The Expected Impact of the TTIP on EU Member States and Selected Third Countries

Analiză aprofundată 19-09-2014

The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is one of the largest trade deals ever negotiated by the European Union. The European Commission, based on studies commissioned externally, has stressed on the extremely positive effects the deal could produce on the EU economy as a whole and tried to dismiss allegations that TTIP could have negatively impacted on a certain number of economic sectors and third countries, especially those benefitting from preferential access to the EU and the US markets. Several independent studies, both general and regional, have meanwhile been published. These studies, while generally confirming the expected benefits to the EU economy as a whole, often diverge as far as given economic sectors or Member States are concerned. It is worth to note that at present time, only two studies dealing with third countries have been carried out. Impact on third countries has been analysed revealing that preferential partners of both the EU and the US may face severe losses should the deal be finally concluded following the most optimist scenario (full liberalisation).