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On 5 May 2022, voters elected the members of the Northern Ireland Assembly (NIA) in a challenging political context, due among other things to differences over the Northern Ireland Protocol. Indeed, the largest unionist party in Northern Ireland strongly opposes the Protocol, and has blocked the work of Northern Ireland's political institutions pending changes in its operation. The UK government has reiterated its readiness to 'unilaterally dis-apply' the Protocol and/or to suspend it – putting forward ...

The military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation has pushed hundreds of thousands of people to flee the country and seek shelter in neighbouring countries. With each passing hour, the humanitarian situation is deteriorating both within and outside the country. Several Ukrainian cities have reportedly lost access to water, heating, electricity and basic supplies, while the civilian population is subject to shelling and violence. While outside Ukraine's borders, the international humanitarian ...

Nearly three years have passed since the adoption of a revised protocol that will grant the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) legislative powers and considerably strengthen the institution within the overall African governance system. While very few countries have ratified the protocol so far, the acceleration of its ratification procedures is a priority for the recently elected PAP president. The EP and the PAP enjoy a long-standing partnership and both of them have an important role to play in monitoring ...

Den europeiska grannskapspolitiken

Faktablad om EU 01-06-2017

Den europeiska grannskapspolitiken omfattar Algeriet, Armenien, Azerbajdzjan, Egypten, Georgien, Israel, Jordanien, Libanon, Libyen, Marocko, Moldavien, Palestina, Syrien, Tunisien, Ukraina och Vitryssland. Den syftar till att stärka välståndet, stabiliteten och säkerheten för alla. Politiken bygger på demokrati, rättsstatsprincipen och respekt för de mänskliga rättigheterna och är en bilateral politik mellan EU och varje partnerland med regionala samarbetsinitiativ: det östliga partnerskapet och ...

Europaparlamentets Parlameter 2016 (EP/EB 86.1) genomfördes i Europeiska unionens 28 medlemsstater från den 24 september till den 3 oktober 2016 av Kantar Public (tidigare TNS opinion). Undersökningen ägnas åt européernas uppfattning om Europaparlamentet, deras bild av Europaparlamentet och dess roll samt vilka kunskapet de har om institutionen. Den behandlar även de centrala frågorna om EU-medlemskap, europeisk identitet, EU-medborgarskap, prioriterade politikområden och värderingar.

The mains aims of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) are the promotion of closer cooperation among parliaments of the association of South East Asian nations (ASEAN) member countries and the facilitation of the attainment of the objectives of ASEAN. AIPA is not the Parliament of ASEAN: it has no legislative powers, its resolutions are non-binding, and it does not vote on the budget of ASEAN. However, AIPA is significant in relation to the development of the political context in Southeast ...

The EU is committed by Treaty to consolidate and support democracy worldwide. Parliamentary democracy is fundamental to achieve legitimacy and accountability. Moreover exchanges between parliaments enhance their role within each country and contribute to the spread of democratic values. The EU is also a staunch supporter of regional integration as a means of fostering regional stability, supporting economic growth and addressing global challenges. However, despite Asia being the world’s most dynamic ...

In the post-Cold War international system, new actors, including parliaments, emerge and they challenge the traditional dominance by governments of international relations and foreign policy. In democratic societies it is increasingly difficult to sustain the traditional notion that foreign policy is incompatible with democratic decision-making and scrutiny and that state sovereignty in this domain is the exclusive, unquestionable competence of governments, as the perceived sole representative of ...

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is an intergovernmental organisation dedicated to promoting public policies which improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. Representing the European Union within the OECD, the European Commission is a 'quasi-member' of the organisation, enjoying nearly all the same rights and privileges as those EU Member States which have joined the OECD.

The year 2013 brought much attention to the Pacific Alliance (Alianza del Pacífico), the most recent regional integration initiative in Latin America. Building on the existing free trade agreements between them, the four members of the Alliance - Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru - have set the goal of advancing towards the free movement of goods, services, capitals and people, with the objective of creating an 'area of deep integration' to stimulate economic growth and competitiveness. Since ...