Discharge 2019

Audit - CONT Secretariat
Audit © European Union (2020) - European Parliament

On 22 and 23 March 2021 the CONT Members voted on the adoption of the draft reports concerning the 2019 Discharge to the Commission, EDF, Agencies and Joint Undertakings. On 1 March, the CONT adopted the draft reports concerning the European Parliament and the Other Institutions. In total 2456 amendments were tabled to 52 draft reports and 46 opinions were given by other Committees. The vote in Plenary will take place on 26-29 April 2021, thus closing the 2019 discharge cycle.

Rapporteur for the Commission: Joachim Kuhs (ID)

Rapporteur for the European Parliament: Petri Sarvamaa (EPP)

Rapporteur for the European Development Funds (EDF): Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR)

Rapporteur for the Other Institutions: (Renew Europe): Alin Mituta - EEAS, CoR, EDPS · Martina Dlabajova - ECA · Ramona Strugariu - CoJ · Olivier Chastel - EESC, Ombudsman · Pascal Durand - Council and European Council

Rapporteur for the Agencies: Ryzsard Czarnecki (ECR): EBA, ECDC, ECHA, EEA, EFCA, EFSA, EIOPA, EIT, EMA, EMCDDA, EMSA, ENISA, ERA, ESMA, ETF, EU-LISA, EURATOM, EUROJUST, EUROPOL, FRONTEX, GNSS+ Horizontal Report for all agencies · Joachim Brudziński (ECR):ACER, BEREC, CdT, CEDEFOP, CEPOL, EASA, EASO, EIGE, EUOSHA, Eurofound and FRA

Rapporteur for the Joint Undertakings: Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR)