Работни групи

Тематичните отдели организират семинари с цел да се даде възможност на членовете на ЕП да задават въпроси на експерти и да обменят мнения с тях по теми, свързани с парламентарната работа, а също и по теми от актуален интерес. Те не са непременно публични, но могат да се провеждат по време на заседание на комисия.

Workshops hold during the previous parliamentary term: click here

young people holding up ikons of social media applications

On 1st March 2023, the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies held a workshop on "The influence of social media on the development of children and young people" at the CULT Committee meeting.

Sports and human rights

What progress has been made to include human rights considerations in the preparation and organisation of large sports events? How can the EU and its Member States promote further steps towards a rights based approach to large sporting competitions?

CULT Science, numbers and politics

The Directorate for Structural and Cohesion Policies and the Committee on Culture and Education, in collaboration with the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, held a workshop with experts on the ambivalent relationship between science and politics.

За контакти


Tематичен отдел по структурни политики и политика на сближаване