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Sanctions are an essential tool to safeguard EU values and interests, but how can the EU enforce them and protect its budget in the process? With a particular focus on the EU-Russia sanctions, this work-shop looked at the issue from various perspectives, including trade sanctions, criminalising sanctions circumvention, asset freezing and tracing final beneficiaries of EU funds.

Sanctions imposed by the European Union (EU) against Russia following Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine brought about an unprecedented emphasis on sanctions implementation and enforcement, which – in contrast to decision-making – have traditionally relied on a decentralised system. This has resulted in a mosaic of practices across the EU, involving more than 160 designated competent authorities within Member States. While reflecting the principle of subsidiarity, this nevertheless poses a risk to ...

Outraged by Russia's illegal and unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the European Union swiftly adopted unprecedentedly tough sanctions, in close cooperation with partners including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Japan. The rapid succession of 11 packages of EU sanctions adopted since then, in what has already been labelled a 'sanctions revolution', have resulted in an unparalleled set of measures targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and ...

The European Union (EU) has established over 40 regimes of sanctions against third countries, entities, and legal and natural persons. These restrictive measures include arms embargoes, import and export bans, freezing of funds and economic resources, and travel bans. Whereas the adoption of EU sanctions is centralised at EU level, their implementation and enforcement lies with the Member States. The significant differences between national systems, particularly in terms of offences and penalties ...

The paper stresses the need for an EU focal point for investigating and responding strategically to foreign interference. The author assesses the possibility of using criminal law to address foreign interference, of utilising the international sanctions regime to deal with cases of interference, and of banning the use of foreign and foreign-funded, third party campaigning during elections. The author also considers measures to increase the transparency of foreign influence, notably by strengthening ...

The last regular European Council meeting of 2022 ended with agreements on most open agenda points, notably the €18 billion of assistance to Ukraine and the ninth sanctions package. While the detailed decision on the cap for energy prices was left to the Energy Council to define, EU leaders specified in their conclusions that the proposal was to be finalised on 19 December 2022. In a long strategic discussion on EU-US relations, European Council members concurred that they want an active dialogue ...

Sytuacja w Libii

W skrócie 16-11-2022

W grudniu 2021 r. w Libii bezterminowo przełożono wybory. W 2022 r. sytuacja polityczna i sytuacja w zakresie bezpieczeństwa w tym kraju jeszcze bardziej się pogorszyły. Pogłębiło to impas polityczny i podziały. W Libii nadal nie ma jednolitych instytucji krajowych, szeroko akceptowanej konstytucji i przepisów dotyczących wyborów. We wrześniu 2022 r. powołano nowego wysłannika Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych do Libii. Został nim Abdoulaye Bathiliy. Jednym z jego priorytetów jest zachęcanie do porozumienia ...

W kwietniu 2022 r. prezydent Ukrainy Wołodymyr Zełenski zwrócił się najpierw do Kongresu Stanów Zjednoczonych i Białego Domu o dodanie Rosji do prowadzonego przez Departament Stanu wykazu państw wspierających terroryzm. Następnie skierował swój apel do rządów na całym świecie. Zarówno Izba Reprezentantów USA, jak i amerykański Senat przyjęły rezolucje, w których wezwały sekretarza stanu Antony’ego Blinkena do umieszczenia Rosji w wykazie, lecz do tej pory sekretarz stanu odmawia uczynienia tego. ...

Non-military coercion, which means using economic means to achieve political goals, has become an increasingly serious problem for EU governments and businesses. Experts believe that China, traditionally an opponent of economic sanctions, has been deploying coercive economic practices with growing intensity and scope, particularly since the reappointment of Xi Jinping as the country's president in 2018. Frequently deployed to gain leverage on issues such as territorial and maritime disputes, these ...

Outraged by Russia's illegal and unjustified invasion of Ukraine, European Union countries, in cooperation with other international partners, have imposed unprecedentedly tough sanctions on Russia, in a succession of packages since 23 February 2022, adding to those adopted in 2014 in response to the illegal annexation of Crimea. The EU has moved swiftly to approve an eighth package of EU sanctions, including the legal basis to cap Russian oil export prices, in retaliation for Russia's illegal annexation ...