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The creation and formalisation of the European Parliament's political groups goes back to June 1953 and the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community's Common Assembly. This briefing analyses the evolution of the groups' structures and trajectories until the European elections in 2019. It shows how the conflict between national, political and transnational ideological allegiances of delegated Members of the Common Assembly was already present from the start, providing an important impetus ...

The role of the European political parties, often under-estimated in the past, has increased significantly over the years. Today, they are important coordinators within the EU political system, carrying out a variety of activities that can be classified conceptually as ‘vertical’, ‘horizontal’ and ‘diagonal’ coordination. This EPRS study explores the growing 'politicisation' of the European Council and the increased coordination role which European political parties appear to play in the context ...

Niniejszy briefing, opracowany przez Biuro Analiz Parlamentu Europejskiego, zawiera najważniejsze informacje i dane liczbowe dotyczące Parlamentu Europejskiego. Dotyczą one obecnej kadencji (lipiec 2019–czerwiec 2024) i ośmiu wcześniejszych pięcioletnich kadencji od czasu bezpośrednich wyborów do Parlamentu w czerwcu 1979 roku. W dokumencie tym zawarto różnego rodzaju wykresy: • przedstawiają one skład Parlamentu Europejskiego aktualnie i w przeszłości; • analizują zwiększanie się liczby partii w ...

In May 2019, on a turnout of 51%, European Union citizens elected their representatives to the European Parliament for the next five years. On 31 January 2020, the United Kingdom withdrew from the Union. Of the 73 seats vacated by Members elected in the UK, 27 have been redistributed among 14 Member States, while 46 remain available for potential EU enlargements and/or the possible creation of a transnational constituency in the future. The number of seats in the Parliament has fallen from 751 to ...

Our table shows the number of MEPs in each group, broken down by Member State, as well as the non-attached (NI) Members not in any group. The figures are supplied by our colleagues from the Members’ Administration Unit. This infographic updates an earlier edition, of 5 July 2019, PE637.970.

Our table shows the number of MEPs in each group, broken down by Member State, as well as the non-attached (NI) Members not in any group. The figures are supplied by our colleagues from the Members’ Administration Unit. This infographic updates an earlier edition, of 4 December 2017, PE614.600.

Political groups in the European Parliament contribute greatly to the institution's supranational character and are a most important element of its parliamentary work. Moreover, the Parliament's political groups have proven to be crucial designers of EU politics and policies. However, when the forerunner of today's Parliament, the Common Assembly of the Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), was established in 1952, the creation of political groups was not envisaged at all. Making use of its autonomy with ...

This study seeks to fill a gap in research on the development of political groups, which have become a crucial component of the European Parliament. In fact, the creation of political groups can be traced back to a June 1953 decision of the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Parliament’s forerunner, to allow members to establish three political groups – Christian Democrats, Socialists and Liberals – and thus begin the formation of supranational links among Members ...

Posłowie do Parlamentu Europejskiego mogą tworzyć grupy polityczne, których członkowie dobierają się nie według narodowości, lecz według poglądów politycznych. Na przestrzeni czasu od pierwszych bezpośrednich wyborów w 1979 r. liczba grup politycznych wahała się od siedmiu do dziesięciu. Po wyborach z 2019 r. liczba, wielkość i skład grup politycznych przypuszczalnie znowu ulegną zmianie z racji możliwego rozwiązania niektórych grup politycznych i utworzenia nowych. Aby utworzyć grupę polityczną, ...

This study charts the course and contours of academic interest in, and writing about, the European Parliament (EP) since its origins in the early 1950s. What began as a trickle of scholarly works on the EP turned into a flood in the early 1990s, after the EP acquired greater legislative power and became more like a ‘real’ (if not a ‘normal’) parliament. The study does not claim to mention every significant work on the EP, and may well mention some works that other scholars might not consider to be ...