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Research for PECH Committee - Policy options for strengthening the competitiveness of the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector EN

15-03-2024 PE 747.293 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : The EU fisheries and aquaculture products (FAPs) market is largely dependent on external producers. Some of the imports entering the EU market come from countries with lenient regulations. This study gives an overview on existing competitiveness indicators. It shows main trends in the EU’s FAPs supply through extra-EU imports and identifies the main internal and external factors affecting the sector’s competitiveness. The research presents four case studies and an assessment of options for adaptations to the internal and external policy framework. Finally, it provides a series of recommendations for strengthening the competitiveness of the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector in the future.
Autori : Martin ARANDA, Leire ARANTZAMENDI, Margarita ANDRES, Ane IRIONDO, Gorka GABIÑA, Gabriela OANTA, José Manuel SOBRINO-HEREDIA & Bertrand LE GALLIC
Documenti correlati


Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights March 2024 EN

In sintesi

Ricerca per la commissione PECH − Opzioni politiche per rafforzare la competitività del settore della pesca e dell'acquacoltura dell'UE

06-03-2024 PE 747.292 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio "Opzioni politiche per rafforzare la competitività del settore della pesca e dell'acquacoltura dell'UE". Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3T5f1kP
Autori : Martin ARANDA, Leire ARANTZAMENDI, Margarita ANDRES, Ane IRIONDO, Gorka GABIÑA, Gabriela OANTA, José Manuel SOBRINO-HEREDIA & Bertrand LE GALLIC

Research for PECH Committee - Increasing selectivity in EU fisheries - State of play and best practices EN

15-02-2024 PE 759.313 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a glance note summarises the study 'Increasing selectivity in EU fisheries – State of play and best practices'. The note highlights the main findings of the study, in particular as regards the existing technical and tactical selectivity measures to reduce unwanted catches, the best practices identified from projects that have successfully improved selectivity, and the analysis of the use of EU funding for promoting selectivity developments. The note also provides policy recommendations on potential actions to improve the selectivity of EU fisheries.
Autori : Laurence FAUCONNET
Documenti correlati


Ricerca per la commissione PECH Aumentare la selettività nella pesca dell'UE Situazione e migliori pratiche

12-02-2024 PE 752.438 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio dal titolo "Aumentare la selettività nella pesca dell'UE — Situazione e migliori pratiche". Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/4bDPuaS
Autori : Laurence FAUCONNET

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights February 2024 EN

In sintesi

Research for PECH Committee - Training and social security schemes for fishers - State of play and perspectives in the EU EN

19-01-2024 PE 752.441 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a glance note summaries the study on Training and social security schemes for fishers. The study presents the current state of play of the mutual recognition of certificates of competency of EU fishers and the functioning of the social security schemes that cover them. Based on the analysis of these topics, the study discusses the impact of the current situation on the mobility of fishers, on the fishing sector’s working risks and security and ultimately on the attractiveness of the fishing sector to the EU workforce.
Autori : Milena ARIAS SCHREIBER, Arne KINDS & Sebastian VILLASANTE

Ricerca per la commissione PECH− Formazione e regimi di sicurezza sociale per i pescatori Situazione e prospettive nell'UE

15-01-2024 PE 747.290 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio "Formazione e regimi di sicurezza sociale per i pescatori — Stato dei lavori e prospettive nell'UE". Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/4796Dpn
Autori : Milena ARIAS SCHREIBER, Arne KINDS & Sebastian VILLASANTE

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights January 2024 EN

In sintesi

Research for PECH Committee - Workshop on the European Green Deal − Challenges and opportunities for EU fisheries and aquaculture - Part II: Marine biodiversity aspects EN

23-10-2023 PE 752.452 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a glance note summarises the second study in a series of three research papers, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. The study examines the marine biodiversity aspects of the European Green Deal. It explores the challenges and opportunities for the EU fisheries and aquaculture sectors.The present research contains two case studies: the potential cohabitation between offshore wind farms, marine protected areas and fishing activities and the interactions between fishing and marine protected species.
Autori : Sébastien METZ, Joachim CLAUDET
Documenti correlati


Research for PECH Committee - Workshop on the European Green Deal − Challenges and opportunities for EU fisheries and aquaculture − Part III: Food security aspects EN

