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This note presents selected information on the current status of the EU economic governance procedures and related relevant information in view of an Economic Dialogue with Nadia Calviño, Minister of Economía y Empresa in Spain, in the ECON committee of the European Parliament. The invitation for a dialogue is in accordance with the EU economic governance framework. The last Economic Dialogue with the Spanish authorities took place in January 2014 and an exchange of views took place in November 2016 ...

Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Moscovici have been invited to an Economic Dialogue and Exchange of Views on the launch of the 2019 European Semester and the Commission opinions on the 2019 Draft Budgetary Plans of the Euro Area Member States, in line with the relevant EU law. This briefing note covers the main elements of the 2019 European Semester Package, proposed by the Commission, and the 2019 Draft Budgetary Plans of the Euro Area Member States, including the specific situation ...