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European long-term investment funds (ELTIFs) invest on a long-term basis in infrastructure projects, real estate, and small and medium-sized enterprises, among other things. While the legislative framework – the ELTIF Regulation – for these funds was adopted six years ago, their market remains small. For this reason, the Commission has proposed amending the ELTIF Regulation to make it more appealing to investors. The key mulled changes involve differentiating between ELTIFs marketed to professional ...

The InvestEU programme is a single investment support mechanism for the 2021-2027 period. It brings together various EU financial instruments for internal policies previously supported by different funds and programmes of the EU budget. On 26 March 2021, the InvestEU Regulation entered into force, with retroactive application from 1 January 2021. The EU guarantee, set at €26.2 billion, is expected to mobilise at least €372 billion of investment across the EU (in current prices). In addition, at Parliament's ...

Program InvestEU

W skrócie 03-03-2021

InvestEU to jednolity mechanizm wsparcia inwestycji na lata 2021–2027, który usprawnia korzystanie z poszczególnych instrumentów finansowych UE na rzecz polityki wewnętrznej, wcześniej wspieranych z różnych funduszy z budżetu UE. Parlament ma głosować nad porozumieniem w pierwszym czytaniu w sprawie InvestEU podczas pierwszej sesji plenarnej w marcu 2021 r.

On 14 September 2016, the Commission proposed an extension of the duration of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) until end-2020, and the introduction of technical enhancements for that fund and the European Investment Advisory Hub. Under the new regulation, (EFSI 2.0), steps are taken to increase support for small-scale projects; Parliament can send a (non-voting) expert to EFSI’s steering board, and EFSI’s scoreboard will be publicly available after a project is signed. The increase ...

The EU regulatory framework on electronic communications sets common rules on how electronic communications networks and services such as telephony and internet broadband connections are regulated in the European Union (EU). While the revision of this framework has started, a debate arises on how best to foster investment in the EU for deploying the very high capacity networks that are increasingly needed for 5G mobile services, as well as e-services such as e health, e administration, cloud computing ...

W dniu 14 września 2016 r. Komisja zaproponowała przedłużenie okresu obowiązywania Europejskiego Funduszu na rzecz Inwestycji Strategicznych (EFIS) do dnia 31 grudnia 2020 r., co pociąga za sobą zmiany w zarządzaniu tym funduszem i możliwościach finansowania. Porozumienie osiągnięte w ramach rozmów trójstronnych ma zostać poddane pod głosowanie na grudniowej sesji plenarnej.

On 12 September 2017, the European Parliament voted to adopt a legislative act that aims at the promotion of very fast wireless internet access in local communities. This service will be provided free of charge to the public at large. The areas covered will encompass public administrations, libraries and hospitals, as well as outdoor spaces accessible to all. The aim is to increase accessibility to high-performance mobile internet, and to raise awareness of the benefits of such connectivity. Administrative ...

Wdrożenie EFIS 1.0

W skrócie 07-06-2017

Rozporządzenie w sprawie Europejskiego Funduszu na rzecz Inwestycji Strategicznych (EFIS) weszło w życie w dniu 4 lipca 2015 r., a jego celem było ustanowienie ram prawnych i ustalenie przydziałów środków budżetowych z myślą o pierwszych dwóch spośród trzech filarów planu inwestycyjnego dla Europy. Owe dwa filary to: (1) uruchomienie kwoty co najmniej 315 mld EUR na dodatkowe inwestycje w latach 2015–2018 oraz (2) ukierunkowane inicjatywy gwarantujące, że te dodatkowe inwestycje będą odpowiadać potrzebom ...

Since 2010 the Eastern Mediterranean region has become a hotspot of international energy discussions due to a series of gas discoveries in the offshore of Israel, Cyprus and Egypt. To exploit this gas potential, a number of export options have progressively been discussed, alongside new regional cooperation scenarios. Hopes have also been expressed about the potential role of new gas discoveries in strengthening not only the regional energy cooperation, but also the overall regional economic and ...

EU development cooperation with Latin America is mainly conducted through the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) and its different geographical (regional, sub-regional and bilateral) and thematic programmes. Nevertheless, the 2014-2020 programming period has brought about the introduction of a new blending financial instrument for the region, the Latin American Investment Facility (LAIF), which combines EU grants with other resources. It has also seen the transition of most Latin American countries ...