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On 29 May 2018, the European Commission adopted several proposals aimed at defining the EU cohesion policy for the post-2020 programming period. The package includes a proposal for the new generation of European territorial cooperation (ETC) programmes, commonly referred to as 'Interreg'. The proposed regulation would bring significant changes to the architecture of ETC, with the reshaping of the three traditional cooperation strands (i.e. cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation ...

European territorial cooperation

Briefing 23-03-2018

Established in 1990, the first European territorial cooperation initiative, Interreg I, focused on cross-border cooperation. Action in this area has expanded over the years to cover broader initiatives such as trans-national cooperation, involving countries from wider geographical areas, and inter-regional cooperation, which brings together regions from across the whole EU. These three strands together make up European territorial cooperation, which is one of the two main goals of cohesion policy ...

In July 2015, The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) entered into force after intensive negotiations between European Commission, Council and Parliament. In September 2016, the European Commission presented an amending Regulation to the original EFSI Regulation of 2015 (EFSI 1.0), prolonging the instrument, as well as proposing changes on the content with an aim to augment its capacity and to address certain insufficiencies. The speakers agreed that in one and a half years since its inception ...

The IA contains a wealth of information, data and research, both internal and external, but some parts of the complex analysis lack clarity and coherence. The extensive quantitative estimations are not always comparable in structure and thus difficult to relate to each other. The potential contribution of the options to the reduction of CO2 emissions and to the REFIT exercise remains vague, as well as their impact on SMEs. The IA concludes that higher revenues, better road quality and considerable ...

The European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) Panel, supported by the Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA), decided two years ago to experiment with a process involving scenario development and assessment to explore possible future techno-scientific developments and their potential impacts, while backcasting possible future opportunities and concerns to options available to policy-makers today. This was achieved with the involvement of experts from a variety of backgrounds ...

This research paper aims to provide an overview of planned and ongoing evaluations of EU legislation and spending programmes carried out by each European Commission directorate-general (DG). The general overview and state of play on the public availability of evaluations is completed by a rolling check-list comprising on-going and planned evaluations on the basis of information disclosed by the Commission in various sources (DGs' management plans and annual activity reports, the Single Evaluation ...

On 17 October 2016, Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee adopted a report on the application of the European Order for Payment procedure. The report is very critical of the Commission's belated implementation report and looks for the plenary to call upon the Commission to submit a fresh one.

Żywność uznawana jest za jedno z najważniejszych źródeł narażenia człowieka na działanie substancji chemicznych. Należy zatem starannie oceniać bezpieczeństwo materiałów mających styczność z żywnością, ponieważ substancje te mogą przedostawać się do żywności. Komisja Ochrony Środowiska Naturalnego, Zdrowia Publicznego i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności (ENVI) Parlamentu Europejskiego sporządziła sprawozdanie z własnej inicjatywy, zwracając uwagę na problemy związane z wdrażaniem rozporządzenia w sprawie materiałów ...

European Territorial Cooperation

Briefing 08-09-2016

Established in 1990, the first European territorial cooperation initiative, Interreg I, focused on cross-border cooperation. Action in this area has expanded over the years to cover broader initiatives such as trans-national cooperation, involving countries from wider geographical areas, and inter-regional cooperation, which brings together regions from across the whole EU. These three strands together make up European territorial cooperation, which is one of the two main goals of cohesion policy ...

This study addresses the question of similarities and differences of the education evaluation approaches of the EU and the OECD with the aim of exploring the possibilities of further developing the education evaluation system and the related policies of the EU. The study analyses the existing EU level educational evaluation practices and policies with a special focus on the use of educational indicators and the assessment of pupil competences. On the basis of the analysis a number of recommendations ...