19-10-2023 PE 752.451 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a glance note summarises the third study in a series of three research papers, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. The study explores how initiatives within the European Green Deal may impact food security in fisheries and aquaculture. The Farm to Fork Strategy’s aim of sustainable food production indicates prioritising low trophic species like bivalves and algae. ‘Fit for 55’requires greater fuel efficiency and a transition to clean energy by the fishing fleet. A net positive long-term impact on food security is expected from sustainable production. As two thirds of the EU’s seafood consumption is imported, such ambitions should be extended to non-EU country producers.
Documenti correlati


Ricerca per la commissione PECH − Seminario sul Green Deal europeo − Sfide e opportunità per la pesca e l'acquacoltura dell'UE − Parte II: Aspetti relativi alla biodiversità marina

19-10-2023 PE 747.295 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio sul tema “Workshop sul Green Deal europeo — Sfide e opportunità per la pesca e l'acquacoltura dell'UE — Parte II: Aspetti relativi alla biodiversità marina". Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3Q1uGjo
Autori : Sébastien METZ & Joachim CLAUDET
Documenti correlati

Research for PECH Committee - Workshop on the European Green Deal − Challenges and opportunities for EU fisheries and aquaculture - Part I: Decarbonisation & circular economy aspects for fisheries EN

18-10-2023 PE 752.450 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a glance note summarises the first research paper in a series of three, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. The study gives insight on the challenges and opportunities arisen from the application of the European Green Deal to European fisheries. It identifies solutions that are currently being applied regarding decarbonisation and circular economy practices in fisheries and observed strengths and weaknesses of the regulatory framework. It provides policy recommendations to move towards the decarbonisation of the fishing fleets and circular European fisheries.
Autori : Oihane C. BASURKO, Martin ARANDA, Ainhoa CABALLERO, Marga ANDRES, Jefferson MURUA & Gorka GABIÑA
Documenti correlati


Ricerca per la commissione PECH − Seminario sul Green Deal europeo − Sfide e opportunità per la pesca e l'acquacoltura dell'UE − Parte III: Aspetti relativi alla sicurezza alimentare

12-10-2023 PE 752.437 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio "Seminario sul Green Deal europeo − Sfide e opportunità per la pesca e l'acquacoltura dell'UE − Parte III: Aspetti relativi alla sicurezza alimentare”. Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/48QNfzF

Policy Departments' Monthly highlights - October 2023 EN

In sintesi
Riassunto : The Monthly highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, on the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Ricerca per la commissione PECH − Seminario sul Green Deal europeo − Sfide e opportunità per la pesca e l'acquacoltura dell'UE − Parte I: Aspetti della decarbonizzazione e dell'economia circolare per la pesca

21-09-2023 PE 747.294 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio dal titolo "Seminario sul Green Deal europeo − Sfide e opportunità per la pesca e l'acquacoltura dell'UE − Parte I: Aspetti della decarbonizzazione e dell'economia circolare per la pesca". Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3PJ8GL7
Autori : AZTI: Oihane C. BASURKO, Martin ARANDA, Ainhoa CABALLERO, Marga ANDRES, Jefferson MURUA, Gorka GABIÑA

Research for PECH Committee - Animal welfare of farmed fish EN

21-06-2023 PE 747.258 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a glance note summarises the study investigating the welfare of the main fish species reared in the European Union, and highlighting current knowledge on fish welfare, knowledge gaps, fish needs and husbandry methods of concern for fish welfare. The study focuses on production systems and production phases in a species-specific way. Research includes a literature review, an evaluation of the regulatory framework, a stakeholders’ consultation, case studies and a SWOT analysis. Conclusions and policy recommendations relevant to EU decision-making are provided.
Documenti correlati


Ricerca per la commissione PECH − Benessere dei pesci di allevamento

21-06-2023 PE 747.257 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente studio espone i dati scientifici attuali, le lacune in termini di conoscenze e il quadro normativo vigente relativamente al benessere delle principali specie di pesci di allevamento nell'UE. Offre inoltre ai deputati al Parlamento europeo priorità e raccomandazioni di intervento in materia di benessere pertinenti per il processo decisionale dell'UE. Il benessere dei pesci è una componente importante della piscicoltura sostenibile e negli ultimi anni è diventato oggetto di notevole interesse. Stando all'opinione dominante all'interno della comunità scientifica, il benessere è strettamente legato all'assenza di stress e malattie. Lo stress è un meccanismo di adattamento fondamentale che è parte integrante del patrimonio genetico e il cui scopo è quello di garantire la sopravvivenza e altre funzioni biologiche cruciali. È pertanto essenziale determinare il punto esatto a partire dal quale, in relazione alla specie, allo stadio della vita e al sistema di allevamento, lo stress inizia a compromettere il benessere dei pesci. Broom afferma inoltre che un cattivo stato di salute incide sul benessere dell'animale, mentre uno stato di malessere non è necessariamente indice di cattiva salute.1 Pertanto, le interconnessioni tra stress, resistenza alle malattie e benessere dei pesci d'allevamento dovrebbero essere ulteriormente studiate.

Research for PECH Committee - The future of the EU algae sector EN

28-02-2023 PE 733.114 PECH
Riassunto : This study examines the EU Algae Initiative of the European Commission and gives an overview of the European algae sector in terms of production, applications, opportunities and barriers. The 23 targeted actions proposed by the Commission have been set out with the goal of unlocking the vast potential of algae for the EU’s Blue Bioeconomy, addressing key challenges, such as food security and climate change mitigation. For successfully developing the sector, a set of barriers will need to be overcome. This requires a collective effort by policymakers, at Member State and EU level, as well as industry stakeholders, scientific community, administration and others.
Autori : Marcus Ernst Gerhard BREUER, Irina POPESCU, ANTON NEIL KÜCH

Research for PECH Committee - Implementation and impact of key European Maritime and Fisheries Fund measures (EMFF) on the Common Fisheries Policy, and the post-2020 EMFF proposal EN

01-02-2023 PE 629.187 PECH
Riassunto : This Report is a research on the current performance of the shared management component of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and its impact on the Common Fisheries Policy. Based on quantitative data collection as well as on interviews with Managing Authorities of Member States and stakeholders, the Report also analyses the legislative proposal for the post-2020 EMFF and seeks to support the Members of the PECH Committee of the EU Parliament in their consideration.
Autori : CETMAR, Spain: Marta Ballesteros, Rosa Chapela, Jose L. Santiago, Mariola Norte-Navarro - COGEA, Italy: Anna Kęsicka, Alessandro Pititto, Ugo Abbagnano, Giuseppe Scordella

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - January 2023 EN

In sintesi
Riassunto : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for PECH Committee - Role and impact of China on world fisheries and aquaculture EN

16-12-2022 PE 733.102 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a glance note summarises the study reviewing China’s mariculture and marine fisheries with emphasis on the operations of its Distant Water Fleets (DWF). China’s DWF are analysed with some emphasis on the subsidies they receive from their government, their Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated catches and practices, the challenges they represent to international agreements, and to competing fleets from the EU, particularly in six focal countries, i.e., Mauritania, Senegal, Madagascar, Mauritius, Ecuador and the Solomon Islands. Finally, the trade of Chinese fishery and mariculture products is reviewed with some emphasis on the import of fish feed by China, which may increasingly impact some food-deficient countries.
Autori : Daniel PAULY Contributions from: Mathew ANSELL, Elaine CHU, Wasseem EMAM, Nicolò FRANCESCHELLI, Chengpu JIANG, Kai KRUEGER, Dr. Maria Lourdes D. PALOMARES, Vina Angelica PARDUCHO, Nigel PEACOCK, Margarita SANZ, Sam TONG
Documenti correlati

Ricerca per la commissione PECH − Ruolo e impatto della Cina sulla pesca e l'acquacoltura a livello mondiale

09-12-2022 PE 733.101 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio sul ruolo e sull'impatto della Cina sulla pesca e l'acquacoltura mondiali. La versione integrale dello studio è disponibile in lingua inglese all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3VT7LrO
Autori : Lead author: Prof. Daniel PAULY (University of British Columbia) Contributions from: Mathew ANSELL, Elaine CHU, Wasseem EMAM (Ethical Seafood Research Ltd.), Nicolò FRANCESCHELLI (Blomeyer & Sanz), Chengpu JIANG, Kai KRUEGER, Dr. Maria Lourdes D. PALOMARES (University of British Columbia), Vina Angelica PARDUCHO, Nigel PEACOCK (Napfisheries Ltd.), Margarita SANZ (Blomeyer & Sanz), Sam TONG

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - November 2022 EN

In sintesi
Riassunto : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Ricerca per la commissione PECH – Costi e benefici delle misure di protezione spaziale quali strumenti per la gestione della pesca

24-10-2022 PE 733.087 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è una sintesi dello studio intitolato "Costi e benefici delle misure di protezione spaziale quali strumenti per la gestione della pesca". La versione integrale dello studio è disponibile in lingua inglese all'indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3I8m8mr
Autori : MRAG: Stephen MANGI, Harry OWEN, Robert WAKEFORD, Stephen HODGSON, Hannah RICHARDSON, Imogen HAMER, Rupert STACY; Blue Bio Consulting: George V. TRIANTAPHYLLIDIS; Sakana Consultants: Sébastien METZ; University of Santiago de Compostela: Sebastian VILLASANTE, Pablo PITA.

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024 EN

Riassunto : This document is a compilation of briefings that track the commitments made by the Vice-Presidents and Commissioners to the European Parliament – in their written answers to Parliament’s questions, at their hearings, and, in some cases, in subsequent appearances before Parliament’s committees. The document provides an overview of the state-of-play at the mid-term of the von der Leyen Commission. Since many of these commitments were made, major international crises have shifted some political priorities. The Vice-Presidents’ and Commissioners’ progress on their commitments should be considered in this context.

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024: Virginijus Sinkevičius EN

20-09-2022 PE 703.381 ENVI PECH
Riassunto : This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner in 2019.

Research for PECH Committee - Costs and benefits of spatial protection measures as tools for fisheries management EN

12-09-2022 PE 733.088 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a glance note sumarises the study evaluating the costs and benefits on fisheries and aquaculture of three types of spatial protection measures: (i) Fish Stock Recovery Areas (FSRAs), (ii) Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), and areas designated as (iii) Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs). The research assesses how far fisheries co-management approaches can potentially help to achieve the European Union targets. The study uses three case studies from France, Spain and Greece to collect data on the different types of spatial protection measures and assesses how the cost-benefit analysis framework can be applied for their evaluation
Autori : Marcus Ernst Gerhard BREUER, KINGA OSTANSKA
Documenti correlati

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - July 2022 EN

In sintesi
Riassunto : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - June 2022 EN

In sintesi
Riassunto : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for PECH Committee - Artificial Intelligence and the fisheries sector EN

30-05-2022 PE 699.644 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a glance note summarises the study on Artificial Intelligence and the fisheries sector
Autori : Jacques LECARTE, Kristiina MILT
Documenti correlati

Ricerca per la commissione PECH − Intelligenza artificiale e settore della pesca

20-05-2022 PE 699.643 PECH
Autori : Dr. Jose A. FERNANDES-SALVADOR, Dr. Izaro GOIENETXEA, Dr. Leire IBAIBARRIAGA, Martin ARANDA, Elsa CUENDE, Dr. Giuseppe FOTI, Dr. Idoia OLABARRIETA, Dr. Jefferson MURUA, Dr. Raúl PRELLEZO, Dr. Bruno IÑARRA, Dr. Iñaki QUINCOCES and Dr. Ainhoa CABALLERO
Documenti correlati

Research for PECH Committee - Impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU - Fishing opportunities aspects EN

16-02-2022 PE 699.616 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a Glance note is the third in a series of three, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. It reviews the potential impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on the fishing opportunities aspects for the EU fishing industry in 2021 and 2025.
Autori : Jacques LECARTE, Marcus Ernst Gerhard BREUER

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - February 2022 EN

In sintesi
Riassunto : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for PECH Committee - Impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU - Trade aspects EN

04-02-2022 PE 699.615 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a Glance note is the second in a series of three, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. It provides a short overview of an analysis of the trade aspects of the EU-UK TCA relating to fisheries.
Autori : Jacques LECARTE, Kristiina MILT

Ricerca per la commissione PECH – Seminario sugli effetti dell'accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione UE-Regno Unito sulla pesca e sull'acquacoltura nell'UE – Parte III: aspetti relativi alle possibilità di pesca

04-02-2022 PE 690.908 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento rappresenta una sintesi dello studio condotto per il seminario sugli effetti dell'accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione UE-Regno Unito sulla pesca e sull'acquacoltura nell'UE – Parte III: aspetti relativi alle possibilità di pesca. La versione integrale dello studio, disponibile in inglese
Autori : F&S: Benoît CAILLART; MR&A: Pavel SALZ

