
Poliitikaosakonnad korraldavad seminare, mille eesmärk on anda Euroopa Parlamendi liikmetele võimalus esitada ekspertidele küsimusi ja vahetada nendega arvamusi parlamendi tööga seotud või aktuaalsetel teemadel. Seminarid ei pea tingimata olema avalikud ja neid võib korraldada ka komisjonide koosolekute raames.

Workshops hold during the previous parliamentary term: click here

On 28 Novembre, AGRI Committee and the Policy Department on Structural and Cohesion Policies organised a Workshop on Reassessment of methane emissions - focus on biogenic methane emissions

Poster on a presentation on the impact of extreme climate events on agriculture production in the EU. The photo shows a devastated field with withered plants including a single green plant that remains.

Presentation of study "The impact of the extreme climate events on agricultural production in the EU", organised by Policy Department

On 28 February 2023, the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies held a workshop on “Hemp in the CAP reform” at the AGRI Committee meeting.

Poster showing the workshop on organics with an image of vegetables

Economic implications and opportunities for organic production in the EU - Workshop organised by the Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies



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