Welcome words

Presentation of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs by its Chair Danuta Maria Hübner.
Interview with Danuta Maria Hübner- AFCO chair © European Parliament
Welcome to the website of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs.

The 2014-2019 legislature will focus on the institutional aspects determining the future of the EU. We will continue to evaluate the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty's innovations and use this assessment as a basis for new developments. The evaluation of measures taken after the 2008 crisis will also lead us to consider whether a new reform of the Treaty is necessary. The aim of such a reform would be twofold: to integrate the provisions of the intergovernmental Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union into the EU legal framework, which may require treaty amendments, and to lend democratic legitimacy to the economic governance of the euro area. One challenge will be to ensure that stronger euro area integration does not undermine the integrity of the EU.

Restoring public confidence in the European project requires greater attention to be paid to the concerns of citizens. AFCO will ensure that the European Citizens' Initiative, an instance of citizen involvement in the decision-making process launched during the previous legislature, works properly. The electoral procedure, the implementation of the new statute for European political parties, and cooperation with national parliaments will also be on the agenda. Our goal will be to drive the debate on the future of the EU.

Danuta Hübner, Chair