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The EU and its Member States have signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and use its definition of disability as a common reference at EU level. There is no other harmonised definition of disability in the EU. Although a wide variety of statistical surveys are available in terms of questions asked and population surveyed, a complete statistical assessment of disability in the EU does not yet exist. However, the annual Eurostat statistics on income and living conditions ...

W sprawozdaniu przyjętym 17 listopada 2022 r. Komisja Wolności Obywatelskich Parlamentu Europejskiego (LIBE) podsumowuje postępy wdrażania Konwencji ONZ o prawach osób niepełnosprawnych w Unii Europejskiej (UE). Tekst zostanie omówiony i poddany pod głosowanie podczas grudniowej sesji plenarnej Parlamentu.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), examines the progress made on mutual recognition of disability status, and the challenges this presents. There are different definitions and practices of disability assessment, among the Member States and in different policy fields. Citizens’ petitions raise concerns about this, and about the need for mutual recognition. Harmonising ...

Na pierwszej sesji plenarnej w marcu 2021 r. Parlament Europejski ma omówić i przyjąć rezolucję w sprawie działalności Europejskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich w 2019 r. w oparciu o sprawozdanie roczne Europejskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich przedstawione 4 maja 2020 r. Sprawozdanie obejmuje ostatni rok pierwszej kadencji Emily O’Reilly na stanowisku Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich przed jej wyborem na drugą kadencję pod koniec grudnia 2019 r.

3 December marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. EPRS has prepared a study on the implementation of the Employment Equality Directive in light of the UN CRPD, in support of the ongoing EMPL implementation report. The study places a particular focus on reasonable accommodation, positive action, sanctions and equality bodies, and also to employment-related data regarding persons with disabilities.

Approximately one in six people in the European Union (EU) aged 15 and over lives with some kind of disability. Even if there has been an overall improvement in the employment situation of persons with disabilities in the EU (given the increase in employment rates), they still remain among the most disadvantaged groups as regards employment. This phenomenon considerably affects the EU's social integration ability and economic growth. Alongside and in support of Member States' policies, the EU has ...

Despite the additional barriers they face, artists with disabilities make a creative contribution to cultural life. People with disabilities should also have equal access to works of art and be able to enjoy cultural life on a par with all citizens. The United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities entered into force in 2011. It enshrined, among other rights, the right of people with disabilities to access cultural venues such as theatres, cinemas and museums, and to enjoy ...

Indigenous children with disabilities (ICwD) have received little attention in academic research and development policies. However, they face discrimination at many levels, based on ethnicity, age, ability and gender and this often leads to serious human rights violations. The lack of data, both on the prevalence of disabilities among indigenous children and young people and on specific violations of their human rights, is a serious constraint to any policy intended to respect, protect and promote ...

W Unii Europejskiej prawie co szósta osoba w wieku co najmniej 15 lat ma pewien rodzaj niepełnosprawności. Oczekuje się, że w miarę starzenia się społeczeństwa liczba ta znacząco wzrośnie. W lutym 2017 r. Komisja Europejska opublikowała sprawozdanie z postępów w realizacji europejskiej strategii w sprawie niepełnosprawności na lata 2010–2020. Podczas drugiej sesji plenarnej w listopadzie Parlament ma przeprowadzić dyskusję na temat sprawozdania z własnej inicjatywy w sprawie wdrażania tej strategii ...

This briefing note provides an update on developments in the implementation of the UNCRPD in the EU since the study "The Protection Role of the Committee on Petitions in the Context of the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", requested by PETI in 2015 and updated in 2016. It reviews the recommendations of that study and identifies the key challenges regarding the European Parliament’s responsibilities in relation to the UN CRPD and other EU institutions ...