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Sytuacja w Libii

W skrócie 16-11-2022

W grudniu 2021 r. w Libii bezterminowo przełożono wybory. W 2022 r. sytuacja polityczna i sytuacja w zakresie bezpieczeństwa w tym kraju jeszcze bardziej się pogorszyły. Pogłębiło to impas polityczny i podziały. W Libii nadal nie ma jednolitych instytucji krajowych, szeroko akceptowanej konstytucji i przepisów dotyczących wyborów. We wrześniu 2022 r. powołano nowego wysłannika Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych do Libii. Został nim Abdoulaye Bathiliy. Jednym z jego priorytetów jest zachęcanie do porozumienia ...

Since the overthrow of Muammar al-Qaddafi in a 2011 uprising, Libya has been mired in a civil war that has divided the international community and set several internal factions against one another. The ceasefire proclaimed on 23 October 2020 opened a path for a political process wherein an interim government led by Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah was able to lead the country to agreed presidential and parliamentary elections, to be held on 24 December 2021. These elections will be the first since ...

Niniejsze badanie, zlecone przez Departament Tematyczny ds. Praw Obywatelskich i Spraw Konstytucyjnych Parlamentu Europejskiego na wniosek komisji LIBE, analizuje podejście UE do migracji w regionie Morza Śródziemnego. Obejmuje ono wydarzenia od kryzysu uchodźczego po pandemię COVID-19 i zawiera ocenę wpływu tych wydarzeń na kształt, realizację i reformę polityki UE w zakresie azylu, migracji i kontroli granic zewnętrznych. Badanie zawiera przegląd aktualnego stanu prac nad odpowiednim prawodawstwem ...

Since the discovery of offshore natural gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean in the early 2000s, Turkey has challenged its neighbours with regard to international law and the delimitation of their exclusive economic zones (EEZs), and destabilised the whole region through its illegal drilling and military interventions. Ankara has used military force and intimidation, including repeated violations of the territorial waters and airspaces of neighbouring countries. Ankara has also used bilateral ...

The European Council video-conference meeting on 23 April 2020 is expected to shift EU leaders’ attention away from immediate and short-term priorities, such as limiting the spread of the coronavirus, to a longer-term strategic approach focused on a recovery strategy for the European Union, and the financing thereof. The recovery strategy could be based on four pillars: 1) the internal market, including the Green Deal, the digital agenda and the EU’s strategic autonomy; 2) an investment strategy, ...

Contemporary forms of slavery

Badanie 20-12-2018

This briefing aims to clarify the concept of contemporary forms of slavery and analyse the legal obligations of States, as well as recent international developments at global and EU levels. It highlights the inconsistent application of the concept by global governance actors and discusses the inclusion of various exploitative practices within this conceptual framework. It also examines the prevalence of contemporary forms of slavery and assesses the policy framework for EU external action. The briefing ...

Partnerzy południowi

Noty tematyczne o UE 01-09-2017

Europejska polityka sąsiedztwa (EPS) dotyczy Algierii, Egiptu, Izraela, Jordanii, Libanu, Libii, Maroka, Palestyny, Syrii i Tunezji. Obejmuje ona dwustronne strategie polityczne między UE i każdym z 10 państw partnerskich oraz ogólne ramy współpracy regionalnej – Unię dla Śródziemnomorza. W reakcji na rewolucje w jej południowym sąsiedztwie Unia Europejska w 2011 r. zwiększyła swoje wsparcie dla demokratycznych przemian w ramach EPS, a w 2015 r. dokonała kolejnego przeglądu EPS.

At the European Council meeting of 23 June 2017, European Union Heads of State or Government agreed to strengthen efforts to reduce irregular migration flows on the central Mediterranean route, notably by speeding up training, equipping the Libyan coast guard and improving cooperation with countries of migration origin. However, the European Council made limited progress on reforming the Common European Asylum System, with the migration debate clouded by refusal of some central and eastern European ...

Six years after the ousting and death of Libya's dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 the country is facing political instability, economic problems and deteriorating security. The violence between rival factions resulted in tens of thousands of casualties, the collapse of the oil industry, favoured the rise of ISIL/Da'esh and contributed to the country's increasing role as a transit country for migrants hoping to reach Europe. Although the December 2015 UN-brokered agreement resulted in the creation ...

At their meeting in Malta on 3 February, 2017, EU heads of states and government endorsed further objectives to ease the migratory challenge, with a view to stemming irregular migration flows through the central Mediterranean route. The plan foresees ‘immediate operational measures’ focused on training and supporting the Libyan coastguard in an effort to interrupt people-smuggling and to increase the number of search and rescue missions. As regards returns, the EU wants to ensure adequate reception ...