
14-07-2015 00:00
Competition Policy: Delivering for Consumers

Altiero Spinelli, room 5E2 (5th floor), European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels, Belgium

Allowing consumers a fair share of the benefits resulting from effective competition is laid down in Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and a target of competition policy. This Workshop aims to look at the achievements that applied competition policy and the enforcement of the respective rules actually entail for consumers.

In contrast to this, it is worthwhile reflecting in which areas consumers currently do not yet benefit enough from the results of competition on the markets.

17-06-2015 00:00
The Role of the EU in International Economic Fora

Altiero Spinelli, room 3G2 (3rd floor), European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels, Belgium
Workshop Poster
Workshop Poster

To prepare the own initiative report 'The EU role in the framework of international financial, monetary and regulatory institutions and bodies', the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) has commissioned expertise in the form of studies on the European Union's Role in the following international economic fora, provided by a group of experts. The European Parliament is currently working on an Own Initiative Report.

The European Parliament is currently working on an Own Initiative Report on "The EU role in the framework of international financial, monetary and regulatory institutions and bodies".

The workshop's aim is to provide ECON Members of Parliament with information and background on the current situation of EU representation within selected international entities in the economic area engaged in financial standard setting. It is based on a series of papers by different authors on the role of the EU in G20, FSB, OECD, BCBS, IOSCO, IAIS, IASB and IOPS (possibly supplemented with information on the IMF). The authors will briefly present their main conclusions and discuss with ECON Members and participants. Mr Paul Tucker, Senior Fellow at the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard Kennedy School and at Harvard Business School, Boston (USA), is invited to give a short introduction and foster the debate with a transatlantic view.

28-05-2015 00:00
Competition Policy in International Agreements

Altiero Spinelli, room A5E2 (5th floor), European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels, Belgium

Enforcement of fair competition is based on different rules around the world. This workshop aims to give an overview on existing and planned international cooperation agreements in the field of competition policy. How are they designed to ensure consistency in the prosecution of infringements and to overcome regulatory friction? How do they work in practice? What experiences have been made so far?

The discussions are structured in the two following sessions: Session I: International Cooperation in the Area of Antitrust Investigations; and Session II: Competition Policy in TTIP.

10-12-2014 00:00
Workshop on experiences with the current economic governance framework