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On 15 December 2021, the Commission adopted a legislative proposal to recast the 2009 EU Gas Directive as part of the proposed hydrogen and decarbonised gas markets package. This reflects the EU's growing climate ambitions, as set out in the European Green Deal and its 'fit for 55' package. The proposal aims to support the decarbonisation of the energy sector by ramping up the production of renewable gases and hydrogen, and facilitating their integration in EU energy networks. The recast directive ...

Energy security in the EU's external policy

Hĺbková analýza 13-03-2020

This publication describes the link between energy security and the EU's external policy. The EU imports most of its energy, and its biggest supplier is Russia, a country with very different foreign policy goals to the EU's. Energy is a key aspect of the EU's external relations, not only with energy suppliers such as Russia, but also with neighbouring transit countries. Alongside internal measures to integrate European markets, energy diplomacy is a central part of the EU's efforts to address energy ...

On 30 November 2016, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal for a regulation on the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), as part of the ‘clean energy for all Europeans’ legislative package. The proposed regulation gives ACER a stronger role in the development of network codes and the coordination of regional decision-making. It furthermore assigns it a number of new tasks related to regional operational centres, the supervision of nominated electricity market ...

Sector coupling involves the increased integration of energy end-use and supply sectors with one another. This can improve the efficiency and flexibility of the energy system as well as its reliability and adequacy. Additionally, sector coupling can reduce the costs of decarbonisation. To foster the full potential of sector coupling in several end-use and supply applications, it is important that existing techno-economic, policy and regulatory barriers are removed. Furthermore, a more integrated ...

This study analyses the various challenges of the deployment of charging infrastructure within the EU. This includes existing technologies and standardisation issues, metering systems and pricing schemes, business and financing models, the impact of the charging infrastructure on the dissemination of Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs), and the appropriateness of current technologies, business models, and public policies.

On 8 November 2017, the European Commission adopted the clean mobility package, including legislative proposals to help accelerate the transition to low and zero emission vehicles, together with a communication on an action plan with investment solutions for the trans-European deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure. The Commission will present its action plan to the European Parliament during the March plenary session.

Russia in the southern Caucasus

V stručnosti 18-01-2018

Armenia is a Russian ally, Georgia has chosen a pro-Western course, while Azerbaijan has kept its distance from both sides. Despite these differences, Russia has significant economic interests in all three Caucasian countries and enjoys considerable soft power.

This study provided by Policy Department A at the request of the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) shows that the energy-system related impact of Brexit on EU citizens and companies will be limited. The EU will be able to complete its market, achieve its climate and energy targets and maintain supply security. It appears likely (although not guaranteed) that the UK will continue to maintain sensible environmental policies and safeguard the rights of EU companies ...

Vnútorný trh s energiou

Informačné listy o EÚ 01-11-2017

S cieľom harmonizovať a liberalizovať vnútorný trh EÚ s energiou sa od roku 1996 do roku 2009 postupne prijali tri balíky legislatívnych opatrení, v ktorých sa riešil prístup na trh, transparentnosť, regulácia a ochrana spotrebiteľa a podporovalo sa prepojenie a primeraná úroveň dodávok energie. Výsledkom týchto opatrení je skutočnosť, že na trhy členských štátov môžu vstupovať noví dodávatelia plynu a elektrickej energie, pričom priemyselní odberatelia i domácnosti si v súčasnosti môžu slobodne ...

New rules on security of gas supply

V stručnosti 05-09-2017

In February 2016, the Commission adopted a proposal to revise the 2010 regulation on security of gas supply. Trilogue negotiations in early 2017 produced an agreed text that was endorsed by the Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) committee in May 2017. The Parliament is due to vote on this text during the September 2017 plenary.