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As part of the Conference on the Future of Europe, 800 citizens debated their ideas for the European Union in four thematic panels. The citizens involved in Panel 4 considered the possibilities for two related themes: the EU in the world and migration. This publication presents their recommendations, as well as a selection of related European Parliament resolutions and EU legislation, funding programmes and other activities. These background elements are not exhaustive, but have been selected to ...

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President designate of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, appeared before the European Parliament on 7 October 2019 to answer MEPs’ questions. During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document.

Within their partnership, the EU and Japan recognise each other as being essentially civilian (or ‘soft’) powers that share the same values and act in the international arena solely with diplomatic means. However, the evolution of the threats they face and the unpredictability now shown by their strategic ally, the US, have led both the EU and Japan to reconsider the option of ‘soft power-only’ for ensuring their security. They have both begun the — albeit long —process of seeking greater strategic ...

The EU celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties a year ago by pledging to enhance the EU’s role as a global player, in line with the 2016 Global Strategy. This was intended to develop the EU’s role in security and defence matters, starting with increasing support for the European defence industry and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as a whole, as well as reinforcing existing or developing new partnerships and pushing for further global engagement in support of the UN system ...

Traja susedia Východného partnerstva v Zakaukazsku

Informačné listy o EÚ 01-09-2017

Politika Východného partnerstva EÚ, ktorá vznikla v roku 2009, zahŕňa šesť krajín bývalého Sovietskeho zväzu: Arménsko, Azerbajdžan, Bielorusko, Gruzínsko, Moldavsko a Ukrajinu. Partnerstvo vzniklo v roku 2009 s cieľom podporovať snahy o politické, sociálne a hospodárske reformy v týchto krajinách zamerané na zvýšenie demokratizácie, zlepšovanie dobrej správy, energetickej bezpečnosti, ochrany životného prostredia a hospodárskeho a sociálneho rozvoja. Všetky členské krajiny okrem Bieloruska sú súčasťou ...

Spoločná bezpečnostná a obranná politika

Informačné listy o EÚ 01-06-2017

Spoločná bezpečnostná a obranná politika (SBOP) stanovuje rámec politických a vojenských štruktúr EÚ vojenských a civilných misií a operácií v zahraničí. Globálna stratégia EÚ 2016 určuje stratégiu SBOP, zatiaľ čo Lisabonská zmluva objasňuje inštitucionálne aspekty a posilňuje úlohu Európskeho parlamentu. SBOP nedávno prešla zásadnými strategickými a operačnými zmenami. Naďalej sa vyvíja, aby dokázala čeliť bezpečnostným výzvam a dopytu po silnejšej reakcii EÚ.

The Global Strategy for the EU’s Foreign and Security Policy presented by High Representative Federica Mogherini on 28 June 2016 sets out a ‘Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe’, in response to the Member States’ request for a new framework in which the EU can tackle the challenges and key changes to the EU’s environment identified in a strategic assessment carried out in 2015. Many expectations were raised ahead of its publication but it soon became clear that defence would be a central ...

India and China: Too Close for Comfort?

Hĺbková analýza 15-07-2016

India and China — two emerging Asian giants — have historically been polar opposites in many ways and relations between them have been tense. In recent years, however, their co-operation has been improving and they have signed numerous bilateral agreements. From the EU’s perspective, it is crucial to monitor the relationship between these strategic partners. Not only do these two emerging countries have the two largest populations in the world, but projections suggest that they will together account ...

The workshop was organized on June 15, 2016 at the initiative of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) with the aim of assessing the quantitative and qualitative parameters of Russian military presence in the Eastern Partnership Countries, and its implications for European security. Dr. Anna Maria Dyner, Analyst with the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and Coordinator of PISM’s Eastern European Programme, covered Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine. Dr. Gaïdz Minassian, Senior ...

Following the terrorist attacks of 13 November 2015 in Paris, the 'mutual defence/assistance clause' of the Treaty of Lisbon (article 42.7 TEU) was invoked for the first time by an EU Member State. This tool is a 'reactive', intergovernmental instrument. Devoid of specific implementation arrangements, the text foresees no explicit role for EU institutions. As a result, any Member State invoking the clause maintains a wide margin of manoeuvre for pursuing bilateral discussions with partners, who are ...