A nemzeti parlamentekkel tartott ülések

11-07-2018 14:30
Performance and visibility of EU funded projects in the Western Balkans

hearing vAW.jpg © EP

The European Parliament's Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT) was inviting Members of five national Parliaments of the EU Member States bordering the Western Balkans region - namely Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary and Romania - to attend an interparliamentary committee meeting in Brussels.

The meeting was divided into two parts, a Conference on "Sound management of EU funds: the EP budgetary control powers" from 14.30-16.30 followed by a Hearing on"Performance and visibility of EU funded projects in the Western Balkans with a special focus on the cross-border cooperation" from 16.30-18.30.

The aim of this event was to bring together MEPs with Members of national Parliaments bordering the Western Balkans and Turkey to discuss cooperation between national Parliaments and the European Parliament leading to a better protection of the European Union budget.

The outcome of the exchange of views was reflected in the report on the Commission discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2017. The rapporteur was Mrs Inés Ayala Sender.

08-11-2016 15:00
Towards better spending in shared management

Poster on meeting with the National Parliaments
Poster on Towards better spending in shared management © EP

"Towards better spending in shared management: a more cooperative model of parliamentary scrutiny" In view of the last annual reports issued by the European Commission and the European Court of Auditors about the administrative weaknesses in the so-called first level checks in Member States, the Committee on Budgetary Control organised a focused exchange of views with national parliaments on specific issues relating to the management of EU funds by national management authorities.

The exchanges of views addressed three specific themes:

• Session I: Shared management: how to balance trust and control?
The effectiveness of national management and control systems and the reliability of the data collected by the Member States,
• Session II: Stop to the nonsense of "use it or lose it" Towards a more performance driven approach of
• Session III: A new model of cooperation between the European Union and the Member States'