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This publication seeks to assist the Members of the European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) in their work relating to the 2022 discharge procedure, scrutinising how the general budget of the European Union is spent. It is based on a sample of 13 special reports by the European Court of Auditors (ECA), which were presented during CONT committee meetings in the 12 months from December 2022 to November 2023, and for which the committee secretariat prepared working documents. The analysis ...

On 12 December 2022, the Council adopted the Hungarian recovery and resilience plan (RRP) based on the Commission’s positive evaluation. Compared to the original plan, a whole new component of measures has been added (Component 9: Governance and Public Administration) containing 38 measures with 111 milestones and targets. Of these, 27 milestones are referred to as ‘super milestones’ without which no payment under the RRF will be allowed. These ‘super milestones’ include some of the Key Implementation ...

This publication seeks to assist the Members of the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) in their work related to the 2021 discharge procedure, scrutinising how the general budget of the European Union is spent. It is based on a sample comprising 17 special reports by the European Court of Auditors (ECA), which have been presented during CONT committee meetings over the past 12 months (December 2021 to November 2022), and for which the committee secretariat prepared working ...

This study aims to analyse the problems that Member States’ authorities and bodies experience in the implementation, control and audit of EU expenditure, their root causes and implications for the Single Audit approach. In particular, the specific objectives of this study are to: • Gain a comprehensive insight into the causes of the problems that Member States’ authorities and bodies face when implementing, controlling and auditing the European Union budget. • Assess the quality of their work ...

At the request of the CONT Committee of the European Parliament, this study has been prepared as background information for work on the legislative Own Initiative Report on the digitalisation of European reporting, monitoring and audit. Building on the findings of the study on ‘The largest 50 beneficiaries in each EU Member State of CAP and Cohesion Funds’, this study assesses the requirements for a single EU database of beneficiaries. Such a database would overcome the current fragmentation in ...

Podczas kwietniowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma podjąć decyzję w sprawie udzielenia absolutorium różnym instytucjom i organom Unii Europejskiej za rok budżetowy 2019. Pierwszym punktem porządku dziennego debaty i głosowania w sprawie absolutorium za 2019 r. jest sprawozdanie obejmujące Komisję Europejską (w tym sześć agencji wykonawczych), która odpowiada za zarządzanie największą częścią budżetu UE. Komisji udziela się odrębnego absolutorium w odniesieniu do zarządzania europejskimi ...

Komisja Kontroli Budżetowej Parlamentu Europejskiego (CONT) zaleca udzielenie absolutorium w odniesieniu do wszystkich sekcji administracyjnych budżetu UE za rok budżetowy 2019, z wyjątkiem Rady Europejskiej i Rady, w odniesieniu do której zaleca odroczenie decyzji w sprawie udzielenia absolutorium. Głosowania nad sprawozdaniami w sprawie absolutorium mają się odbyć na kwietniowym posiedzeniu plenarnym.

Na kwietniowej sesji plenarnej, w kontekście procedury udzielania absolutorium za rok budżetowy 2019, Parlament Europejski ma głosować nad udzieleniem absolutorium wszystkim 32 agencjom zdecentralizowanym i ośmiu wspólnym przedsięwzięciom UE z wykonania przez nie budżetu na rok 2019. Komisja Kontroli Budżetowej (CONT) proponuje udzielenie absolutorium wszystkim tym podmiotom, z wyjątkiem Europejskiej Agencji Straży Granicznej i Przybrzeżnej (Frontex), w odniesieniu do której proponuje odroczenie ...

This briefing provides an overview of the advisory role played by independent national fiscal bodies in the preparations of the budgets of the EU Member States. The briefing is updated regularly. The objective of the analysis is twofold: 1) to give an overview of the set-up and functioning of these independent fiscal bodies based on the most recent assessments by the European Commission. 2) to give an overview of the extent to which the latest Stability or Convergence Programmes and the Draft ...

Global Trendometer 2019

Badanie 18-12-2019

The new Global Trendometer examines topics ranging from deliberative democracy and the future of social policy in Europe, to scenarios for Northern Africa, China's social credit system, the auditing of algorithms and space as a new frontier.