
Rezultati iskanja

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Avdiovizualna in medijska politika

Kratki vodnik po EU 01-11-2017

Avdiovizualna politika v EU je urejena s členoma 167 in 173 Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije (PDEU). Glavni zakonodajni dokument na tem področju je Direktiva o avdiovizualnih medijskih storitvah, ki je trenutno (2017) v postopku pregleda. Glavni instrument EU za pomoč temu sektorju (zlasti filmu) je MEDIA, podprogram v okviru programa Ustvarjalna Evropa. Listina o temeljnih pravicah Evropske unije določa, da se spoštujeta svoboda in pluralnost medijev.

Since its entry into force, the regulatory framework established by the Audiovisual Media Services Directive proved to be rather effective in achieving its goal of enabling the development and free circulation of audiovisual media services in the European Union. However, given the technological developments that led to a convergent audiovisual environment, it needs to be further adapted in order to better respond to market developments and new viewing patterns and habits. The European Parliament, ...

The Satellite and Cable Directive

Briefing 26-05-2016

Since 1995, when the Satellite and Cable Directive 93/83 was supposed to be transposed into the national laws of the Member States, the broadcasting landscape has been through various changes. While cable retransmission and satellite broadcasting still play their roles, new forms of broadcasting have found a stable place in the broadcasting landscape. This includes the ability to watch content on demand, through webcasting or simulcasting. Furthermore, a considerable role is played by online broadcasting ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment accompanying the above proposal, adopted on 9 December 2015. This proposal is one of the first legislative initiatives proposed under the umbrella of the Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy. The DSM Strategy is in itself one of the ten political priorities of the Juncker Commission. The portability proposal aims to contribute to the key objectives of the DSM allowing for ...

Ta sestavek je kritična ocena sklopa MEDIA v programu Ustvarjalna Evropa in določb medsektorskega sklopa v zvezi z avdiovizualnim sektorjem. Opisuje določbe, določene v predlagani uredbi o programu Ustvarjalna Evropa, jih primerja z ukrepi prejšnjih programov MEDIA in analizira načrtovane ukrepe v zvezi z glavnimi izzivi za evropski avdiovizualni sektor. Predlaga priporočila glede politike za izboljšanje predlaganega besedila in zagotovitev učinkovite podpore.

This note provides a brief introduction to the issue of the interoperability of digital interactive television services, with reference to the European Commission's 2006 Communication on the same subject. It evaluates the importance of the topic for the work of Parliament's Committee on Culture.