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European Maritime Single Window

Briefing 14-05-2018

Reporting formalities for ships arriving in and/or departing from ports of the Member States are currently set out in Directive 2010/65/EU – the Reporting Formalities Directive (RFD). The directive aims to simplify and harmonise administrative procedures in maritime transport by introducing a single window for reporting formalities for ships. The European Commission's ex-post evaluation of the functioning of the directive showed that, eight years after its adoption, several serious problems are hampering ...


Faktablad om EU 01-11-2017

För närvarande produceras omkring en tredjedel av den elektricitet och fjorton procent av den energi som konsumeras inom EU av kärnkraftverk. Kärnenergi är ett koldioxidsnålt alternativ till fossila bränslen och utgör en mycket viktig del av energimixen för många medlemsstater. Efter katastrofen i Tjernobyl 1986 och kärnkraftskatastrofen i Fukushima i Japan 2011 har emellertid kärnenergin blivit mycket kontroversiell. Tysklands beslut att frångå kärnkraft senast 2020, tillsammans med att två belgiska ...

Europeiska unionen har satt som mål att skapa ett europeiskt område för trafiksäkerhet under tioårsperioden 2010–2020. Befogenheten på detta område ligger främst hos medlemsstaterna. EU:s åtgärder avser därför främst fordonens tekniska tillstånd, transport av farligt gods och vägnätens säkerhet.

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying the proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a Community system for registration of carriers of radioactive materials.

These proceedings summarise the presentations and discussions at the Workshop on the proposed Seveso III Directive, held on 13 April 2011. The aim of the workshop was to allow an exchange of views between the European Commission, MEPs and stakeholders. Topics for discussion included the impacts on the scope resulting from the alignment with the CLP Regulation, informational requirements and proposed obligatory inspection intervals. The workshop was chaired by MEP János Áder, rapporteur for the Seveso ...

A survey of safety at sea within the framework of the international conventions and the powers of EC and States.