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This report evaluates the challenges and opportunities for the EU dairy sector in light of milk quota abolition and the sector’s medium-term prospects. It focuses on structural change in the sector, the dynamics of the dairy market, the need for environmental resilience and rural sustainability. The specific concerns of disadvantaged dairy regions are also addressed. The report offers policy recommendations for the European Parliament's consideration to bolster dairy farming and sustain rural communities ...

This At a glance note summarises the study evaluating the challenges, opportunities and medium-term prospects for the EU dairy sector in light of milk quota abolition. The study focuses on structural change in the sector, the dynamics of the dairy market, the need for environmental resilience and rural sustainability. The specific concerns of disadvantaged dairy regions are also addressed. The report offers policy recommendations for the European Parliament's consideration to bolster dairy farming ...

The EU dairy sector is the second biggest agricultural sector in the EU, representing more than 12 % of total agricultural output. While milk is produced in all Member States, farm and herd sizes, yields and types of farming vary widely across Europe, from free-range farming in Alpine areas to large specialised dairy farms in the north-west and centre of Europe. In 2016, 157 million tonnes of milk were delivered to dairies, where raw milk is processed into fresh products such as cheese or butter. ...

A OCM enquadra as medidas de mercado previstas no âmbito da PAC. As sucessivas reformas levaram, em 2007, à fusão de 21 OCM numa única OCM que abrange todos os produtos agrícolas. Paralelamente, as revisões da PAC têm vindo a conferir a esta política uma orientação mais dirigida para os mercados e a reduzir o âmbito dos instrumentos de intervenção, os quais são agora considerados «redes de segurança» a utilizar apenas em caso de crise.

The Monthly Highlights newsletter features publications on EU cattle sector, Brexit, Russia, drug policy, EU agencies and structural and investment funds.

The milk crisis in the EU has persisted since 2015. In light of the situation facing the dairy sector and recognising that the outlook for milk prices is not encouraging, Parliament has requested the Commission and the Council to provide an update in plenary on measures to address the situation.

This study was prepared for Policy Department A at the request of the Environmental, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee, and updates the earlier 2013 briefing. It provides an overview of the food safety situation in Ireland. It outlines the Irish food and drink industry, the structure and organisation of the food safety and control system involved in food safety in Ireland and a description of current food safety issues in Ireland. An overview of the structure and competencies of the ...

A presente análise aprofundada destina-se aos deputados da Comissão da Agricultura e do Desenvolvimento Rural do Parlamento Europeu que visitarão os Países Baixos em março de 2016. O documento apresenta uma visão geral muito concisa do país, descreve o setor agrícola e fornece informações pormenorizadas sobre a aplicação da nova política agrícola comum da UE para o período de 2014-2020. Os Países Baixos têm uma economia de elevado rendimento, aberta e baseada no conhecimento, que recupera gradualmente ...

Este estudo foi redigido para a delegação da Comissão da Agricultura e do Desenvolvimento Rural do Parlamento Europeu que se irá deslocar ao arquipélago dos Açores (Portugal) em novembro de 2015. É constituído por: - Uma parte introdutória, que apresenta os principais dados demográficos e políticos; - Uma visão geral da economia regional do arquipélago; - Um capítulo específico consagrado à agricultura; - Por último, analisam-se os atuais programas de desenvolvimento rural e de apoio à ...

Milk is produced in every EU Member State and EU milk production is growing. As the leading worldwide exporter of many dairy products, the EU is a major player in the global dairy market; within the Union, dairy is an essential agricultural sector with significant economic, social and territorial importance. For more than 30 years, EU milk supply was managed by the EU milk quota system, which expired at the end of March 2015. Although long-term market prospects are generally quite positive, with ...