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Algorithm-generated diets tailored to our individual needs could bring health benefits, but at the cost of having to share our most personal data, such as our DNA. The promises are many, but so are the open questions about interactions between genes, nutrients, environment and health, and the role of socioeconomic factors underlying food choices. Precision nutrition advice, services and products will need to be governed by a range of laws and policies, as they are at the intersection between food ...

Na pierwszej październikowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma przyjąć stanowisko w sprawie wniosku Komisji Europejskiej dotyczącego przeglądu kluczowego aktu prawodawstwa UE dotyczącego chemikaliów, który wprowadza obowiązek odpowiedniej klasyfikacji, oznakowania i pakowania niebezpiecznych substancji i mieszanin w celu ochrony zdrowia ludzkiego i środowiska.

Oczyszczanie ścieków komunalnych w celu usunięcia szkodliwych składników ma zasadnicze znaczenie dla ochrony zdrowia ludzkiego, a także rzek, jezior i mórz. Podczas pierwszej październikowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma przyjąć stanowisko w sprawie wniosku Komisji Europejskiej, który ma wzmocnić obowiązujące przepisy, przyjęte ponad 30 lat temu, oraz dostosować je do unijnych celów w zakresie neutralności klimatycznej, obiegu zamkniętego i zerowego poziomu emisji zanieczyszczeń.

Cannabis is by far the most commonly used illicit drug (referred to as drug in this briefing) in the European Union (EU), where its distribution, cultivation, possession and use (consumption) are largely prohibited. The prohibition of drug-related activities other than those performed for medical or scientific purposes is the defining feature of the international drug control system. Set up by the United Nations (UN), this system is composed of three complementary conventions, to which all EU Member ...

A revision of the Detergents Regulation is expected to be published in the first quarter of 2023. The revision of the regulation is aimed at ensuring consistency with other EU chemicals legislation, adapting the legislation to technical progress as well as reducing administrative burdens. In the context of the EU chemicals strategy for sustainability, provisions may be introduced or reinforced to take account of the combination effects of chemicals and to extend the generic approach to risk management ...

The European Union has been developing a policy on chemicals for more than 50 years. It employs legal regulation as the main policy instrument and aims to protect human health and the environment against the hazardous properties of chemicals, ensuring their free movement within the internal market, while also promoting competitiveness and innovation in the relevant industrial sector. Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (the CLP Regulation ...

This study analyses how governments, public health experts and other professionals communicated during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact of these communication strategies. It investigates COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation practices, and how these practices were addressed in the European Union by the Member States and the European Commission. It draws up recommendations to improve responses in the future, including by analysing the role of the Code of Practice on disinformation ad the ...

On 30 November 2022, 12 years after the adoption of the first strategy on the EU's role in global health in 2010, the European Commission unveiled the EU global health strategy with the overarching goal of improving global health security and ensuring better health for all. The document takes stock of lessons learnt from the pandemic and guides EU action in an evolving landscape of threats and opportunities, including towards reasserting responsibility for attainment of the United Nations Sustainable ...

Podczas pierwszej styczniowej sesji plenarnej Parlament przeprowadzi głosowanie nad sprawozdaniem przyjętym przez Komisję Ochrony Środowiska Naturalnego, Zdrowia Publicznego i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności (ENVI) w sprawie wniosku Komisji dotyczącego przeglądu przepisów UE dotyczących przemieszczania odpadów. Przyjęte w głosowaniu sprawozdanie stałoby się następnie stanowiskiem Parlamentu w negocjacjach trójstronnych z Radą.

These proceedings summarise the presentations and discussions before the European Parliament’s Health Working Group as part of the workshop on ‘New incentives to improve the accessibility and availability of antimicrobial medicinal products’, held on 26 October 2022. The five presentations touched, inter alia, upon the burden of AMR, the current research on development of antimicrobials, and incentive models. These workshop proceedings were provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific ...