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Publications Catalogue by the Budgetary Affairs Policy Department

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The European Parliament and the CFSP Budget - The case of the Rapid Deployment Capacity EN

11-04-2024 PE 758.446 SEDE AFET CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : Faced with the need to provide long-term support to Ukraine and upgrade its own defence, the EU is revisiting its financing arrangements for the Common Security and Defence component.
Verfasser(in) : STEFAN SCHULZ

Analysis of the 100 largest recipients of RRF funds per Member State EN

08-04-2024 PE 761.979 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing provides background information for the Committee on Budgetary Control on the information currently available concerning the 100 largest recipients of funds from the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).

Performance framework for the EU budget - Concepts and practices EN

22-03-2024 PE 760.700 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : Performance-based budgeting has latterly become integral to the governance of EU spending. This study looks at the principles behind this approach and explores how it is being implemented in Cohesion Policy and the Recovery and Resilience Facility. The analysis reveals marked differences between how performance-based budgeting functions in these two frameworks and sheds light on both benefits and drawbacks in their implementation.
Verfasser(in) : Iain BEGG, Francesco CORTI, Alessandro LISCAI, Stefan KAH


18-03-2024 PE 691.721 BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : This catalogue provides the list of publications and events prepared by Policy Department for Budgetary Affairs during the eighth legislative period (2019-2024) in the field of budgetary affairs. The first part gives an overview of the studies and briefings requested by BUDG and CONT sometimes in cooperation with the other committees. The second part lists the workshops held at the request of these committees. Short summaries describe the content of each document. The full-text versions of all documents are available online at:
Verfasser(in) : NIELS FISCHER

EU assistance to Ukraine and scrutiny of the EU financing provided EN

18-03-2024 PE 756.929 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) will hold an exchange of views with the parliamentary Committees on Budget and on Anti-corruption Policies of the Ukrainian Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, on 20 March 2024. This briefing provides background information for that debate.
Verfasser(in) : Diana HAASE, András SCHWARCZ

Lessons learned from the implementation of crisis response tools at EU level - Part 1: Assessing implementation and implications EN

13-03-2024 PE 760.343 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : As the EU grapples with successive crises, there is mounting pressure to develop swift and robust crisis response mechanisms. This study, divided into two parts, aims to enrich this discourse by examining four instruments – SURE, CRII, CRII+ and REACT-EU – introduced as a response to the pandemic. This paper forms the output of the first phase of the study and aims to distil lessons learned from the design and implementation of these instruments.
Verfasser(in) : Tamás KISS-GÁLFALVI, Cinzia ALCIDI, Alexandre OUNNAS, Eulalia RUBIO, Harry CRICHTON-MILLER & Damir GOJSIC

Die Zukunft der Digitalisierung im Bereich der Haushaltskontrolle

27-02-2024 PE 759.623 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : Gegenstand dieser vom Haushaltskontrollausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments in Auftrag gegebenen Studie ist die Analyse neuer technologischer Entwicklungen, die im Bereich der Haushaltskontrolle zur Anwendung kommen bzw. zur Anwendung kommen könnten. Ferner wird untersucht, wie diese neuen Technologien dazu beitragen könnten, Betrug und Korruption besser zu bekämpfen und eine wirtschaftliche Verwaltung der EU-Mittel sicherzustellen. Zu den in dieser Studie betrachteten neuen technologischen Entwicklungen zählen die Big-Data-Analyse, künstliche Intelligenz, digitale Plattformen, robotergestützte Prozessautomatisierung, Distributed-Ledger-Technologien (Blockchain) sowie Satellitenbilder.
Verfasser(in) : James RAMPTON, Marta DIMAURO, Christine STEDTNITZ, Jana VENCOVSKÁ, Laura GRANITO, Vítezslav TITL

Nomination for a Member of the European Court of Auditors: Italy EN

07-02-2024 PE 758.701 CONT BUDG
Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : This note describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Italy and the country’s candidate.
Verfasser(in) : Michaela FRANKE

Workshop: Preventing EU funds from reaching sanctioned individuals or entities EN

05-02-2024 PE 756.928 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : Sanctions are an essential tool to safeguard EU values and interests, but how can the EU enforce them and protect its budget in the process? With a particular focus on the EU-Russia sanctions, this work-shop looked at the issue from various perspectives, including trade sanctions, criminalising sanctions circumvention, asset freezing and tracing final beneficiaries of EU funds.
Verfasser(in) : Eleanor Remo JAMES

Recovery and Resilience Dialogue with the European Commission_ 5 February 2024 EN

01-02-2024 PE 755.725 BUDG ECON
Eingehende Analyse
Zusammenfassung : Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the 14th Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation. The previous RRD took place on 11 December 2023. This briefing describes the state of play of the implementation of the RRF, and then focusses on the Commission’s recent preliminary assessments of milestones and targets related to payment requests submitted by Portugal, Germany, France, Slovakia, and Italy.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights February 2024 EN

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Research for REGI, CONT and BUDG Committees - Cohesion Policy Calendar (2021-2027 and 2014-2020 Programming Periods) January 2024 update EN

19-01-2024 PE 563.425 REGI BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : The implementation timetable for cohesion policy is defined largely by its legislative framework. In order to be able to plan parliamentary work and exercise systematic scrutiny of policy implementation and of the Commission’s work, it is essential to have an overview of the timing of different steps in policy implementation in the coming years. This type of briefing was first published (and subsequently updated) in 2014 covering the 2014-2020 programming period. This version includes the policy actions of the 2021-27 period, while still indicating the last steps of the 2014-20 period. It includes a detailed (but non-exhaustive) timetable of policy actions in 2024, together with an overview of major actions for the remainder of the programming period, from 2025. Given its contribution to cohesion in the European Union, policy actions under the Recovery and Resilience Facility are now included in the calendar.
Verfasser(in) : Diana HAASE

