. Worryingly, that is double the number in 2020. 'Our children are increasingly growing up in environments that make it very difficult for them to eat well and be active. This is a root cause of the obesity epidemic', argued Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, Regional Director for the World Health Organization (WHO) in Europe. Worryingly, child obesity often carries through to adolescence and is likely to endure into adulthood ...

W lutym Parlament będzie głosował nad sprawozdaniem Komisji Ochrony Środowiska Naturalnego, Zdrowia Publicznego i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności (ENVI) w sprawie wniosku dotyczącego roślin uzyskanych za pomocą niektórych nowych technik genomowych. Dokument przyjęty w głosowaniu będzie zarazem stanowiskiem Parlamentu w negocjacjach z Radą, która musi jeszcze uzgodnić swoje stanowisko.

On 5 July 2023, the Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on certain new genomic techniques (NGTs). It establishes two categories of plants obtained by NGTs: plants comparable to naturally occurring or conventional plants, and plants with modifications that are more complex. The two categories will be subject to different requirements to reach the market, taking into account their differing characteristics and risk profiles. Feedback from stakeholders is mixed. While industry interest groups ...

Every year, 60 million tonnes of food waste and 12.6 million tonnes of textile waste are generated in the EU. On 5 July 2023, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a targeted revision of EU waste rules. Seeking to accelerate the EU's progress towards United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 (halving food waste at the retail and consumer level by 2030), the proposal would mean EU countries would have to reduce food waste by 10 % in processing and manufacturing, and by 30 % per capita ...

W grudniu 2023 r. Parlament ma przyjąć stanowisko w sprawie wniosku Komisji Europejskiej, którego celem jest wzmocnienie niektórych przepisów regulujących zestaw dyrektyw dotyczących produktów spożywczych (znanych jako dyrektywy śniadaniowe), w tym wprowadzonych na ich mocy norm handlowych. Przyjęty w głosowaniu dokument będzie stanowiskiem Parlamentu w negocjacjach z Radą.

Access to safe and nutritious food is key to sustaining life and promoting good health. The fifth World Food Safety Day will be celebrated on 7 June 2023, to draw attention to the need to prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks, and to inspire action in this regard. The globalisation of the food trade, a growing world population, climate change and rapidly changing food systems all have an impact on food safety. World Health Organization (WHO) data reveal that unsafe food containing harmful bacteria ...

World Obesity Day – marked every year on 4 March – is a World Obesity Federation initiative supporting practical solutions to help reverse obesity. A person is considered overweight by the World Health Organization if he or she has a body mass index (BMI) – calculated by dividing body weight by the square of height – equal to or greater than 25. Obesity is the condition of severe overweight where a person has a BMI equal to or greater than 30. Worryingly, obesity acts as a gateway to a range of diseases ...

Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), a large class of synthetic chemicals known as ‘forever chemicals’, contain one of the strongest chemical bonds in organic chemistry. This accounts for the fact that they persist in the environment longer than any other man-made substance. As long as PFASs continue to be released in the environment, humans and other species will be exposed to ever greater concentrations of these substances.