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This study is part of a wider project investigating, from a comparative law perspective, the role of constitutional courts of different states. Following a brief historical introduction to the jurisdiction of the state in question, the various reports examine the composition, internal organization, functioning, jurisdiction of the various highest courts, as well as the right of access to its courtroom, its procedural rules, and the effects and the execution of its judgments. The present study examines ...

Nagroda im. Sacharowa 2017

W skrócie 05-12-2017

Ustanowiona przez Parlament Europejski w 1988 r., Nagroda im. Sacharowa za wolność myśli jest przyznawana w grudniu każdego roku osobom lub organizacjom za wyjątkowe osiągnięcia na rzecz obrony praw człowieka i podstawowych wolności. Przyznając tegoroczną nagrodę wenezuelskiej opozycji, Parlament zwraca uwagę na sytuację w Wenezueli, potwierdza swoje poparcie dla demokratycznie wybranego Zgromadzenia Narodowego, apeluje o pokojowe przemiany demokratyczne i składa hołd obywatelom Wenezueli, w szczególności ...

The study presented below forms part of a larger project whose aim is to provide a comparative analysis of the rights of individuals in law proceedings before the highest courts of different States and before certain international courts. The objective is to describe the various remedies developed under domestic law that are available through the UK courts including the Supreme Court which, though not a constitutional court in the classic Kelsenian model, does sits at the apex of the appellate court ...

This study is part of a larger project whose aim is to provide a comparative analysis of the rights of individuals in law proceedings before the highest courts of different States and before certain international courts. The objective is to describe the various remedies developed under domestic law that are available to individuals in American law, and in particular before this country’s highest courts. To that end, after a general introduction setting out the historical background, we will consider ...

This study is part of a wider project seeking to investigate, from a comparative law perspective, judicial proceedings available to individuals before the highest courts of different states, and before certain international courts. The aim of this study is to examine the various judicial proceedings available to individuals in Canadian law, and in particular before the Supreme Court of Canada. To this end, the text is divided into five parts. The introduction provides an overview of Canadian constitutional ...

In February 2016, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away, vacating a position on America’s highest court. That quickly focused American political discussion, in the midst of a heated Presidential campaigning season, on his possible replacement. The appointment of Supreme Court Justices is broadly depicted in Article II of the US Constitution as a process in which the President chooses a candidate but the Senate provides its 'advice and consent' on the nominee. The Republican-controlled ...

W niniejszej ekspertyzie przeanalizowano zalety i wady związane z praktyką zdań odrębnych. W ekspertyzie przeprowadzono analizę upowszechnienia tej praktyki wśród sądów najwyższych i sądów konstytucyjnych państw członkowskich, a także przedstawiono praktykę trybunałów międzynarodowych w tym zakresie. Wreszcie w dokumencie rozważono argumenty przemawiające za i przeciw publikacji zdań odrębnych przez Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej.