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In response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the EU took immediate action to stem rising energy prices and secure energy supply to its Member States. In its communication on the REPowerEU plan from March 2022, the European Commission proposed that the Member States use joint purchasing, collecting of orders and matching of supply and demand to support gas storage refilling operations. The Commission also proposed a 'joint European platform' to lead bilateral negotiations with major ...

Spowodowany rosyjską agresją na Ukrainę kryzys energetyczny w 2022 r. przyniósł wyzwania związane z bezpieczeństwem energetycznym i przystępnością cenową energii w UE. Dzięki kilku krokom podjętym w ubiegłym roku uniknięto do tej pory niedoborów energii. Unia Europejska musi jednak przygotować się teraz na kolejną zimę, kiedy zapewnienie wystarczających zapasów gazu może być trudniejsze. Posłowie do Parlamentu Europejskiego będą mogli zadawać Komisji Europejskiej pytania na ten temat podczas „tury ...

The European Commission has adopted a proposal to improve the functioning of EU gas markets during the current energy crisis. It introduces a joint purchasing tool, seeks to improve efficiency and security of gas supply, and limits prices and volatility. The proposed Council regulation is under discussion among EU Member States.

The escalation of Russia's war on Ukraine, and recent incidents – such as the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage – highlight the urgent need to protect the EU's key infrastructure against physical and digital threats, including hybrid attacks. The European Parliament will use its powers of oversight in the revived 'question time', during the October II plenary session, to question the European Commission on the issue.

23 marca 2022 roku Komisja Europejska wysunęła projekt pilnego rozporządzenia w sprawie magazynowania gazu. Chce w ten sposób zapobiec przerwom w dostawach gazu z Rosji. Parlament i Rada negocjowały to rozporządzenie w postępowaniu uproszczonym i osiągnęły wstępne porozumienie 19 maja 2022 roku. Komisja Przemysłu, Badań Naukowych i Energii (ITRE) Parlamentu poparła uzgodniony tekst. Parlament zagłosuje nad nim podczas drugiej sesji plenarnej w czerwcu.

Podczas sesji plenarnej w kwietniu 2022 r. Parlament będzie głosował nad tekstem zmienionego rozporządzenia TEN-E, uzgodnionym w negocjacjach trójstronnych pod koniec 2021 r. Określono w nim zasady dotyczące projektów będących przedmiotem wspólnego zainteresowania w obszarze infrastruktury energetycznej. Są to projekty priorytetowe, które są bardzo korzystne dla jednolitego rynku lub zwiększają bezpieczeństwo dostaw w UE; niektóre z nich kwalifikują się do finansowania ze środków UE. Zgodnie ze zmienionym ...

The poisoning of Alexey Navalny

W skrócie 21-09-2020

EU-Russia relations hit a new low in August 2020, after Alexey Navalny, one of Russia's leading opposition activists, was poisoned by a banned nerve agent. Although the perpetrators have not yet been identified, the attack has to be seen in the context of repression and growing discontent against Putin. In response to this clear breach of international law and human rights, the EU is considering additional sanctions against Moscow.

In November 2017, the European Commission adopted a legislative proposal to fully apply key provisions of the 2009 Gas Directive to gas pipelines between the European Union (EU) and third countries. Member States would need to cooperate with third countries to ensure full compliance with EU rules. The revised directive was seen by many observers as a part of the broader EU response to the Gazprom-led Nord Stream 2 project, which the European Commission publicly opposes. The Parliament adopted its ...

Despite being strategically located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Central Asia has long been poorly connected: remote, landlocked, cut off from the main population centres of Europe and Asia by empty steppes and rugged mountains. As well as physical barriers, regulatory obstacles and political repression often inhibit the free flow of people, goods, services and ideas. However, in 2013 China announced its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), one of whose aims is to revive the historic Silk Road ...

Russia and other energy-rich authoritarian states use their energy exports for economic gains but also as a tool of foreign policy leverage. This study looks at the ways and methods these states have used to exert political pressure through their energy supplies, and what it means for the European Union. Most energy-rich authoritarian states use their energy wealth to ensure regime survival. But, more than others, Russia uses its energy wealth as well to protect and promote its interests in its ‘ ...