
Current situation in the sugar market

On 12 November, representatives from the Commission (DG AGRI) presented to the Members the current situation in the sugar sector and the measures taken or envisaged by the Commission to support EU producers most affected by the current sugar price crisis, combined with very low yields of sugar beet in several Member States this season.

Imports of rice from Cambodia and Myanmar

On 12 November, at the invitation of the AGRI Committee, a representative of the Commission (DG AGRI) provided Members with information concerning the state of play and findings of the ongoing safeguard investigation concerning imports of indica rice from Cambodia and Myanmar, which have been a serious source of concern for EU rice producers and contributed to disrupting the market for this product.

Studies on the Brexit

Wheat field with Brexit stamped on it
Brexit © European Union

At the request of the AGRI Committee, Policy Department B produced three studies on the:
- Possible impact of Brexit on the EU budget and, in particular, CAP funding
- EU-UK agricultural trade: state of play and possible impacts of Brexit
- Possible transitional arrangements related to agriculture in the light of the future EU-UK relationship: institutional issues