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Lives lost at sea

W skrócie 19-09-2023

Year after year, tens of thousands of people try to reach the EU from the coasts of Turkey and Africa, risking their lives at sea. Irregular migration to Europe is predominantly concentrated in the Mediterranean, where there are frequent reports of people being rescued at sea and of shipwreck incidents. Between January and June 2022, on average five people died per day during their attempt to cross the Mediterranean Sea, according to the EU's Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), and 28 021 persons have ...

Podczas sesji plenarnej we wrześniu 2023 r. Parlament ma głosować nad porozumieniem z Radą w drugim czytaniu w sprawie nowych przepisów dotyczących połowów tuńczyka błękitnopłetwego we wschodnim Atlantyku i w Morzu Śródziemnym. Przepisy te są transpozycją ostatnich decyzji Międzynarodowej Komisji ds. Ochrony Tuńczyka Atlantyckiego (ICCAT).

Launched in 2014, the EU strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian region (EUSAIR) is the third macro-regional strategy (MRS) to have been set after those for the Baltic Sea region and the Danube region. With the recent inclusion of North Macedonia and San Marino, the strategy now covers four EU Member States and six third countries, mostly from the Western Balkans, one of its goals being to facilitate the EU enlargement process of countries from this region. The EUSAIR is unique in that it is the only ...

In the post-Arab Spring period, Egypt's foreign policy has largely been shaped by the state of affairs in the Middle East and the eastern Mediterranean. Civil wars and unrest have proliferated in the region, creating a knock-on effect felt first by Iraq and then by Syria, Lebanon and Libya. Conflicts in neighbouring countries, often fought by proxies, have affected Cairo's internal political and security interests and influenced Egyptian foreign policy. One such conflict has to do with the persistence ...

Niniejsze badanie, zlecone przez Departament Tematyczny ds. Praw Obywatelskich i Spraw Konstytucyjnych Parlamentu Europejskiego na wniosek komisji LIBE, analizuje podejście UE do migracji w regionie Morza Śródziemnego. Obejmuje ono wydarzenia od kryzysu uchodźczego po pandemię COVID-19 i zawiera ocenę wpływu tych wydarzeń na kształt, realizację i reformę polityki UE w zakresie azylu, migracji i kontroli granic zewnętrznych. Badanie zawiera przegląd aktualnego stanu prac nad odpowiednim prawodawstwem ...

International law imposes an obligation to render assistance to persons and ships in distress at sea, which must be provided regardless of the persons' nationality or status or the circumstances in which they are found. These rules have to be applied without prejudice to the obligations deriving from international humanitarian law and international human rights law, including in particular the prohibition of refoulement. Search and rescue (SAR) and disembarkation activities of EU Member States are ...

The eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna was long a symbol of overfishing and fisheries mismanagement. Over the past decade, the stock has recovered, following the rebuilding measures introduced by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The European Union is now transposing the ICCAT recommendation to move from the recovery measures to a bluefin tuna management plan.

The European Parliament and Council have adopted a new multiannual plan for the western Mediterranean fisheries exploiting several stocks of fish and crustaceans living close to the sea bottom (i.e. 'demersal fisheries'). Most of these stocks have long been overfished and are now in an alarming state. The new plan aims to reverse this trend and ensure that fishing activities are environmentally sustainable, and capable of securing economic and social benefits. It concerns fishing fleets from Italy ...

The study examines the evolution of technologies in the offshore exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean, and their future environmental impact for the region. It finds that new technologies move this stage of natural gas development into increasing digitalisation, better designs for safety equipment, and increased automation. It then proceeds to propose a number of policy measures on collaboration, data sharing, environmental bassline surveys, open digital platforms ...

Jako członek Generalnej Komisji Rybołówstwa Morza Śródziemnego (GFCM) Unia Europejska ma obowiązek przyjęcia w prawie UE odnośnych środków ochrony i zarządzania, tak aby miały one zastosowanie do unijnych statków rybackich. Podczas drugiej marcowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma głosować nad wnioskiem Komisji w sprawie transpozycji nowych środków GFCM, które wykraczają poza obowiązujące przepisy.