Sorgfaltspflicht bei der Beschaffung auf eigene Rechnung durch Unionsorgane: Regeln und Praktiken

12-01-2024 PE 758.335 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : In dieser vom Haushaltskontrollausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments (CONT) in Auftrag gegebenen Studie wird untersucht, ob die Unionsorgane bei der Beschaffung von Waren und Dienstleistungen die Sorgfaltspflicht in Bezug auf Menschenrechte und Nachhaltigkeit einhalten. Auf Grundlage einer Auswertung von Dokumenten und Interviews wird festgestellt, dass es bei der Beschaffung durch das Europäische Parlament, die Kommission und die EU-Agenturen an der nötigen Sorgfalt im Hinblick auf Nachhaltigkeit mangelt. Dementsprechend wird empfohlen, eine bessere Integration der unternehmerischen Sorgfaltspflichten in die Beschaffung von Waren und Dienstleistungen durch Unionsorgane zu fördern.
Verfasser(in) : ​Claire METHVEN O’BRIEN, Roberto CARANTA

Multilateral financial assistance to Ukraine - January 2024 EN

11-01-2024 PE 733.763 AFET BUDG ECON INTA
Eingehende Analyse
Zusammenfassung : This paper provides a snapshot of multilateral financial assistance provided to Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion in February 2022 by the European Union and its bodies (European Investment Bank), international financial institutions (International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and groups of bilateral creditors (“The Group of Creditors of Ukraine”). The paper aims to increase understanding and support scrutiny of international financial assistance to Ukraine. The Annex provides information on the conditions attached to EU and IMF loans.
Verfasser(in) : Drazen RAKIC

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights January 2024 EN

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Workshop: Sponsorships of EU Presidencies: stocktaking and perspectives EN

18-12-2023 PE 757.730 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The workshop highlighted various aspects and perspectives around corporate sponsorship of EU Presidencies, including the follow-up of the EU Ombudsman's recommendations and Council guidelines on the subject-matter.

AT A GLANCE Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - December 2023 EN

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Die Auswirkungen der jüngsten Inflationsentwicklungen auf die EU-Finanzen

29-11-2023 PE 756.629 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : Gegenstand dieser Studie sind die Auswirkungen der Inflation auf die laufende Umsetzung des derzeitigen MFR auf aggregierter Ebene. Es werden die Auswirkungen der Inflation und die Kanäle, über die sie sich auf den MFR und das Einnahmensystem der EU auswirkt, dargestellt und analysiert. Anschließend werden in der Studie Optionen für politische Maßnahmen und Strategien zur Abmilderung dieser Auswirkungen im Zusammenhang mit der laufenden Umsetzung des MFR und von NextGenerationEU (NGEU) sowie im Hinblick auf die laufende Halbzeitüberprüfung des MFR skizziert und analysiert.
Verfasser(in) : Margit SCHRATZENSTALLER, Marcus SCHEIBLECKER, Atanas PEKANOV & Veronika KUBEKOVÁ

Nominations for Members of the European Court of Auditors: Sweden and Portugal EN

22-11-2023 PE 756.930 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for ECA members in Sweden and Portugal and the countries’ candidates.
Verfasser(in) : Michaela FRANKE, Eleanor Remo JAMES

ITER financing by the EU budget - state-of-play EN

06-11-2023 PE 756.469 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : Initiated in 2005 and involving seven global partners (EU, United States, Russia, Japan, China, South Korea and India), the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) is a pioneering project to build and operate an experimental facility to demonstrate the scientific viability of fusion as a future sustainable energy source. According to the Commission, although the project has already had a positive impact on the European economy and is highly relevant for the future, it is necessary to decrease significantly the EU budget contribution to its financing in 2023, in view of accumulated difficulties and delays. A new "baseline" for the project (specifications, schedule, cost estimate) is expected in 2024.
Verfasser(in) : Alix DELASNERIE

Preventing EU funds from ending up with individuals or companies tied to the EU-Russia sanctions lists EN

25-10-2023 PE 746.371 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing will give a brief overview of the EU-Russia sanctions framework, before discussing existing EU tools for protecting its financial interests, access to beneficial ownership data and EU initiatives to ensure sanctions enforcement. It serves as background information for the CONT Committee workshop of 6 November 2023 on ‘Preventing EU funds from reaching sanctioned individuals or entities’.
Verfasser(in) : Eleanor Remo JAMES

Das EU-Emissionshandelssystem: Methode und Auswirkungen der kostenlosen Zuteilung von Zertifikaten

25-10-2023 PE 755.098 CONT BUDG
Eingehende Analyse
Zusammenfassung : Diese eingehende Analyse für den Haushaltskontrollausschuss betrifft das System für die kostenlose Zuteilung von Emissionszertifikaten innerhalb des EU-EHS. Sie überprüft die jüngsten Kritiken der Presse am kostenlosen Zuteilungssystem, überprüft die Transparenz des Systems und bewertet das Risiko, das es zu unbeabsichtigten Verzerrungen kommt. Sie schätzt die Kosten der kostenlosen Zuteilung für den EU-Haushalt und wie diese Erlöse verwendet werden könnten. Sie schließt mit drei politischen Empfehlungen ab.
Verfasser(in) : Andrew LILICO, Deborah DRURY
Art des Dokuments


Nominations for Members of the European Court of Auditors: Belgium and Finland EN

24-10-2023 PE 755.856 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for ECA members in Belgium and Finland and the countries’ candidates.
Verfasser(in) : MINNA OLLIKAINEN, Michaela FRANKE

An estimate of the European Union’s long-term borrowing cost bill EN

19-10-2023 PE 754.286 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The European Union’s economic policy response to the COVID-19 crisis led to a radical change in the scale and nature of borrowing by the bloc. Given the newfound relevance of EU borrowing rates for the EU budget, in Claeys et al. (2023), we examined the main drivers behind their evolution since the launch of the borrowing programme put in place in 2021 to finance NextGenerationEU (NGEU). We also discussed how these interest rates could evolve in the future and estimated what the interest costs borne directly by the EU budget could amount to until the end of the 2021-27 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). Finally, we made recommendations on how to reduce the costs of EU borrowing for European taxpayers. This follow-up briefing written for the European Parliament’s BUDG committee provides an update on the situation concerning EU interest rates and NGEU disbursements, and examines additional questions raised by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) after our previous background briefing.
Verfasser(in) : Grégory CLAEYS, Conor McCAFFREY, Lennard WELSLAU

Gender budgeting in the Member States EN

17-10-2023 PE 754.386 CONT BUDG FEMM
Zusammenfassung : This briefing gives an overview of the state of play of gender budgeting in the EU Member States. Their parliaments were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding gender budgeting in their national policies. Replies from 24 countries have been received. Nine countries do neither practise gender budgeting nor consider to introduce it. The reason given is that often the country’s gender equality policy is seen as sufficient. Three countries have not yet introduced gender budgeting but are discussing its potential usefulness. It is often seen as a next step in the country’s gender mainstreaming approach. The remaining 12 countries have introduced gender budgeting. They are at different stages in its implementation: Some are running pilot projects, for others it is part of the annual budget procedure. Countries at more advanced stages are now trying to improve the implementation, data collection and documentation. These countries are also considering to introduce performance budgeting in other areas related to social or environmental policies.
Verfasser(in) : Alexandra Cynthia Jana POUWELS

Optionen für einen stärkeren und agileren EU-Haushalt

16-10-2023 PE 755.100 CONT BUDG
Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : Die vollständige Studie enthält Empfehlungen, die sich auf mehrere Szenarien stützen, wie der EU-Haushalt neu gefasst werden könnte, damit er bei der Bewältigung neuer und künftiger Herausforderungen, die Ausgaben oder Darlehen auf EU-Ebene erfordern, agiler und reaktionsfähiger ist.
Verfasser(in) : Iain BEGG, Jacques LE CACHEUX et al.
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Options for a stronger and more agile EU budget EN

16-10-2023 PE 755.099 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The EU budget has to reconcile certainty in generating funding for what are, predominantly, multi-annual investment programmes, with a capacity to generate funding on a sufficient scale when circumstances and priorities change. Off-budget mechanisms have largely been preferred for dealing with the latter. This study presents recommendations, drawing on several scenarios, for how the EU budget could be recast to enable it to be more agile and responsive in dealing with new and future challenges requiring EU-level expenditure or lending.
Verfasser(in) : Iain BEGG, Jacques LE CACHEUX & al.
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Study in Focus: Transparency and accountability of EU funding for NGOs active in EU policy areas within EU territory EN

04-10-2023 PE 754.285 CONT BUDG
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Zusammenfassung : The original full study reviews transparency rules, guidance, systems and practices in EU NGO grant funding, and to what extent these ensure public transparency. The study also provides an overview of NGO management and decision-making culture, and good practice approaches to NGO regulation. The study makes recommendations to improve public transparency and NGO regulation at EU level, and at the same time improve dialogue between EU institutions and NGOs.
Verfasser(in) : Roderick ACKERMANN, Michael HAMMER & al.

Nominations for Members of the European Court of Auditors: Denmark, Spain and Ireland EN

04-10-2023 PE 754.025 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for ECA members in Denmark, Spain and Ireland and the countries’ candidates.
Verfasser(in) : Mirari URIARTE IRAOLA, Michaela FRANKE, ELEANOR JAMES

Transparenz und Rechenschaftspflicht der EU-Finanzierung für NRO, die in EU-Politikbereichen innerhalb des EU-Gebiets tätig sind

28-09-2023 PE 753.974 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : Diese Studie wurde für den Haushaltskontrollausschuss erstellt. Darin werden die jüngsten Entwicklungen bei der Transparenz und Rechenschaftspflicht bei der Finanzierung von Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NRO) aus der EU bewertet. Die Kommission hat alle Programme auf ein einziges, zentrales Zuschussverwaltungssystem umgestellt, mit dem die öffentliche Transparenz der Finanzhilfen erheblich verbessert werden kann. Dennoch ist die öffentliche Transparenz insgesamt nach wie vor begrenzt. In der Studie wird ein umfassenderer, systematischerer Ansatz für die öffentliche Transparenz unter Einbeziehung des Parlaments, der Kommission und der NRO empfohlen.
Verfasser(in) : Roderick ACKERMANN, Margarita SANZ, Michael HAMMER, Veronika KUBEKOVÁ, Kylie JABJINIAK, Ellen HIETSCH

Policy Departments' Monthly highlights - September 2023 EN

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Zusammenfassung : The Monthly highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, on the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Nominations for Members of the European Court of Auditors: Slovakia EN

28-08-2023 PE 753.256 CONT BUDG
Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Slovakia and the country's new candidate.
Verfasser(in) : András SCHWARCZ, Michaela FRANKE, NINA HUSARČÍKOVÁ

Ukraine: Financing of reconstruction and the role of the EU budget EN

28-08-2023 PE 751.219 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing provides background information on the financing needs of Ukraine’s reconstruction, options to finance the process and the possible role of the EU budget, as well as the governance architecture and the involvement of the European Parliament.
Verfasser(in) : Diana HAASE, András SCHWARCZ

Budgetary aspects of EU defence policy EN

13-07-2023 PE 752.384 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing provides an overview of recent developments in EU defence spending and serves as background information for the BUDG Committee’s exchange of views with Commissioner Breton of 19 July 2023.
Verfasser(in) : Eleanor Remo JAMES

Recovery and Resilience Dialogue with the European Commission- 10 July 2023 EN

06-07-2023 PE 747.851 CONT BUDG ECON
Eingehende Analyse
Zusammenfassung : Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni are invited to the eleventh Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) Regulation. Section 1 of this briefing covers recent developments relating to the implementation of RRF, in particular the European Semester assessment of the general RRF implementation progress, the status quo of new REPowerEU chapters, requests for additional loans, and the mid-term evaluation of the RRF. Section 2 focuses on the Commissions’ preliminary assessment for Romania’s payment request, elaborating on an example that may be of interest from a scrutiny perspective; the Commission activated the ‘payment suspension' procedure for two milestones that Romania has not yet fulfilled. This briefing also provides some information available in the public domain regarding Italy’s upcoming payment request. Section 3 finally focusses on funding aspects of the RRF, namely the effect of rising interest rates, the MFF revision, and the Commission’s proposal for new own resources.

EU Financial assistance to Africa and Latin America 2021-2027 EN

22-06-2023 PE 749.815 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing gives an overview of the different kind of EU funding for Africa and Latin America. Short explanations of the different types of funding are given and tables are provided with the different amounts targeting Africa and Latin America. The main EU budget instrument for funding for Africa and Latin America is the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument - Global Europe (NDICI). Besides the NDICI there are other funds that address humanitarian aid and emergency responses. Funding is done through different means. For example, grants, loans, investments and budget support. All these different types of funding have their pros and cons and target different issues in the partner regions. For 2024, the European Commission is planning a midterm revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2021-2027. It is not yet clear if this will also have influence on the planning and implementation of the NDICI.
Verfasser(in) : Alexandra Cynthia Jana POUWELS

Human and Financial Resources in Decentralised EU Agencies EN

22-06-2023 PE 751.324 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The question of whether the 34 decentralised European Union (EU) Agencies and EPPO are adequately equipped with human and financial resources is a recurring discussion in the different budget and discharge procedures addressing the work of the Agencies. A common issue voiced is that extensions of an agency’s mandate are not matched by a corresponding increase in available funding and human resources. In a special report on the future of EU agencies from 2020, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) comes to a similar conclusion, stating that new tasks for the agencies rarely come with an adequate number of additional posts in the establishment plan. Further issues relevant in the context of EU agencies and their management are the increasingly important role of Contract Agents (CAs) as part of the Agencies’ structural workforce, problems with finding suitable staff in certain policy areas and in Member States with lower remuneration due to lower correction coefficients and the use of interim staff and “revolving doors”. By providing and discussing a variety of available statistics and data as regards the financial and human resources of decentralised agencies, this briefing aims to give a comprehensive overview regarding this issue. First, this briefing shows broader trends of staff developments in the EU decentralised Agencies. Then, it considers other issues related to personnel and staffing, before finally focusing on budgetary trends.

Sponsorships of EU Presidencies: stocktaking and perspectives EN

19-06-2023 PE 751.217 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : Most of the Member States have used corporate sponsorship during their Council presidency. Although the official meetings of the Council are financed by the EU budget, the rotating presidency usually organises unofficial meetings and events that are not covered, while other extra costs also incur due to the presidency tasks. Even the regular Council tasks may costs extra for the Member State holding the presidency as it may need to reinforce the permanent representation in Brussels, send more diplomats to be present at all the meetings in Brussels, and also take care of more officials or politicians visiting the country than usual. A Council presidency may also be a good opportunity for the country to promote its local businesses, tourist attractions or cultural heritage. Therefore, it is customary to organise political, business, social and cultural events connected to the presidency in the home country, in Brussels or other Member States. These meetings require venues, transport, security, travel and accommodations, catering, interpretation and translation, technical support and media logistics. All these extra costs are borne by the Member State, and many of them choose to involve sponsors in covering these. Sponsors mostly contribute in kind, most often with transport solutions, catering, IT or communications. In exchange, these sponsors may be presented with their names and logos alongside official Council Presidency logos.

The rising cost of European Union borrowing and what to do about it EN

30-05-2023 PE 749.450 CONT BUDG
Eingehende Analyse
Zusammenfassung : The interest rate cost of EU borrowing for non-repayable support, which lies with the EU budget, could be twice as high as what was initially estimated at the start of the EU’s 2021-2027 budget cycle. This Bruegel paper finds that the European Commission’s issuance strategy can still be improved to reduce EU borrowing costs at the margin. It should also continue to work on building market infrastructures for EU bonds. Moreover if EU countries want to reap the full benefits of EU borrowing, some political progress will have to take place. Finally, the EU should quickly review how interest costs are accounted for in the EU budget and in the MFF.
Verfasser(in) : Grégory Claeys, Conor McCaffrey, Lennard Welslau

The Role of Investigative Journalism to Uncover Fraud and Corruption in Europe EN

23-05-2023 PE 747.083 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The Committee on Budgetary Control has organised a public hearing with the aim of getting a better understanding of how investigative journalism can help to uncover cases of fraud and corruption within Member States, which is of particular concern to the CONT Committee due to potential cases of fraud within EU funds. The hearing was scheduled out of concern for declining levels of press freedom in Central Europe, in this context it is important to discuss the vital role that a free media fulfils in society. This briefing will provide a background on the role of investigative journalists before moving on to discuss the role that they play in uncovering fraud and corruption in Europe. It will then discuss the decline of press freedom in Central Europe before analysing different policies that could be used to protect investigative journalists.
Verfasser(in) : ADAM JAMES NUGENT

Background information for the CONT public hearing on Conflict of interests: application of the EU rules in the management of EU funding in the Member states EN

16-05-2023 PE 749.503 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The Committee on budgetary control (CONT) holds a public hearing on 24 May 2023, with the objective to allow representatives from both managing authorities in the Member States and the audit services of the Commission to discuss the lessons learned and possible issues and to contribute to the improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the EU rules on conflict of interest.
Verfasser(in) : Alix DELASNERIE

Der Einsatz von Vertragsbediensteten in dezentralen EU-Agenturen

15-05-2023 PE 749.607 CONT BUDG
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Zusammenfassung : In dieser Studie von Deloitte werden verschiedene Aspekte im Zusammenhang mit der Verwendung von Vertragsbediensteten in sieben dezentralen Agenturen der Europäischen Union untersucht: ECHA, EUA, EIGE, ENISA, ESMA, Eurofound und Europol. In der Studie werden die Entwicklung der Vertragsbediensteten als Teil der Belegschaft bewertet und Ergebnisse zu Prozessen im Zusammenhang mit Personalkostenplanung, Einstellung und Bindung, Löhnen und Gehältern sowie Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten für Vertragsbedienstete präsentiert.
Verfasser(in) : Deloitte Consulting & Advisory B.V.
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The use of contract agents in decentralised EU agencies EN

15-05-2023 PE 749.451 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This study examines the management of Contract Agents in seven decentralised Agencies of the European Union: ECHA, EEA, EIGE, ENISA, ESMA, Eurofound and Europol. It evaluates the evolution of Contract Agents as part of the workforce, and presents findings on processes related to personnel budgeting, recruitment and retention, salary and remuneration, and advancement prospects for contract staff. This document was prepared by the Policy Department at the request of the Committee on Budgetary Control.
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The tools for protecting the EU budget from breaches of the rule of law: the Conditionality Regulation in context EN

05-05-2023 PE 747.931 CONT BUDG
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Zusammenfassung : The rule of law Conditionality Mechanism is a new instrument that entered into force in January 2021. It allows the European Union (EU) to take measures in cases when breaches of the rule of law principles affect or seriously risk affecting the EU budget or the EU’s financial interests. As this new mechanism has so far only been applied once, some questions are left open on its application and the possibilities offered by it. The full study discusses the potential scope of application of this new tool. In particular, it analyses how it can be used either as an alternative to, or in combination with, other tools and mechanisms aimed at protecting the EU’s financial interests.
Verfasser(in) : Eulalia RUBIO, Tamás KISS-GÁLFALVI et al.

Nomination for a Member of the European Court of Auditors: Hungary EN

03-05-2023 PE 748.840 CONT BUDG
Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Hungary and the country's candidate.
Verfasser(in) : András SCHWARCZ, Michaela FRANKE

Background information for the BUDG public hearing on: Financial impact of the war in Ukraine - current and future challenges for the EU budget EN

02-05-2023 PE 747.347 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The Committee on Budgets (BUDG) held a public hearing on 26 April 2023, with the objective to explore the short and long term reconstruction needs of Ukraine and financing thereof. This briefing provided background information about Ukraine’s financing needs, options to finance the reconstruction process and the possible role of the EU budget, as well as the governance architecture and the involvement of the European Parliament.
Verfasser(in) : Diana HAASE, András SCHWARCZ

Statistical own resources Examples of the gender pay gap and food waste. EN

02-05-2023 PE 744.202 CONT BUDG
Eingehende Analyse
Zusammenfassung : Statistical own resources could be devised to create more independence from the Gross National Income (GNI) contribution and address policy issues at the same time. Statistical own resources should practically be based on information already collected by Eurostat. Therefore, Member States do not have to provide new data. The base and call-rate of a policy-linked statistical contribution could be designed and fine-tuned to entail deliberate distributive implications among Member States. This could help to make a basket of new own resources politically acceptable and/or to make rebates and correction mechanisms superfluous.
Verfasser(in) : András SCHWARCZ, Alexandra Cynthia Jana POUWELS, Barbara Mechthild BANDELOW

Instrumentarium zum Schutz des EU-Haushalts vor Verstößen gegen die Rechtsstaatlichkeit: die Konditionalitätsverordnung im Kontext

