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The Analytical Study suggests that the seven EU agencies in the health and safety field demonstrate strong European added value and that this is widely recognised by Member States and other stakeholders including business. The agencies have played an important role in the COVID-19 pandemic. More generally. the study concludes that the cost of ‘non-agencies’, i.e. a situation where the agencies ceased to exist, would be higher to the European Commission, national authorities and business than the ...

The European Commission has proposed a revision of the founding regulations of three decentralised agencies (Cedefop, Eurofound and EU-OSHA) in order to update their objectives and tasks, and to define more precisely their roles in supporting the EU institutions and bodies, the Member States, and the social partners, as well as those involved in shaping and implementing policies at European and national levels in their respective policy areas. The agreed texts of the proposals, reached after extensive ...


Faktablad om EU 01-06-2017

Allt sedan 1980-talet har en bättre arbetsmiljö varit en viktig fråga för EU. Unionslagstiftningen har infört minimistandarder för skydd av arbetstagare, men hindrar inte medlemsstater att behålla eller införa mer långtgående åtgärder. När Lissabonfördraget trädde i kraft blev EU:s stadga om de grundläggande rättigheterna rättsligt bindande, vilket gjorde att arbetsmiljöpolitiken blev en ännu viktigare del av unionslagstiftningen.

The study presents recent trends on stress at work as well as an overview of EU and national measures to tackle this problem, especially in the context of the economic and financial crisis. The report also includes a number of case studies illustrating initiatives that have proven successful in improving workers’ mental well-being, in particular during restructuring. Given the growing concerns on the impact of the economic and financial crisis on workers’ mental health, one of the main recommendations ...

Two briefing notes on the 'New Strategy on Health and Safety at work 2007-2012' focus on the comparability of data and statistics in occupational health and safety, implementation and simplification of OSH directives without reducing the level of protection, targeted measures and whether OSH legislation is applied at global level.