Ricerca per la commissione PECH – Seminario sugli impatti dell'accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione UE-Regno Unito sulla pesca e sull'acquacoltura nell'UE – Parte II: aspetti commerciali

27-01-2022 PE 690.907 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio effettuato per il seminario sugli impatti dell'accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione tra l'UE e il Regno Unito sulla pesca e sull'acquacoltura nell'UE – Parte II: aspetti commerciali. La versione integrale dello studio, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricata al seguente indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3nCSf4A
Autori : Wageningen Economic Research: Heleen BARTELINGS, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, International Policy Zuzana SMEETS KŘĺSTKOVÁ, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, International Policy, Assistant Professor, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague

Research for PECH Committee - Impacts of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement on fisheries and aquaculture in the EU - Legal aspects EN

18-01-2022 PE 699.614 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At a Glance note is the first in a series of three, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. It provides a short overview of an analysis of the legal aspects of the EU-UK TCA relating to fisheries.
Autori : Jacques LECARTE, Kristiina MILT
Documenti correlati

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - January 2022 EN

In sintesi
Riassunto : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Ricerca per la commissione PECH − Seminario sugli impatti dell'accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione UE-Regno Unito sulla pesca e sull'acquacoltura nell'UE - Parte I: aspetti giuridici

15-12-2021 PE 690.906 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio effettuato per il seminario sugli impatti dell'accordo sugli scambi commerciali e la cooperazione tra l'UE e il Regno Unito sulla pesca e sull'acquacoltura nell'UE - Parte I: aspetti giuridici. La versione integrale dello studio, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricata al seguente indirizzo: https://bit.ly/31rIhLP
Autori : University of Hamburg: Dr. Valentin SCHATZ, Post-Doctoral Researcher in Public Law, EU Law and Public International Law, Dr. Alexander PROELSS, Professor of International Law of the Sea and International Environmental Law, Public International Law and Public Law.
Documenti correlati

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - November 2021 EN

In sintesi
Riassunto : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for PECH Committee - Electronic technologies for fisheries: Transmitted positional data systems EN

31-10-2021 PE 690.891 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At-a-glance note is the first in a series of three, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. It reviews the state of the art of transmitted positional data systems, high resolution and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for satellite image data used in fisheries control and fisheries research. It identifies the strengths and weaknesses of such systems and provides policy recommendations for a more effective fisheries control system based on currently applied electronic technologies (ET).
Autori : Jacques LECARTE, Marcus Ernst Gerhard BREUER

Research for PECH Committee - Electronic technologies for fisheries: Electronic monitoring systems EN

04-10-2021 PE 690.892 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At-a-glance note is the second in a series of three, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. It provides a global overview of the latest developments, as well as potential benefits and risks of Electronic Monitoring (EM). Worldwide experiences with EM are discussed in light of the European context. During the period 2008 to 2019, altogether 26 EM trials were conducted within the EU. Despite promising results, none of the trials evolved into a fully integrated EM programme. Still, lessons learnt from these trials are valuable and show potential for implementing EM on larger scale in the EU.
Autori : Jacques LECARTE, Marcus Ernst Gerhard BREUER

Research for PECH Committee - Electronic technologies for fisheries - Part III: Systems adapted for small-scale vessels EN

30-09-2021 PE 690.893 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This At-a-glance note is the third in a series of three, prepared for a PECH Committee Workshop. It examines and presents possibilities of electronic technologies (ET) that can be used to report, document and monitor fishery activities of the small-scale vessel fleet. The national fishing fleets in the EU are large where most of the vessels are less than 12 metres in length. The information on this fleet segment’s fishing activities is limited and insufficient for documentation of the fleet’s impact on the environment and for fisheries management and governance in general. The present research contains four case studies with current usages of such technologies developed for small-scale vessels.
Autori : Jacques LECARTE, Marcus Ernst Gerhard BREUER

Studio per la commissione PECH − Seminario sulle tecnologie elettroniche per la pesca − Parte I: Sistemi di trasmissione dei dati di posizione