30-04-2023 PE 747.469 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : Instrumentarium zum Schutz des EU-Haushalts vor Verstößen gegen die Rechtsstaatlichkeit: Die Verordnung über die Konditionalität der Rechtsstaatlichkeit ist ein neuer Rechtsakt, der im Januar 2021 in Kraft getreten ist. Er ermöglicht es der EU, Maßnahmen zur ergreifen, wenn Verstöße gegen die Grundsätze der Rechtsstaatlichkeit die wirtschaftliche Führung des EU-Haushalts oder die finanziellen Interessen der EU hinreichend unmittelbar beeinträchtigen oder ernsthaft zu beeinträchtigen drohen. Diese Studie beschäftigt sich mit dem potenziellen Anwendungsbereich des neuen Konditionalitätsmechanismus. Insbesondere analysiert die Studie, wie die Konditionalitätsverordnung entweder als Alternative zu oder in Kombination mit anderen Instrumenten und Mechanismen zum Schutz der finanziellen Interessen der EU eingesetzt werden kann. die Konditionalitätsverordnung im Kontext
Verfasser(in) : Eulalia RUBIO, Tamás KISS-GÁLFALVI, Thu NGUYEN, Tomás RUIZ DE LA OSSA, Francesco CORTI, Alba Forns GÓMEZ

Background information for the BUDG public hearing on EU external action and crisis response: is the EU budget fit for purpose? EN

22-03-2023 PE 746.372 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This paper examines the evolving notion of crisis response, how it is currently addressed by the EU budget under heading 6 of the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (amounts and instruments/programmes) and how it may continue to be addressed in the future.
Verfasser(in) : Alix DELASNERIE

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - March 2023 EN

Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Nominations for Members of the European Court of Auditors (Slovakia) EN

13-03-2023 PE 745.665 CONT BUDG
Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Slovakia and the country's new candidate.

Workshop Proceedings: The role of the EU budget in international climate finance EN

01-03-2023 PE 744.203 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This joint workshop gave members of the BUDG and CONT Committees an overview of global efforts to finance the fight against climate change and of the EU’s role in this context. Key findings were:  The EU’s contribution, both regulatory and financial, is consid-erable and exceeds its ‘fair share’;  However, a significant gap remains between actual commit-ments globally and the agreed funding level of USD 100 bil-lion per year;  Even more funding will have to be mobilised, including from private donors, as this amount is merely the starting point for the next round of negotiations, which will also cover loss and damage. MEPs present agreed that both committees should continue to discuss these issues over the coming months..
Verfasser(in) : STEFAN SCHULZ

Überwachung der Sozialausgaben des EU-Haushalts

28-02-2023 PE 742.789 CONT BUDG
Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : Die vollständige Studie untersucht die Verfolgung der Wirksamkeit und Wirkung der Sozialausgaben aus dem EU-Haushalt. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich eine Verlagerung hin zur leistungsorientierten Haushaltsplanung vollzogen, wobei der Schwerpunkt stärker auf Outputs und Ergebnisse der Ausgabenprogramme gelegt wurde. Trotz dieser Änderungen ist es nach wie vor schwierig, festzustellen, ob politische Maßnahmen ihre Ziele erreichen und zur Verwirklichung der europäischen Säule sozialer Rechte beitragen. Diese Studie analysiert Stärken und Schwächen des derzeitigen Systems zur Überwachung der Sozialausgaben der EU und schlägt Verbesserungen vor.
Verfasser(in) : Iain BEGG, Francesco CORTI et al. (CEPS)
Verbundene Dokumente

Social tracking methodology for the EU budget EN

15-02-2023 PE 742.788 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The EU tracks social expenditure for several reasons, ranging from ensuring financial control to assessing whether policies make the desired impact. This study:  examines the current state of social tracking in the Multiannual Financial Framework and the Recovery and Resilience Facility;  explores how it could be improved to enhance the scrutiny of EU social spending;  puts forward a proposal for a pilot study of a theory-based monitoring approach as a potential innovation in social tracking.
Verfasser(in) : Iain BEGG, Francesco CORTI, Alessandro LISCAI, Tamás KISS-GÁLFALVI, Tommaso GROSSI, Laura RAYNER
Verbundene Dokumente

Background information for the CONT public hearing on ‘Cohesion policy investments and Next Generation EU recovery fund: state of play of the monitoring and controls’ EN

30-01-2023 PE 741.528 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) held a public hearing on 23 January 2023, with the aim to analyse whether the delays with cohesion partnership agreements have affected the level of monitoring and controls of the spending in Member States. The topic of this public hearing was broad and encompassed concepts of two policy areas/instruments that are both unique and very complex in themselves. This briefing provided background information about key concepts and elements (including monitoring, reporting and control) that had been found to be relevant during the preparatory phase of the hearing, to facilitate the debate and help better understand both the similarities and the differences between these instruments.
Verfasser(in) : Diana HAASE

Background information for the BUDG-CONT workshop on "The Role of the EU Budget in International Climate Finance" EN

27-01-2023 PE 742.134 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The Committees on Budget (BUDG) and Budgetary Control (CONT) are holding a workshop on the role of the EU budget in international climate finance with invitation to Members of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI). The workshop will cover a series of important questions regarding the financial instruments that are needed to reach the environmental goals that are set out in the Paris Agreement to which the European Union (EU) and all its Member States (MS) are signatories. More specifically, the question is raised how much has been committed so far financially and how much of this is the EU’s contribution. The key challenges in answering these questions are brought to light throughout the chapters. This briefing provides background information for Members of BUDG, CONT and ENVI about what is known to date about international climate finance and the role of the EU budget in this regard.

