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The EU and the six member countries of the GCC have started negotiations for an FTA long ago, in 1990, suspended since 2008. Meanwhile, GCC countries, suffering from the drop in oil price since mid-2014, have engaged in extremely ambitious economic programmes for the diversification of their economies too dependent on hydrocarbons. Within the institutional economic dialogue set between the EU and the GCC countries, the European parliament offered its diplomacy to organise this conference in order ...

Obchodné režimy vzťahujúce sa na rozvojové krajiny

Informačné listy o EÚ 01-09-2017

Obchodná a rozvojová politika EÚ je načrtnutá v oznámení z januára 2012 s názvom Obchod, rast a rozvoj. Zameriava sa na krajiny, ktoré najviac potrebujú pomoc. Pre najmenej rozvinuté krajiny sa zachoval všeobecný systém preferencií, podobne ako režim „všetko okrem zbraní“, zatiaľ čo preferenčné zaobchádzanie pre krajiny AKT, ktoré nie sú najmenej rozvinutými štátmi, sa nahradilo dohodami o hospodárskom partnerstve (DHP), súčasťou ktorých je aj rozvoj. Pripravuje sa nová stratégia pomoci EÚ pre obchod ...

EU Economic Diplomacy Strategy

Hĺbková analýza 03-03-2017

The post-World War II order is undergoing profound changes with globalisation and the emergence of new economic powers. The economy has gradually taken over as the main driver of political influence and global now transcend the old national or regional divides. As the EU was emerging as a global economic player, the economic and financial crisis made the need to tap into foreign markets all the greater. The creation of the European External Action Service (EEAS), incorporating the EU delegations, ...