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This At a glance note summarises the study assessing the EU’s approach to multilingualism in its communications policy. An innovative mixed methods approach is used to investigate compliance with multilingualism obligations and the language regimes and practices of EU institutions, bodies and agencies, especially on EU websites. The fit with the linguistic skills of EU27 residents is also investigated. Policy recommendations are provided to enhance the transparency and accessibility of EU communication ...

This study assesses the EU’s approach to multilingualism in its communications policy. An innovative mixed methods approach is used to investigate compliance with multilingualism obligations and the language regimes and practices of EU institutions, bodies and agencies, especially on EU websites. The fit with the linguistic skills of EU27 residents is also investigated. Policy recommendations are provided to enhance the transparency and accessibility of EU communication policy taking account of feasibility ...

One language disappears every two weeks, and up to 90 % of existing languages could be gone by the turn of the century. Globalisation, social and economic pressures and political options can determine whether a language survives. Multilingualism is a cornerstone of the European project, with 24 official and 60 minority languages. In a digital era, ensuring digital language equality can help preserve linguistic diversity.

Some 7 000 languages are spoken globally today. However, half of the world's population shares just six native languages, and some 90 % of all languages may be replaced by dominant ones by the end of the century. The harmonious co-existence of 24 official languages is one of the most distinctive features of the European project. Multilingualism is not only an expression of the EU countries' cultural identities, it also helps preserve democracy, transparency and accountability. No legislation can ...

Having considered the possibility of merging the Creative Europe programme with other programmes supporting European values, rights and justice, the European Commission has decided to continue the Creative Europe programme as a stand-alone programme, increasing its budget by 17 %. The only programme focusing exclusively on cultural and creative activities and enterprises, it falls under the 'Cohesion and values' heading of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework. The previous programme focused ...

The study provides an up-to-date evaluation of the implementation of the selected smaller and bigger actions within the Creative Europe programme (2014 to 2020) with focus on the European dimension and European added value of the undertaken actions as well as their visibility.

Sign languages in the EU

W skrócie 21-09-2018

European Languages Day on 26 September is devoted to the variety of languages spoken by EU citizens. However, not all people can speak, or hear others speaking. Some use sign languages, which policy-makers consider in the context of the rights of people with disabilities, or as a linguistic minority right. To raise awareness, the United Nations launched the International Day of Sign Languages on 23 September 2018.

„Kreatywna Europa” jest wyjątkowym programem europejskim, dostosowanym do potrzeb sektora kultury i sektora kreatywnego. To główny program przyczyniający się do osiągania celów polityki kulturalnej UE. Program ten został ukierunkowany na właściwe priorytety, ale ze względu na skromny budżet nie wywiera on znaczącego wpływu. W sprawozdaniu przedstawiono zalecenia dotyczące stworzenia w przyszłości bardziej ambitnego programu, który będzie odzwierciedlał bogactwo różnorodności kulturowej Europy.

Rooted in the Treaties, multilingualism reflects the cultural and linguistic diversity of the European Union's Member States. Language learning is critical to the construction of the European Union and imparts essential basic and transversal skills. Language acquisition starts at home, and early childhood education can further enhance self-expression. Yet it does not stop with schooling, adults too acquire language skills, even outside the formal educational system.

Polityka językowa

Noty tematyczne o UE 01-09-2017

W ramach działań podejmowanych na rzecz promowania mobilności i międzykulturowego zrozumienia UE wskazała naukę języków jako ważny priorytet i finansuje liczne programy i projekty w tym obszarze. Zdaniem UE wielojęzyczność stanowi istotny element europejskiej konkurencyjności. Dlatego też jednym z celów polityki językowej UE jest opanowanie przez każdego obywatela europejskiego, oprócz języka ojczystego, dwóch języków obcych.