Rule of law-related ‘super milestones’ in the recovery and resilience plans of Hungary and Poland EN

24-01-2023 PE 741.581 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : On 12 December 2022, the Council adopted the Hungarian recovery and resilience plan (RRP) based on the Commission’s positive evaluation. Compared to the original plan, a whole new component of measures has been added (Component 9: Governance and Public Administration) containing 38 measures with 111 milestones and targets. Of these, 27 milestones are referred to as ‘super milestones’ without which no payment under the RRF will be allowed. These ‘super milestones’ include some of the Key Implementation Steps of the 17 remedial measures proposed by Hungary under the rule of law conditionality mechanism, some measures concerning judicial independence included in the ongoing Article 7 procedure, recent country-specific recommendations (CSRs) and the Rule of Law Reports, and also audit and control-related measures. The Polish RRP was adopted by the Council on 17 June 2022. It only contained two ‘super milestones’ that need to be fulfilled before the first payment request is submitted, both related to the judiciary.
Verfasser(in) : András SCHWARCZ
Art des Dokuments


Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - January 2023 EN

Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Special Reports of the European Court of Auditors - A Rolling Check-list of recent findings EN

16-12-2022 PE 734.700 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This publication seeks to assist the Members of the European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) in their work related to the 2021 discharge procedure, scrutinising how the general budget of the European Union is spent. It is based on a sample comprising 17 special reports by the European Court of Auditors (ECA), which have been presented during CONT committee meetings over the past 12 months (December 2021 to November 2022), and for which the committee secretariat prepared working documents. This analysis provides a general overview of the ECA's mandate and the emerging role of performance auditing. The main part of this study is a section of selected tables regarding each ECA special report. The tables seek to gather published information to provide a concise and useful summary.
Verfasser(in) : Susanna TENHUNEN, ECKHARD BINDER

Financial support for the treatment and accompanying of Ukrainian refugees EN

16-12-2022 PE 740.000 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : The Committees on Budgetary Control (CONT) and on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) held a public hearing on 30 November 2022 that involved authorities of Member States hosting many Ukrainian refugees. This briefing provided background information for Members of CONT and LIBE about what is known to date about the implementation of measures taken by the European Union (EU) to support Member States’ authorities in their efforts and about the nature of challenges authorities are facing on the ground.

Studie im Fokus: Der Einsatz von Beratern durch die Europäische Kommission bei der Ausarbeitung von Rechtsvorschriften

09-12-2022 PE 740.208 CONT BUDG
Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : Die ursprüngliche vollständige Studie über den Einsatz von Beratern durch die Kommission bei der Ausarbeitung von Rechtsvorschriften wurde 2022 vom Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES) durchgeführt. Sie untersucht den Einsatz von Beratern durch die Europäische Kommission in den letzten zehn Jahren, ihre Entwicklung und ihr Ausmaß und berücksichtigt die haushaltspolitischen, rechtlichen und politischen Fragen, die sich aus der derzeitigen Praxis ergeben.
Verfasser(in) : Jack Malan et al. (Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services LLP)
Verbundene Dokumente

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - December 2022 EN

Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

The European Commission’s use of consultants in preparing legislation EN

07-12-2022 PE 739.498 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This study on the Commission’s use of consultants in preparing legislation was produced for the Policy Department for Budgetary Affairs in 2022. It examines the European Commission’s use of consultants, its evolution and extent, and considers the budgetary, legal and political implications. In terms of scope, the study looks back over the past 10 years, providing an analysis of both the amounts spent on consultants and other issues including the types of activity that were contracted out, how many and which contractors were used, and which Commission DGs and avail themselves of the practice of using consultants. It also reviews the legal, ethical and political issues raised by current practices, including potential conflicts of interest, geographical diversity, and possible competition effects of procurement rules.
Verfasser(in) : A team from the Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services LLP led by Jack Malan.
Verbundene Dokumente

C transfers in the EP’s budget in 2020 - response to the COVID-19 crisis EN

23-11-2022 PE 702.617 COVI BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : The EP’s budget is drawn up during the year n-1, with the preparations in its Directorates General already starting in the last quarter of the year n-2. The budgetary procedure - first inside the EP for the institution’s own budget, then for the budget of the EU as a whole in the interinstitutional part of the procedure - lasts throughout the year n-1, with an agreement usually reached during the last quarter of year n-1. For example, the preparations for the 2020 budget in the Directorates General started towards the end of 2018, with the main budgetary process taking place in 2019.
Verfasser(in) : Michaela FRANKE

C and P transfers in the EP’s budget in 2021 – in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis EN

15-11-2022 PE 739.133 COVI CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing analyses C and P transfers in the EP’s budget during 2021. It differentiates between transfers linked directly and indirectly to the EP’s response to the COVID-19 crisis on the one hand and those that dealt with other, unrelated, needs on the other, including the EP’s building policy. A comparison between the main tendencies observed in 2020 and 2021 sheds light on the impact the COVID-19 crisis had on the EP’s budget in both years.
Verfasser(in) : Michaela FRANKE

The impact of inflation on the EU budget EN

01-11-2022 PE 739.032 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This note provides a general assessment of the aggregate economic impact of inflation on the EU budget, both retroactively and prospectively (on a scenario-based approach). Against such backdrop, we will briefly underscore that available flexibilities and margins under the current MFF framework are very far from providing for a meaningful room of manoeuvre and tools to tackle adequately such challenge, before concluding with some follow-up remarks.