31-07-2021 PE 652.254 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è una sintesi dello studio per il seminario sulle tecnologie elettroniche per la pesca − Parte I: Sistemi di trasmissione dei dati di posizione. La versione integrale dello studio, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricata al seguente indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3lgWJ09
Autori : AZTI Marine Research Department: Iñaki QUINCOCES

Ricerca per la commissione PECH − Seminario sulle tecnologie elettroniche per la pesca − Parte II: Sistemi di monitoraggio elettronico

30-07-2021 PE 690.862 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è una sintesi dello studio per il seminario sulle tecnologie elettroniche per la pesca − Parte II: sistemi di monitoraggio elettronico. La versione integrale dello studio, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricata al seguente indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3u2ok82
Autori : Wageningen Marine Research (WMR) part of Wageningen University & Research (WUR): Aloysius (Edwin) T.M. van Helmond

Ricerca per la commissione PECH –Seminario sulle tecnologie elettroniche per le attività di pesca - Parte III: Sistemi adattati alla piccola pesca costiera

30-07-2021 PE 690.863 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento rappresenta una sintesi dello studio dal titolo " Workshop on electronic technoloiges for fisheries - Part III: Systems adapted for small-scale vessels " (Seminario sulle tecnologie elettroniche per le attività di pesca - Parte III: Sistemi adattati alla piccola pesca costiera). La versione integrale dello studio, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricata al seguente indirizzo: https://bit.ly/3lRfoyA
Autori : DTU Aqua, Technical University of Denmark: Jørgen DALSKOV, Gildas GLEMAREC, Lotte KINDT-LARSEN, Anne-Mette KRONER, Pernille NIELSEN

Research for PECH committee - Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU fisheries and aquaculture EN

14-07-2021 PE 690.890 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : This study analyses the effects of COVID-19 on the EU fisheries and aquaculture sectors from March to December 2020. It gives an overview of the main effects experienced at EU level and develops eight case studies (Spain, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Portugal and Bulgaria). The research also provides conclusions and policy recommendations to strengthen the sector’s resilience to shocks, and to address current vulnerabilities in view of potential similar events. The study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, at the request of the PECH Committee.
Autori : Jacques LECARTE, Marcus Ernst Gerhard BREUER

Ricerca per la commissione PECH – Impatti della pandemia di COVID-19 sulla pesca e sull'acquacoltura dell'UE

07-07-2021 PE 690.880 PECH
Riassunto : La pesca e l'acquacoltura sono stati tra i settori alimentari che hanno risentito in modo più immediato dell'impatto del COVID-19. Inizialmente, la maggior parte dei paesi ha cercato di garantire la salute e la sicurezza, chiudendo i porti, mettendo in quarantena le navi straniere, sospendendo i mercati del pesce all'aperto, sanificando i porti e i pescherecci, fornendo mascherine ai lavoratori e sensibilizzando in merito alle misure sanitarie.
Autori : Cogea: Alessandro PITITTO, Diletta RAINONE, Valentina SANNINO; AND International: Tanguy CHEVER, Lucas HERRY, Sibylle PARANT, Safa SOUIDI; CETMAR: Marta BALLESTEROS, Rosa CHAPELA, José L. SANTIAGO

Marketing standards for fishery and aquaculture products: Revision of Regulation (EC) No1379/2013 EN

01-03-2021 PE 662.613 PECH
Riassunto : The marketing standards for fishery and aquaculture products are covered by the Common Market Organisation (CMO) Regulation (regulation 1379/2013), one of the pillars of EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). The marketing standards for FAPs have remained unchanged for more than 20 years and in 2018 they were submitted to an evaluation process by the European Commission. The expected outcome is the release of a new legislative proposal by the first half of 2021, in line with the European Commission's Farm to Fork strategy.
Autori : Alina Ileana DINU

Studio per la commissione PECH − Impatto dell'utilizzo dell'energia eolica offshore e delle altre energie marine rinnovabili sulla pesca europea

12-11-2020 PE 652.212 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente studio mira a fornire una panoramica degli effetti generali dello sviluppo delle energie rinnovabili offshore sulle attività di pesca nei bacini marittimi europei. Esso mette inoltre in luce percorsi per elaborare possibili soluzioni di coesistenza fra i due settori, descrive esempi di buone pratiche e insegnamenti tratti, mostra le lacune esistenti nell'ambito della ricerca e formula raccomandazioni strategiche.

