Det europæiske borgerinitiativ

Det europæiske borgerinitiativ giver 1 million borgere fra mindst en fjerdedel af EU's medlemsstater mulighed for at anmode Europa-Kommissionen om at foreslå lovgivning inden for områder, som falder inden for dens kompetence. Arrangører af vellykkede initiativer opfordres til at præsentere deres initiativ ved en offentlig høring i Europa-Parlamentet for det lovgivende udvalg, der er kompetent med hensyn til det pågældende emne. På denne side vil du finde alle de tilgængelige oplysninger om høringer om borgerinitiativer.

The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI), in association with the Committee on Petitions (PETI), jointly organised a hearing where the organisers of the European Citizens Initiative (ECI) 'Fur-Free Europe' presented to Members the objectives and reasons behind the initiative.

Rabit drawing with "Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics" text

On 25 May, ENVI will hold a hearing on the European Citizens’ Initiative: ‘Save cruelty-free cosmetics – Commit to a Europe without animal testing’. The AGRI and PETI Committees will be associated.

Sharks diving on the ocean floor in clear water

On Monday 27 March, the PECH Committee, in association with the ENVI and PETI Committees will hold a public hearing on the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) "Stop Finning – Stop the Trade".

Part of the poster of the AGRI ENVI hearing representing a photo with an orange flower on which a bee browses and a photo of a couple of farmers in a field evaluating their crop

On Tuesday 24 January, the ENVI and AGRI Committees, in association with the Committee on Petitions held a public hearing on the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) "Save bees and farmers! Towards a bee-friendly agriculture for a healthy environment"

farm animals in cages: duck, hen and pig

The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament, in association with the Committee on Petitions, jointly organised a public hearing on the European Citizens’ Initiative “End the Cage Age’’. The initiative was registered on 5 September 2018 and its result was submitted to the European Commission, after having gathered the support of almost 1.4 million signatories with the minimum threshold reached in 18 Member States.

Diversity & Equality

The European Parliament held a public hearing on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) entitled ‘Minority Safepack – one million signatures for diversity in Europe’ on 15 October from 9.00 to 13.00. Due to current COVID-19 constraints, the meeting was held partly remotely with limited physical presence in the room, but it was fully web-streamed for the public.