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Listing Act package

Briefing 28-04-2023

The impact assessment (IA) provides a well-evidenced and useful analysis for decision-making. It draws on several data sources, provides qualitative and quantitative data, and also explains uncertainties and limitations. The IA clearly states that the scope of the initiative is limited; it does not aim to solve all the issues on listing, and notes that a listing decision is influenced by many factors. The problem definition would have benefited from further clarification of the problems and drivers ...

W badaniu, zleconym przez Departament Tematyczny ds. Praw Obywatelskich i Spraw Konstytucyjnych Parlamentu Europejskiego na wniosek komisji JURI, przedstawiono polityki dotyczące obecności kobiet w zarządach obowiązujące w państwach członkowskich UE. Szczegółowo przeanalizowano w nim polityki i praktyki stosowane w Hiszpanii, Francji, we Włoszech, w Niderlandach i Niemczech oraz ich wpływ na liczbę kobiet w zarządach. W podsumowaniu zalecono terminowe przyjęcie dyrektywy w sprawie poprawy równowagi ...

This paper updates and summarises earlier briefings on the Wirecard case, ahead of a public hearing on 23 March organised by the JURI and ECON Committees of the European Parliament. It also describes the most recent developments on the basis of information available in the public domain.

Making it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access financing through public markets lies at the heart of the capital markets union – the plan to mobilise capital in Europe. Among the various reasons for going ahead with this union is the fact that existing requirements and listing costs in both regulated and multilateral trading venues continue to be disproportionate to the size and level of sophistication of SMEs. To further respond to this situation, the Commission has proposed ...