RESEARCH FOR PECH COMMITTEE: Impact of the use of offshore wind and other marine renewables on European fisheries EN

30-10-2020 PE 652.224 PECH
In sintesi
Riassunto : The study provides an overview of general impacts of the development of offshore wind farms and other marine renewables on the European fishing sector. It further highlights pathways for possible co-existence solutions of both sectors, a description of best practice examples and lessons learnt, the identification of research gaps and last but not least the presentation of policy recommendations.

Commitments made at the hearings of the Commissioners-designate - von der Leyen Commission 2019-2024 EN

In sintesi
Riassunto : This document provides links to all Briefings produced by the Policy Departments of the Directorate-General for Internal Policies and of the Directorate-General for External Policies of the European Parliament, with salient points and essential commitments made by the Vice-Presidents and Commissioners-designates at their respective hearings before the European Parliament, in September-November 2019 and in October 2020. For an exhaustive list of all commitments made and positions taken by the candidates, the full verbatim report of each public hearing is available on the dedicated hearings website of the European Parliament, as are the written questions and answers.

Ricerca per la commissione PECH – Attuazione negli Stati membri dell'attuale regime UE di controllo della pesca (2014-2019)

16-07-2020 PE 652.205 PECH
Riassunto : This study assesses the implementation of the EU fisheries control system under the current Regulation (EC) No 1244/2009. It focuses on the infringement procedures, sanctions and the application of the point system for serious infringements by Member States from 2014 to 2019. The research shows results based on interviews and survey replies by 17 out of 22 coastal Member States. And it presents case studies for the following seven countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania and Spain.
Autori : Blomeyer & Sanz: Margarita SANZ, Kim STOBBERUP, Roland BLOMEYER

Research for PECH Committee - Seafood Industry Integration in all EU Member States with a coastline EN

18-12-2019 PE 629.176 PECH
Riassunto : This study researched the drivers and mechanisms of both structural and non-structural horizontal and vertical integration in the seafood industry in all Member States with a coastline. The objective of the study was to identify trends among the Member States. The observed trends generally fall into three broad, inter-linked categories: regulatory environment, natural resources and firm performance.
Autori : Ward Warmerdam, Barbara Kuepper, Jeroen Walstra, Mara Werkman, Milena Levicharova, Linnea Wikström, Daniel Skerrit, Laura Enthoven, Robin Davies
Riassunto : Il presente documento contiene una sintesi dei punti salienti e degli impegni essenziali espressi dai vicepresidenti e dai commissari designati in occasione delle rispettive audizioni dinanzi al Parlamento europeo, con l'obiettivo di fornire uno strumento pratico e conciso per monitorare gli sforzi e le azioni dei futuri commissari. Per un elenco esaustivo di tutte le posizioni e di tutti gli impegni assunti dai candidati, è possibile consultare il resoconto integrale di ciascuna audizione pubblica come pure le domande e risposte scritte sul sito web del Parlamento dedicato alle audizioni 2019. Il presente documento include un addendum in cui sono riportati gli impegni assunti in occasione delle audizioni dell'ottobre 2020.

Commitments made at the hearing of Virginijus SINKEVIČIUS, Commissioner-designate - Environment, Oceans and Fisheries EN

22-11-2019 PE 629.208 ENVI PECH
Riassunto : The commissioner-designate, Virginijus Sinkevičius, appeared before the European Parliament on 3 October 2019 to answer questions put by MEPs from the Committees on ENVI and PECH. During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to his portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to him by Ursula von der Leyen, President-elect of the European Commission, including conserving Europe’s natural environment and prosperous and sustainable fishing and a thriving blue economy.
Autori : Marcus Ernst Gerhard BREUER, Zsuzsanna LAKY

Ricerca per PECH — Politica della pesca dell’UE – sviluppi più recenti e sfide future

07-11-2019 PE 629.202 PECH
Riassunto : Il presente documento è la sintesi dello studio “EU fisheries policy - latest developments and future challenges”. Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato al seguente indirizzo: http://bit.ly/2k6rVSX
Autori : AZTI: Martín ARANDA, Raúl PRELLEZO, Marina SANTURTÚN; DTU Aqua: Clara ULRICH; Université de Brest: Bertrand LE GALLIC; FishFix: Lisa BORGES; SAKANA Consultants: Sébastien METZ.