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The Construction Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 305/2011, CPR) has applied fully since 1 July 2013. Its objective is to achieve the proper functioning of the internal market for construction products (such as waterproofing sheets, thermal insulation foams, chimneys and wood-based panels for permanent incorporation in construction works), by means of harmonised rules for their marketing in the EU. The CPR, which provides a common technical language to assess the performance of construction ...

Proper implementation of EU law is essential to deliver the EU policy goals as defined in the Treaties and secondary legislation. This briefing aims to give an overview of the transposition and implementation of Directive 2014/52/EU on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment (the EIA Directive). It presents the key elements of this Directive. The amendments brought by Directive 2014/52/EU to the previous legal text aim to improve the quality of Environmental ...

Aby wywiązać się ze swoich międzynarodowych zobowiązań podjętych w ramach porozumienia paryskiego w sprawie zmian klimatu, UE dąży do osiągnięcia do 2030 r. celu ograniczenia emisji gazów cieplarnianych do 40% poniżej poziomu z 1990 r. W sektorach nieobjętych unijnym system handlu uprawnieniami do emisji (EU ETS) ten wysiłek redukcyjny podejmują wspólnie państwa członkowskie UE. W obszarze użytkowania gruntów i w sektorze leśnictwa każde państwo członkowskie powinno bilansować emisje i ich pochłanianie ...

Efektywność energetyczna

Noty tematyczne o UE 01-11-2017

Ograniczenie zużycia energii i zmniejszenie ilości odpadów to kwestie o coraz większym znaczeniu dla UE. W 2007 r. przywódcy UE wyznaczyli cel dotyczący zmniejszenia rocznego zużycia energii przez Unię o 20 % do 2020 r. Działania mające na celu zapewnienie efektywności energetycznej coraz częściej uznaje się nie tylko za środek zapewniający zrównoważone dostawy energii, ograniczający emisje gazów cieplarnianych, zwiększający bezpieczeństwo dostaw i ograniczający wydatki na import energii, lecz także ...

Cross-border provision of services in the EU is relatively common, and is undertaken by an increasing number of entities, especially in sectors such as construction and business. Despite this fact, many service-providers still face obstacles to benefitting from comparable business opportunities available to local persons and organisations. The proposed regulation and accompanying directive aim to tackle these remaining obstacles through the introduction of a European services e-card, meant to increase ...

A comparison of the services offers which the European Union has made for the negotiations on the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) shows that, in general, both treaties follow similar approaches and points of difference are minor; both TiSA and TTIP apply a positive listing approach in regards to market access and negative listing in regards to national treatment, and the rules governing market access and national treatment do ...

Reports on the negative health and environmental effects of open pit uranium mining activities by European companies in Gabon and Niger have prompted a media and public critical reaction. This study looks at mining practices in two pits in these countries. Available secondary sources are thoroughly reviewed and complemented with a field visit to Gabon despite the technical and practical difficulty of reaching the areas where the activity takes place. The assessment indicates that substantial problems ...