Nominations for Members of the European Court of Auditors (Estonia) EN

27-10-2022 PE 738.227 CONT BUDG
Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Estonia and the country's new candidate.
Verfasser(in) : Michaela FRANKE

Gender equality in the college of the European Court of Auditors (October 2022) EN

18-10-2022 PE 737.872 CONT BUDG
Zusammenfassung : This briefing aims to give an overview of gender balance in the college of the European Court of Auditors (ECA), which has a reputation of being a historically male-dominated institution. It first sets out the nomination procedure and the challenges it presents for the achievement of gender balance in the college of ECA members. Then, the actual number of female and male ECA members over time is analysed.
Verfasser(in) : Michaela Franke, Sophie Eisenberger, Manuk Sahakyan

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - October 2022 EN

Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Instruments and Tools at EU Level and Developed at Member State Level to Prevent and Tackle Fraud - ARACHNE EN

07-10-2022 PE 737.760 BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : The Committee on Budgetary Control has organised a public hearing with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the technical support provided to Member States, particularly in the areas of better administration, digitalisation and EU fund implementation. This briefing provides background information on the tools available to Member States and their managing authorities in the fight against fraud and the broader protection of the Union’s financial interests. Although the fight against fraud involves a multitude of tools in many policy areas, the tool under examination in this paper is, for the moment, used only for projects implemented with the support of the European Structural and Investment Funds. However, the recent Commission proposal for a recast of the Financial Regulation extends its use to the implementation of all EU funds. This briefing note will provide background information on the ARACHNE tool and insight into how it is used. It will also provide an overview of the benefits of using ARACHNE, as well as some of the objections to its use.
Verfasser(in) : András SCHWARCZ, ADAM JAMES NUGENT

Nominations for Members of the European Court of Auditors (Lithuania) EN

03-10-2022 PE 737.057 BUDG CONT
Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : The Lithuanian national audit office, the Valstybes Kontrole, performs three different functions: (1) it audits the state and all public institutions as the country’s supereme audit institution as well as (2) all use of European funds as its audit authority. In addition, (3) it monitors the soundness of the Lithuianian budget from a fiscal point of view, including the country’s compliance with the EU’s Maastricht criteria (independent fiscal institution).
Verfasser(in) : Michaela FRANKE

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024 EN

Zusammenfassung : This document is a compilation of briefings that track the commitments made by the Vice-Presidents and Commissioners to the European Parliament – in their written answers to Parliament’s questions, at their hearings, and, in some cases, in subsequent appearances before Parliament’s committees. The document provides an overview of the state-of-play at the mid-term of the von der Leyen Commission. Since many of these commitments were made, major international crises have shifted some political priorities. The Vice-Presidents’ and Commissioners’ progress on their commitments should be considered in this context.

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024: Johannes Hahn EN

20-09-2022 PE 730.889 BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - September 2022 EN

Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Workshop Proceedings: EU customs control mechanisms and their possible improvement EN

15-07-2022 PE 734.922 BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : The Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) held a workshop with the aim to get a better understanding about customs control practices in Member States and their possible improvements. This publication includes the full documentation of the workshop: programme, summary of the debate, background briefing, profiles of speakers and their presentations.
Verfasser(in) : Diana HAASE

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - July 2022 EN

Auf einen Blick
Zusammenfassung : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

EU customs control mechanisms and their possible improvement EN

23-06-2022 PE 733.135 BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : The Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) decided to organise a workshop with the aim to get a better understanding about customs control practices in Member States and their possible improvements. This briefing provides background information to this event that took place the 15th June 2022.
Verfasser(in) : Diana HAASE

Mögliche Lösungen gegen Missing-Trader-Mehrwertsteuerbetrug in der EU

21-06-2022 PE 731.902 BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : Die Studie zum Thema „Mögliche Lösungen gegen Missing-Trader-Mehrwertsteuerbetrug in der EU“ wurde vom Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services LLP für das Europäische Parlament durchgeführt.
Verfasser(in) : Jack MALAN and Ivan BOSCH CHEN, Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES). Two external experts assisted the CSES team: Professor Marie LAMENSCH Professor (UCLouvain and Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Stefano PAVESI (Ernst & Young).
Art des Dokuments


PROCEEDINGS - Workshop The EU borrowing strategy for Next Generation EU: design, challenges and opportunities EN

20-06-2022 PE 733.141 BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : A workshop was organised for the Budgets committee (BUDG) on "The EU borrowing strategy for NGEU: design, challenges and opportunities" on 27 October 2021. This document consists of an In-depth analysis by Bruegel entitled "Next Generation EU borrowing: a first assessment", a policy paper by Sebastian Mack entitled "Don't change horses in midstream: how to make NGEU bonds the euro area's safe asset", biographies of the speakers and the Power Point slides of the Bruegel presentation.

Reaktion der öffentlichen Verwaltung der EU auf COVID-19

10-06-2022 PE 733.411 COVI BUDG CONT
Zusammenfassung : Um den Mitgliedern des Haushaltskontrollausschusses zuverlässige Informationen und Daten zur Reaktion der öffentlichen Verwaltung der EU auf COVID-19 an die Hand zu geben, werden in der Studie die Reaktion der Organe der EU, ihre Maßnahmen zur Aufrechterhaltung des Geschäftsbetriebs und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Haushaltsplan ab 2020 und das Personal des jeweiligen Organs untersucht. Darüber hinaus bietet die Studie einen Überblick über die Verfahren und Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit den neuen Arbeitsmodalitäten, die die Organe der EU für die Zukunft nach der Pandemie annehmen, und Empfehlungen für das weitere Vorgehen.
Verfasser(in) : Alessandro VALENZA, Dea HRELJA, Pietro CELOTTI, Caterina CASAMASSIMA, Michele ALESSANDRINI, Roland BLOMEYER, Nicolò FRANCESCHELLI
Art des Dokuments
